Testimony and Condolence Quotes From Fans


Quotes compiled from:

[Forum Post] Heartbroken - Dr. Peat has passed

[Forum Post] Is it true? Has my hero Ray Peat passed?

Remembering Ray Peat Call-In Show with Georgi Dinkov

[Online Obituary] With Fond Memories of Ray Peat

"As friends and colleagues of Ray Peat we are deeply grateful for the countless ways he has enriched our lives. As we shared our memories of him with each other, we decided to offer this space so that others whose lives he touched could express their appreciations of him as well."

Friends & Colleagues of Ray Peat From The Staff of Ray Peat’s Newsletter

"Ray was a kind and generous man with an extraordinary intellect, penetrating insight, and a creative productive imagination. His enthusiasm for life and learning seemed boundless. He played many instruments, spoke several languages, was a painter, sculptor, educator, and author. He is probably best known for his research, writings and consulting in the area of human physiology and health. Through all these endeavors he sought to improve the lot of others and was therefore above all a humanitarian."

From The Staff of Ray Peat’s Newsletter

"I had cancer when I contacted him, would have died. I quit chemo and became well eating and thinking healthy. That was 20 years ago. I will always be grateful. All my love, Ray, forever."

Marita Akowsky

"Ray brought my back to health and gained the ability to become pregnant after 7 years of severe illness. This is horrible to hear RIP"

Wellness Sarah

"You will be forever missed, Dr. Peat. I thank God for you and the heart and intelligence that He gave to you. I am so impressed with how well you have stewarded your gifts and the courage you had to do so. You have had so much compassion and love for everyone that you have helped and you used your talents in such an impactful and lasting way. Thank you for your tireless effort and dedication to making lasting change in this world and for generations to come. I wish this massive wave of recognition happened to you sooner in life, but what an extraordinary blessing for you to have witnessed the countless lives you have changed while you were here with us. "Well done, good and faithful servant." - Matthew 25:21"


"I am not sure how to begin but, like most, the passing of Ray came as real surprise. I have not been able get him out my mind since his passing. To me, and I suspect to many, he brought some sanity into a totally corrupt system that we call civilization. He was always there to help no matter what!

Both me and my wife literally owe him our lives and I suspect many could say the same.

In 2017 I had a heart attack, in desperation I consulted Ray who helped me keep away from the medical Mafia and brought me back to health. I have attached the recording for all to listen and hopefully help others in the same situation. Sorry for the poor recording.

To me he was and still is a beacon of light. He will always be with us through his copious interviews and writings which, he gave so freely.

Last, but not leased, there was and still is so much to learn from this giant teacher. A true humanitarian!

I will remain eternally grateful for coming across this brilliant man and his precious work now and forever. Words are not enough to express my gratitude. May he remain loved and rest in paradise, he will definitely be missed!"

Love, Chris Gupta

"Ray Peat was my mentor, in life and in medicine. Though I only exchanged a few emails with him, I am very grateful for these exchanges. I discovered his work at the end of 2012, right before the start of my medical training I really felt like I couldn’t share my passion for his work during my medical training. I carried it with me, secretly.

I took me 10 years to finally realize I don’t want to practice standard medicine, but a different, whole medicine, like he talked about. And that is what I am bravely doing now.

Rest in peace Ray Peat, you will be my mentor, always."

Moon Spanjer

"Dr. Ray Peat will be surely missed by us, his followers. My deepest condolences to his family and friends! God bless his soul!"


"I encountered Dr. Peat's work in one of the darkest periods of my life. What drew me in initially was that I felt like I was hearing the truth for the very first time, and I kept wanting to know more. His work inspired me, enlightened me, empowered me, and gave me hope. Plus, it fed my absolute love of rebellion. I honestly don't know where I'd be today without him and the knowledge and wisdom that he shared so freely and so graciously with all of us. I am forever grateful. Rest In Peace Dr. Ray Peat."

Cheryl Rogers

"Ray, Your frank honest openminded unselfish sharing of nutrition and science and philosophy , in an albeit heavily censored world, has influenced and left in your wake a huge community of inspired others, that now have the tools to think for themselves. Really miraculous to have run into your ideas not to mention your humility and humor. A truly unusual man.............. you will be missed but your ideas will live on."

Robert Blais

"I was feeling a bit of heartache about Dr. Peat's passing but also inspired to help spread his legacy. I discovered Dr. Peat in 2011 and can say without question that outside of my family there is no single person that has had a greater impact on me. When I first discovered his work, I would spend hours and hours everyday reading his countless newsletters, interviews, books and other media. It was like being struck by lightning.

It honestly took me several years before I felt I understood him, but was mere minutes before his Bioenergetic view of life started improving my health and sense of well being. One of the catalysts for my finding him online was that at the time, I felt tired and not myself. I also noticed my hair was thinning a bit. For a long time I had speculated that the so called “genetic” theory of everything was quackery and likely dogma perpetuated by Pharma to sell drugs and remove our own personal agency and make us reliant on the system. After reading Peat, my suspicions were quickly confirmed.

My hair, skin, happiness, energy, and sense of purpose all seemed to change immediately, when I first started applying what I was reading in his newsletters. It was this beautiful positive feedback loop where the more energy I created the more obsessed I became with everything he had ever said or written. Ten years later and I am still in awe of this beautiful man every single day.

I’ve lost track of how many people I’ve seen Dr. Peat’s work help quickly recover their health: cancer, heart disease, eating disorders, alcoholism, depression, psychiatric disorders, the list is endless.

At this point of my life, there’s not a lot that I do that doesn’t revolve around spreading his work. I try and think of creative and subtle ways to do it because I know that nobody wants to be preached to and everyone has their own journey, but it’s really at the core of who I am.

I have friends all over the world that I’ve met and stay connected with because of this shared passion. It has really been one of my life’s most delightful and unexpected gifts. I don’t know who I would be without Dr. Peat.

Peat had a knack for saying the simplest yet most profound things. 'More life and more energy can solve many of the basic problems of life '.

Gros bisous , Dr. Peat. I love you, forever."

Dan Dixon

"Though I have mentioned it many times on the podcasts with Danny Roddy (and when talking with Ray directly), I will say it once again - finding Ray's work online in all likelihood saved my life, and most certainly my health. Like many other people who got into bioenergetics, modern medicine not only completely failed me, but it nearly killed me too. By reading his work and experimenting on myself for several years I not only recovered (knock on wood) from symptoms many doctors I saw admitted were quite worrisome, but learned slowly to trust my "inner guidance system" (Ray's words) and eventually saw through the massive fraud that our current medical system is. Perhaps just as importantly, the attitude of open-mindedness, critical examination, and a discipline of "respect for life" (Ray's words) that exude from all of Ray's articles, videos, podcasts, books, newsletters, etc over time led to opening my eyes to many other frauds and even civilizational/planetary threats our "advanced" societies/governments are engaged in. After all that, to me at least, there is no going back to "normal" life. I am eternally grateful to Ray for being the guiding light throughout the years with his wisdom, compassion, and unparalleled attitude of humbleness towards life and everything in it. And finally, in a bit of an attempt to console the grieving, I wanted to remind everybody of Ray's comments and writings on the topic of passing. Namely, life/consciousness is all there is and despite a physical body we associate with "Ray" not being around any more, the soul of "Ray" is an objectively existing entity, now merged with the universal mind/consciousness (the Greeks called it "Logos") we all participate in and share. So, now we are all Ray, he is now in every single one of us and continues to guide us and be part of our lives, albeit in less direct/overt ways. Thank you Great Teacher! Your work is now going mainstream, and, God willing, the entire world will be healthier as a result. My epitaph for Ray is a rephrasing of Proverbs 31:29 from the Bible: "Many men have done excellently Ray, but you surpass them all!" Godspeed,"

Georgi (aka Haidut)

"Decades before "The Internet" and "telemedicine" was a thing, I found Ray Peat.

I subscribed to health newsletters, and bought books and listened to "health providers" authors at bookstores, health gurus, indigenous "medicine people", "health experts" at whole life conventions, from health food stores and co-ops and ads and networking with "alternative healing" people, just dozens and dozens of "health" things I was trying over at least a 10 year span before I found Ray. And all I got from all those other "fads" were twice-over operable tumors.

By the very late 80's, I was subscribing to a newsletter by Lita Lee and she had included an article by him in her newsletter. I wrote her how I might get in touch with him (and there was no "email" then) and when I did finally "find Ray Peat" I became a life long subscriber to Ray's Newsletters, bought and read all his books, all of which I have kept as part of my treasures.

Those Newsletters were the first mail I would open and hungrily read whenever they would come, even though often reading them was like reading another language for me in those early days. But there was something in them, something beyond the words, something beyond and behind Ray's realizations, theories, explanations that rang with such Truth and reality and common sense that I was drawn to give attention. I was drawn to put his ideas into action. I was drawn to reach out more and ask for consultations with him.

I would never meet him in person but Ray became the most important health component in my life. Though he always demurred that "I'm not a doctor", all those years ago Dr. Peat became the only physician I would ever have, that I would ever trust, that I would give the last credibility.

Like so many others, I too say he saved my life, and not just once, but at least 3 or 4 times over the decades. And though he was my physician (my "telemedicine physician"), he presented his ideas to me as a teacher, as a mentor would, often with tons of accompanying other references. I became over time not just a student, which I remain as today, but I became my own mentor as he taught me how to give attention differently to my body, how to read my own experiments with myself, where else instead to look when other experiments with myself would go south.

And like many others, I also learned from Ray Peat's ideas to see and think about the World differently, see and think about the medical and scientific complex differently (run by industrialists who no longer were teaching correct biology or physiology to its students), to see and think about the political arenas differently, industry differently. He pointed out the impacts environment and environments can have on real human physiology, real human biology.

But Ray over all always taught hope. Hope that we can choose differently and experience a better outcome. Hope that we can change our environments and experience a better outcome.

So my dear, dear Dr. Peat, I send you my profound gratitude, my thanks and thanks giving for all you have given me. As others have said, you will always be mentor to me, and I will hold fast all the hope you so generously gave me for so many, many years. Your positive impact on me and countless others was enormous. As I shared with others, you gave your life's work so others might live. Always dear love to you, for all you gave, but for all you were and aspired to be during your time with us."


"Sarah is my cousin and I am so fortunate to have her and Andrew involved in my life, especially with my health. I have found that their knowledge of helping others be at their optimum when it comes to lifestyle and healthy choices, was influenced by Dr Peat’s “guide on the side” energy field. I really like Dr Peat’s style of care that leaves room for us to ultimately decide what we find would work for us. And if it didn’t then we would try something else. Lastly, I am drinking milk again, which I stopped years ago because of misinformation, and loving the last swallow followed by a big sound of “awhhhhh.” Thank you Dr Peat for following your calling in this life time."

Kellie Barrow

"First read Ray's work in 2010. Unlike anything I'd read before or since. So elegant and original, very refreshing.

The scope of Ray's work spanning classic early 20th century science up to the present seemed so lacking in other things I've read.

His perspective, insight, and experience will be sorely missed. Appreciate the various online sources (written/spoken) who've allowed his work to gain traction over the last decade or so."

Neal Gallagher

"I told Dr Peat, I'd adopted him as my older brother, and he was that for almost 20 yrs.

I feel extreme in my sadness that he has transitioned. He helped me, my father and several of my friends through me, when they did not know what to do. He was like my north star there to guide me. And he did in numerous ways. I told him he was the best teacher ! And that I'd have been very lucky to have had him as a teacher in my earlier school days. Now ....well, I'm sure I'll be better soon, but it feels very alone now. I'm sad."


"It is hard to find the right words to describe Raymond Peat as to who he was for us and how he lived his life. He was exceptional. He told the truth without prejudice. He was a visionary. He was an artist. He was an innovator. He was a compassionate and generous person. He was interesting , so much so that we always wanted to ask him about everything. Raymond enjoyed thinking and took delight in when others joined him. He had a wicked sense of humor and a beautiful laugh. Our list could go on, like I said, so many words to choose from. However, one word rings most true for us……….Friend. Ray Peat was our dear friend. Many years ago Ray saved my life. I don’t say that lightly and it is not a metaphor.

Our gratitude for Ray’s help was immeasurable. However, somewhere, Ray stopped being the person who saved my life and ‘the smartest guy on the planet’, as I always called him, and became our friend. Someone we dearly loved along with the love of his life, Katherine.

Ray’s life was a life well lived. We will miss our dear friend and look for his continued presence in the most beautiful of places.

All our love to all who knew him and will miss him,"

Trebbie and Brad Thomas

"I am not quite sure how I stumbled on Ray’s work - but after the very first article I read about thyroid function and women’s health I was hooked. Little by little I have adopted his teaching and incorporated them into my life. I remember my health going down the drain at the young age of 5 .. because I was at the time just in love with whole milk . My mother then decided that it had too many calories and my supply was then cut down . By age 9- I was in the rooms of Weight Watchers with her getting weighed in being introduced to sugar substitutes . Needless to say when I discovered Rays work - I realized that I was hypothyroid as a child - and getting worse with diet culture and dieting that went on for years and years . The healing that has occurred in my body and life from what I have learned is mind blowing and I will forever be grateful . What a “ one of a kind “ teacher of life . He will be missed."

Danish DAbreau

"DR. Peat always presented ideas not heard elsewhere. This is especially true in the field of health, but refreshingly as well in the areas of history, politics, current events, and often delivered with his wry sense of humor. His input expanded my food options, which included tips on what unbelievably could be included in my diet as well as those foods that are best to eliminate. Moreover, listening to Dr. Peat deliver his insights in his avuncular peaceful voice was always a welcome pleasure. Our lives are a mosaic of a multitude of components. Some aspects are irreplaceable, such as the essence of both the man and the wisdom of Dr. Ray Peat."

Eric Dachinger

"Thank you Ray for helping make us at home in the world."


"When most health gurus were demonizing sugar Ray brought clarity and class and taught us the importance of sugar. Over 80% of all the human cells can only burn sugar. Sugar lowers Cortisol, increases Testosterone, increases Temperature, cures Hypothyroidism, and provides incredible energy. Thank you Ray Peat, we love you and will remember you."

Jason Platte

"You will be forever missed, Dr. Peat. I thank God for you and the heart and intelligence He gave to you; I am so impressed with how well you have stewarded your gifts and the tremendous courage you had in doing so. You had so much compassion and love for everyone you helped, and you used your contributions and skills in such an impactful and powerful way. Thank you for your tireless effort and dedication to making a lasting impression on this world and future generations to come. I wish this wave of recognition happened to you sooner in life, but what an amazing blessing for you to have witnessed how many lives you have changed over the last several years. Lastly, thank you Katherine, for believing in Dr. Peat, for supporting his work, and for the sacrifices you have made in your marriage to allow him to give of his time so generously to so many people. I don’t think Dr. Peat would have accomplished anywhere near what he did without such a supportive and loving partner. My prayers are with you during this difficult time."


"My heart is so heavy(I cried) and I am saddened of his death. My son is the one who exposed me to his research and wisdom. Dr Raymond Peat saved my life( intestinal issues/ulcers). What is truly sad is that he will never be honored and be given the credit that he is due for all that he has done and taught us. How I wish that I would have had a chance to meet him in person to tell him how grateful I am. Dr Peat will be greatly missed."

Nancy Cole

"I shudder to think where I'd be without Ray Peat. A very dark hole or dead, probably. Cypro alone was a life changing thing for me. Amazing man who did more real good than all the showy billionaires, professional do-gooders and cultural/scientific gatekeepers combined."

Jeremy Bartlett

"I never got into the "deeper circle". I never managed to get a response from Ray on my Emails, never got on the Newsletter list. Never got accepted into the raypeat forum, although god knows I tried to become a member.

I had to watch and listen to his genius as a bystander. And even so, I had never appreciated a person, their work, their entire existence and what they stood for, more in my own 22 years of life.

Listening to him and reading his work has taught me more about health and quite frankly life itself than anyone/anything else ever did and for that I am endlessly grateful.

Keep it up you guys with the show! Spread his message, be his legacy! Let his voice echo on through your work!"

Rita Kilicci

"He saved my life in many ways. At the deepest point of my despair dealing with a Lyme relapse (so bad I had Bell’s palsy), he gave me the courage to let go of the keto carb fear and feed myself carbs and take antibiotics. Now I'm in my 3rd year of naturopathic med school sharing his ideas. I will forever love and credit Ray for his inspiration…. a loving truth seeker… rest easy ❤"

Ryan Coon

"This is so emotionally moving. The love is so immense - intense - I have to pause and listen to it in increments. Beautifully overwhelming. Ray's name captured his essence, a RAY of light in this very intellectually captured, darkened world. He captivated, inspired us to THINK, helped us to take responsibility for our health, helped move us towards sovereignty and freedom. In this very divisive world his anti-authoritarianism has magnetized so many beautiful, intelligent people who are now in conversation, dialogue , healthy debate - seeking and advancing self-experimentation and knowledge. What a powerful legacy indeed. He broke ground for those of us who are warriors, who in the words of the Knight in Ingmar Bergman's film The Seventh Seal, "want knowledge not faith". Now we'll continue TOGETHER not as conformists but as sovereign beings - on the "road less traveled"."

Alex Iphigenia

"I found Ray like many others. His work saved my life. After having a severe mental breakdown due to keto and stopping an SSRI cold turkey (thanks doc), finding him brought me back to life. His work changed the course of my life.

I have often wondered why some of us found his work while others spend a lifetime searching. Rest in eternal peace , Dr. Peat."


"I am devastated to hear this. Sincerely, to me, he was the greatest man who ever lived. His work has improved my quality of life, which for a few years was seriously miserable poor health, a thousand fold. I doubt I’d be alive right now if not for him. His compassionate willingness to help strangers knew no bounds. But more than this, his philosophical stance helped me just as much. I can’t write anymore right now, I’m too upset, but I will write a tribute in time."

Ruth Heasman

"Ray was one of a kind. I have been physically and mentally transformed thanks to him. I found our first email exchange from 2013 few weeks ago. I was looking for a quick fix after I had a stroke at the age of 30. He not only helped me understand how the human body works and how I can help myself, he also helped me understand how the world works and how to survive in this system. He will always be an important part of my life."

Berk A.

"Obviously this isnt easy to listen to ,but this is such a beautiful podcast and it shows how many people ray helped and what a nice community formed around his work.

I remember when I found Ray's work in 2018. I was an apprentice at a hospital and on my way to work I would walk through the forest and listen to these early ray peat episodes of you over and over again . I didnt understand much but I was hyped and I knew I was on to something. So thanks for making Ray's work a little more understandable and accessible!

Also trebbies call was so beautiful and heart felt ! Thank you for that."


"Beyond grateful to you both for bringing Peat into my world.

I can earnestly say I would not be alive without the help you've provided and for Peat's generosity, kindness, and encouragement.

Thank you thank you thank you. Cheers to continuing Ray's momentum and freely sharing what we find along the way. Please keep these live streams going: they're a true gift to the world."

Theresa Piela

"Ray was such a tremendous human being. He helped so many people, spent so many hours listening to their individual problems, and never asked anything in return. He always had an answer to questions no one else could help me with, and he helped me more than any other person in the world. I feel as if I have lost a very good friend that, sadly, I never met in person. My heart is broken, and I think many people feel the same in this moment. Goodbye, Ray.

Danny and Georgi, thank you for the beautiful show. I stayed up till morning to catch it here. Was absolutely worth it. Trebbie's call was really cathartic for me - to know that he was happy, enthusiastic and loved until the end."

Jannis Dittmer

"Ray was a wonderful human being and the outpouring of grief from his many fans is so genuine, because that kind of love is a natural response to somebody who is so unambiguously good, as Peat clearly was.

Thank you Danny and Georgi, it must have been moving to hear that Ray loved you both so much.

Here's to the possibilities that Ray's wisdom and generosity has opened up for all of us!"

Macaroni Delta

"This was very moving, thank you so much Danny and Georgi, I hope you feel how appreciated you are. It was lovely to hear these stories of Ray's unending generosity and impact. He helped me to completely reframe something that had become a deep source of sadness, feeling very lucky to have found such a special person."

Elizabeth Bromley

"Rest in peace Ray Peat. He was an interesting character and had a unique look on diet, health, etcetera. For me he was the breeding ground of something bigger as I met a lot of people through the Ray Peat Forum that changed my life. So it was not necessarily his dietary advice but more his way of looking at health and figuring it out and I think this attracted special people all over the world to his work. I have met biochemists, health guru's, unique individuals just through that forum alone. So something attracted all these people to the work of Ray Peat. Whether they followed his advice or not. That is special by itself."


"Ray Peat was such an extraordinary teacher and generous human . He saved me from diet culture and basically starvation . The fact that he freely published his work and helped everyday with his emails to people was such a gift."

Danish D'Abreau

"I regret not emailing Ray to thank him for the massive positive impact he's had on my life, probably saving me from an early death. But I'll take this opportunity thank you, Danny and Giorgi, for the incredible work you do.

This episode inspires me to keep Ray's spirit alive and spread his ideas more online. I've been hesitant because of previous online attacks by MDs, because I'm still not as well read and eloquent as I would like to be, to properly represent a bioenergetic perspective. But fuck it, it's time to perceive, think, ACT!"

Kjartan Thor

"A beautiful soul Dr.Peat who never gave up on humanity! I will miss him tremendously and his amazing advice! I am so grateful for his work. I am able to get better health each day.

I am touched how he made a difference on so many people in their health.

I’m still learning. Thank for Danny and Georgi.


We will meet again..."


"What a legend. The world would be a much healthier, peaceful and loving place if it had more people like Ray in it. I hope that people will continue to keep his spirit, philosophy and work alive. Ray Peat along with Aajonus Vonderplanitz were the only two pioneers who could literally bring people from the brink of death back to living vibrant healthy lives. I have been following Ray’s work since 2010 and I feel so blessed to have come across his work while he was still alive and well. I was beyond excited and could not wait to hear this kind man share his knowledge on KMUD and all of the other shows throughout the years. I am so greatful to have come across the work of Ray Peat and Aajonus Vonderplanitz. These two pioneers armed me with lifelong tips and advice that enable me to heal any minor or major ailment purely with nutrition, lifestyle and a philosophy."


"Thank you Danny, Georgi, all people of the "prometabolic community"...and Dr. Peat! Many of us can thank Ray for saving our lives through his woderful knowledge when we were at the bring of death and for bringing joy to our lives again. He is the best thinker and independent scientist for me, with his most important impact on many amazing and conscious people who have been already able to appreciate him. I am very sad and it feels like the end of an era...but Ray will always be there with us in our minds and hearts and he is our inspiration to go through this sick-care system and pharma mafia everywhere around until they collapse due to their own disfunctional tools and agenda (..and YES, it is certainly going to happen)."

Eliška Sluková

"I didn't know who Ray Peat was until 2019 when I quit eating low carb and I was desperate to find a diet that would help heal my body from the damage that diet did I was suffering from hypoglycemia and I lost my energy I found you guys and you talked about Ray Peat in the diet recommendations and you told your stories of how eating fruit sugar again not being afraid of sugar help you and it made me feel safe enough to eat fruits and carbs again, it took a while for my body to get better but it did thank goodness, I'm so sorry that Dr Ray is gone but I believe in my heart he will still be helping people right now more than ever lots of people are going carnivore claiming that it's curing them it might be but for some of those carnivore dieters their body might develop health problems hopefully they find this channel or any other channel that talked about Ray Peat and helps them not be afraid of carbs to heal their bodies ❤️

Thank you so much Dr Ray Peat for helping us"

Pippy Fitz

"Hi there. Thanks to you all :)

I live in a small 30people village in the north of Portugal,been following your work and Ray's for a year,motivated off course to changing my health issues,mostly digestion. Slowly becoming better. I also have a history of panic attacks.

Of all the things i read,and most of the things are second hand info,Ray's work touched me in a way i canno describe. The range of possibilities he presented,the depth,the intelligence and creativity he breathed,makes one strive for new possibilities and discoveries. Maybe God or whatever name one prefer to called it,made us perfectly unperfect,so we as a species could share between each other,new knowledge,but mostly, that forgotten thing called love. I felt these listening to him even among reading some of the technical jargon that i don't understand quite well :) but its fun.

I also want to mention that when one lives with a silent mind,a thing Bohm explored in dialogues with Krishamurti,synchronicity is just the tip of the iceberg,and that a group mind can evolve from such a living. Funny things happen,feeling others thoughts,auras,healing,that stuff. But the inportant thing is a silent mind and i recall Ray talking about awareness and attending the moment,wich for a painter is a must. There is also a niche of people studying a function of the mind called unitary perception,perceiving all the perceptible at the same time,your mind instantly becomes silent without effort,and one can surf this cultural and political viol nce without being influenced by anything,or pushed by anything. I am mentioning this because the intelience one starts to develop when our brain is 100% functioning in UP one can among other things recognize easily a person with a goood heart and sensitivty like Ray. Also,Sheldrake was inspired by Bohm,the experiment is the Crew,Agar experiment on the morphogenetic fields,made in 3 diferent continents spaning 30 years in the process. Thank you once again,sorry the long letter.Hope you continue spreading is work. I am as a Tcm practitioner telling people to eat carrot,gelatin,and all those creamy tasty foods Ray talked about.And at the same time discovering some common ground on both Ray's and TCM world. Take care,have a snack,sweep some juice,dance and drink good damn coffee!Hasta la vista amigos!!! Or in portuguese Até à vista amigos!"

António Marcelino Sabença

"This is so heartfelt to me and can't describe the emptiness. Thousands of emails back and fourth that he has tried to help me with. I am forever grateful for him.

Damn. This stings."


"We're devastated to share that Ray Peat passed away on Thanksgiving day. He was one of the most iconoclastic thinkers of his time, and we were incredibly fortunate to be able to meet and film him. We will share more info as it comes. Let's all raise a coffee mug in memory of Ray."

Back of a Tiger | Perceive, Think, Act

"Sad to hear this news. But remember, in Dr. Peat's own words, he isn't gone, he's just become a "standing wave in the Neutrino Sea." He thought the Neutrino Sea was basically the same as the concept of the Ether.

I found out last month that a friend of mine, who I had not seen in a decade or so, had passed from this life, and the news hit me very hard. She had passed a few years back, but I just found out. I found a couple old books by Edward C. Randall, that helped me quite a bit, discussing the afterlife. I share them here, in case anyone is interested-

https://www.globalgreyebooks.com/dead-have-never-died-ebook.html, https://archive.org/details/futureofman00rand, https://www.hermetics.net/media-library/occultism/edward-c-randall-frontiers-of-the-afterlife/

It would seem that these ideas line up with Peat's own ideas of the hereafter. And if there is anyone who would be a great addition to the etheric chemists that Randall talks about, Peat would certainly be a top candidate."


"Let us pray for his soul. One of the brightest, most gentle minds of our time. Rest in peace, Dr. Peat."


"I learnt earlier this week that Dr. Ray Peat passed away over the Thanksgiving holidays. He was eighty-six years old.

Peat, the popular developmental biologist and nutrition writer, made a significant impression on me. Not only have many of his perspectives on health been deeply incorporated into my own understanding of life, but Peat personally prompted me to start a journey that led me to meet my wife. I will always be grateful that such a man existed, and that I had the good fortune to cross his path, albeit remotely.

I first encountered Peat’s work in 2011. While googling to learn more about the health implications of various fats, I stumbled on one of his articles about coconut oil. His ideas seemed to run counter to what other sources said, but he provided so much in the way of evidence, references, and solid argumentation, that I decided to continue reading. What I found was a trove of knowledge that knitted together a consistent and novel view of physiology and health.

I eventually emailed Peat with questions, and he promptly replied, taking the time to answer my questions in full. This became the start of a long chain of correspondence between us that would last until recently.

I have written elsewhere about my reading-list of supplemental books that helped me to understand Peat’s work, and I have previously published an interview he granted me, in which he shared some of his political perspectives.

Peat’s primary area of study was developmental biology, and he viewed life as an ongoing process of biological development. The idea key to all of his work was that “energy and structure are interdependent”. In other words, our living tissue was not simply a physical structure that is separate from the energy that allows it to do work, but that the energy for work maintains and restores the structure. Energy then—healthy metabolic processes—is essential for good health and well-being. This idea extends beyond health, and explains the living process itself as a self-ordering and complexifying system that is a product of matter being acted on by energy.

This is the constant thread through all of his work. Whether he was writing about addiction, psychological stressors, food quality, or how drugs are marketed for profit, his key concern was in how these factors affect the metabolic processes that cause us to thrive or decline.

Peat dedicated his life to learning and teaching. His students were encouraged to embrace self-directed learning, similar to the kind written about by psychotherapist Carl Rogers or philosopher Robert Pirsig. These men each held the belief that people learn most effectively when they are self-motivated and self-empowered to learn, rather than in the prescriptive, curriculum-based format used in standard education. When helping others, Peat did not seek to give quick-fix answers, which he believed promoted helplessness, but instead always tried to lead people to find evidence, draw their own conclusions, and form a deeper understanding of the subject matter. This is a skill that I observed in Peat and have tried to emulate myself on the rare occasions I am asked for help.

Peat was a prolific writer. He wrote books, dozens of online articles, recorded thousands of hours of interviews, and maintained a regular newsletter that discussed recent research papers through the lens of his own work. Yet, with the exception of a few book sales and newsletter subscriptions, he never asked for money in exchange for his knowledge. His political and philosophical beliefs impelled him to invest in the betterment of others without expecting something in return.

Although little is known about his private and family life, we know that Peat will be sorely missed by an online community of thousands of people. Most of whom he never met.

In life, Peat sought to ultimately understand the forces that enable one to grow and to maximise the span of one’s life. Through constant study, and teaching and helping others, Peat did indeed continue to grow every day of his life. By writing down his ideas and sharing them freely with hundreds of thousands people across the world, it is likely his legacy will outlive us all."

Thinker's Playground

"RIP Dr Peat.

My life will forever be improved because of every one of your words I heard or read. You will always be one of the strongest influences on my life, and I will share your wisdom with people as long as I live.

Thank you for being honest in a world where most people (let alone medical professionals) aren’t. Thank you for responding to hundreds of emails daily, even though we asked the same questions thousands of times. Thank you for always being kind and patient with every single person you interacted with. Thank you for teaching that everything is connected and nothing is random. Thank you for helping realize the connection between nutrition and philosophy. Thank you for being a good person. Thank you for being so ******* smart, for accumulating so much knowledge throughout your lifetime, and for sharing that knowledge with the world until your final months.

Your memory and ideas will live on. They will inspire every day of my life until I die."


"The anti-authoritarian's anti-authoritarian. Very few were more intelligent than Ray Peat. He could have done any number of things with his life. Perhaps he could've acheived "great" things by aligning himself with institutional vampires. Instead, he went his own way and just tried to help people out, painted naked ladies, and invented the carrot salad. Rest in Peace."


"Let us honor this great man by living with courage, creativity, and compassion, and by bringing his advocacy of careful self-experimentation and anti-authoritarian, non-reductionist, empirically oriented science to future generations.

Hail and farewell, Ray. You've done more for me than I can express."

Creative Nature

"I am a bit shattered ay the moment - Dr Peat was truly a father figure for me and helped me save my life at least twice. We had talked about writing a book called The Sugar Redemption and my life was a bit crazy at the time but I had expressed the idea that time was of the essence and I knew he was getting older and he told me that he was in incredible health and taking great care of himself and he just gave me this indication that he expected to live past 100 so I am very alarmed by this frankly and the other comments about nefarious interests that I'm seeing on this thread. it's just chilling me to the Bone; but if that is the case if there is anything I can do as an attorney I will. I'm still going to write this book and I'm dedicating it to him. What a spiritual Warrior and Beacon of Truth he is to humanity and I truly love him very very much"

Advocate 2021

"Rest easy Ray. It feels like my own grandfather passed away. I will always be thankful for all the knowledge that you have imparted."


"Ray replied to my emails with helpful advice for a very difficult health problem my wife was experiencing. I can’t imagine the number of emails he must have received every day, I was so grateful for his help. A great man and a giant of our age whose legacy must be preserved for posterity and continued. I hope his mind has now expanded past its earthly limitations and he can now continue his quest and his work in even bigger and better ways. Hail Ray Peat!"


"Dr. Peat will almost certainly have been pleased that after a lifetime of often near-obscurity, the final ten years of his life saw recognition of his achievements and perceptions skyrocket faster and faster. His fame increased year upon year for the rest of his life. And there is no doubt he and his ideas will be even more famous in the future than there are today."

Sunny Jack

"Thank you for your selfless service Ray. You were like a Dad that I never met.

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelation 21:14"


"Just as kindness, nurturing, stimulation, and freedom promote improvement in the function and structure of the brain, cruelty and oppression act in the opposite direction. If adolescence is delayed, then the importance of a culture which supports curiosity, exploration, play and sensuous pleasure seems obvious, so that biology and culture will be mutually supportive.

The culture of adaptation creates a life trajectory, in which what they want is contrary to what life needs. Remembering yourself as the one whose future is always in question, in doubt and open, you know where youthful energy lives, and I think it starts to feel as though gravity is pulling for you, making things roll toward you-that is, things indicate where they need to go, so it is not necessary to plan, instead, to keep perceiving the possibilities as they open up better generalities.

Once we begin to believe in the future, we understand the possibility of learning more, and of being more. We appreciate the unexpected, and we even anticipate the opportunity to confront it.

Every moment we live is full of sounds, smells, movements, actions.

Consciousness, perception, emotion, sensation, pleasure, and intention have been omitted from the world described by reductionists. If we are going to understand life and its possibilities, then it seems that we should begin with an appreciation of its liveliest aspects, as an essential dimension of our thinking."

Ray Peat

"One of the greatest men that has lived."

Dan Taylor