Resource Database For Anarcho-Capitalism



Google Doc


Overview of paleolibertarian political documents and other docs only accessible to mod: Political Documents


True Anarchy: The Manifestation of Liberty to It's Highest Order

A Defense of Liberty

Debunk (debunk this)

The following document is an overview of various resources which deontological anarcho-capitalists with a culturally conservative and economically Austrian bent can use to further their arguments. Need help arguing on philosophy against utilitarians, moral subjectivists, about animal rights, or simply in defense of self ownership? Check out our section below! Having trouble explaining to a statist that anarchy would not only work but be superior, or that anarchism is propertarian, or against democracy? We’ve got you covered. We have resources on various different social policy debates, from defending gun rights to attacking mask mandates. Our largest section is our economics section; where you can find resources on the business cycle, all of its examples, the minimum wage, the monopoly myth, socialism, Keynesianism, and pretty much anything you might need to defend Austrian economics and laissez-faire capitalism. We’re not joking; we cover pretty much anything you can think of in economics. We even have a small and humble culture section at the bottom for those interested in defending traditional values. Finally, check out our reading list at the bottom for additional information!

If you want more information on economics, culture, or social policy, this document provides just a basic overview with some useful resources. However, check out these two much larger fact sheets filled to the brim with extremely useful stats (credit to AmirBaky):


Secure Copy of LFS in case above gets nuked: Copy of Libertarian Fact Sheet


Secure Copy of RWFS in case above gets nuked: Copy of Right Wing fact sheet

Do note that there are things on here not covered by either fact sheet. These areas primarily relate to anarchism, political theory, and philosophy, but also include specific monopolization, some economic empirical evidence, and a bit of stuff on culture and social policy. The Right-Wing fact sheet contains useful cultural information which may not be present on either the Libertarian Fact Sheet and this doc, and please use the Libertarian Fact Sheet for tons of extra statistics regarding the superiority of free markets and libertarian social policy. Please utilize all three resources to the best of your ability!

This is a work in progress. Please feel free to email me at if you find a solid resource which could be added.

UPDATE 6/30: This resource database is going to start to transition onto the libertarian fact sheet. This will be an ongoing process

UPDATE 7/6: This resource database is now only being added to sporadically. For updated data and arguments, I’d primarily visit the Libertarian Fact Sheet. The Right-Wing Fact Sheet and Fact Sheet Copies are also being sporadically updated now, if at all. However, you can still come here for material on anarchism, vaccines, culture, economic theory, and monopolies, as well as a few other things.


How would anarchism work? What are its historical examples?

Historical Examples of Anarchism and Quasi-Anarchism

Listed below

Britain: Anarchy in the U.K: The English Experience With Private Protection by Roderick Long Institutional Bases of the Spontaneous Order: Surety and Assurance by Albert Loan The Private Supply of ‘Public Goods’ in Nineteenth Century Britain by Stephen Davies Are Public Goods Really Common Pools? Considerations of the Evolution of Policing and Highways in England by Bruce L. Benson Settlement and the Decline of Private Prosecution in Thirteenth-Century England by Daniel Klerman Voluntarism: Life Savings by James Payne Saving the Environment for a Profit, Victorian-Style by Pierre Desroches The Frontier: An American Experiment in Anarcho-Capitalism: The Not So Wild, Wild West by Terry Anderson and P. J. Hill The Not So Wild, Wild West: Property Rights on the Frontier by Terry Anderson and P.J. Hill Gunfighters, Highwaymen, and Vigilantes: Violence on the Frontier by Roger D. McGrath (especially chapter 13 and pages 252-253) Treat Them to a Good Dose of Lead by Roger D. McGrath The Culture of Violence in the American West by Thomas J. Dilorenzo 

Treat Them to a Good Dose of Lead

The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality 

Miners, Vigilantes & Cattlemen: Overcoming Free Rider Problems in the Private Provision of Law

The Evolution of Property Rights: A Study of the American West

Vigilantes of Montana

Criminal Law Beyond the State: Popular Trials on the Frontier by Andrea McDowell :: SSRN

yeah.. Highways of Capitalism in How Capitalism Saved America by Thomas DiLorenzo Are Public Goods Really Common Pools? Considerations of the Evolution of Policing and Highways in England by Bruce L. Benson Are Roads Public Goods, Club Goods, Private Goods, or Common Pools? by Bruce L. Benson Sell the Streets by Benjamin Powell Take the Public‐Private Road to Efficiency by Chris Edwards Paying for Roads in Uncle Sam, the Monopoly Man by William C. Wooldridge (pages 128-140) The History of Private Roads in The Privatization of Roads and Highways by Walter Block (pages 145-149) Roads Without the State by Peter Samuel The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods? The Turnpike Companies of Early America by Daniel B. Klein The Private Provision of Roads: Solutions to the Apparent Monopoly Power of Private Road Commissions by David J. Hebert To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice by Bruce Benson (pages 158-161) Why the U.S. Should Adopt the Nordic Approach to Private Roads By Giovanna da Silva Railroads: The Japanese Experience with Railway Restructuring by Fumitoshi Mizutani and Kiyoshi Nakamura The Railroads Of France by Murray N. Rothbard Where and Why Public Ownership has Failed by Yves Guyot (especially pages 75-78, 163-176, and

you should add under environment about how the Brazilian government subsidizes cattle ranching and settlements by small farmers, this encourages the livestock industry to cut down trees to promote pastureland and encourage settlers to turn forests into farmland (which are the major factors behind deforestation)

also check this out, provolone sent me it

essentially climate change isn't very dangerous, and every part of it can be overcome with technology

American economist Robert P. Murphy points out3 that the climate change impact calculated by using IPCC models is not as terrible as the picture painted in the media or even in summaries of the very same models. For example, according to the IPCC report, despite climate change in fifty years after 2000 the total number and percentage of malnourished children in developing countries will fall by 9.4 million. According to WHO, by 2030 the health effects of diseases are expected to decrease by 30% as compared to 2004. Even if some of the worst IPCC scenarios will come true, within a century from now our descendants will be ‘only’ 8.5 times richer than us as compared to 9.5 times if no harmful climate change would occur.4 Our children will still be healthier than us, and the technological development along with the accumulation of wealth will make it easier for them to cope with climate change.

According to Murphy’s calculations, in the IPCC’s worst-case scenario5 of temperature increasing by 2.5 degrees Celsius by 2050 the expected cost in terms of impact on GDP (and that includes health effects and mortality rate) would reach at most 2.5%. At the same time, according to the IPCC report, the cost of programs that aim at limiting temperature increase due to greenhouse gas emissions up to 2 degrees Celsius during this period is about 3.4% of GDP.

In short, this means that if politicians would choose not to act at all, allowing temperature to rise by 2.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, the cost would be smaller (equal to at most 2.5% of GDP) than the cost of programs aiming at limiting temperature increase to 2 degrees alone (equal to at least 3.4% of GDP).

The perspective up to the year 2100 is similar: In the IPCC’s worst-case scenario a rise in temperature by 4.9 degrees Celsius causes damage of around 4.6% of GDP. Meanwhile, the cost of restricting emissions is about 4.8% of GDP in 2100.

The Republic of Cospaia: An Anarchist Renaissance City -

American Anarcho-Capitalism: 3_1_2_0.pdf (

Libertarian Anarchy: Eskimo, Early Ireland, Somalia, Worldwide: Libertarian Anarchy (

Pirate Ships, Bandits, and Somalia: Anarchy Unbound, or: Why Self-Governance Works Better than You Think | Cato Unbound (

Liberland: Free Republic of Liberland

South Africa, England, Detroit, San Francisco, etc Private Police: See police section below

Rojava: Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria

More on Rojava: Springtime Of Nations—Rojava

Viking Age Iceland: Viking age Iceland : Jesse L. Byock : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming

Private Courts in Viking Age Iceland: Medieval Iceland and the Absence of Government | Mises Institute

Somalian Empirical Evidence against Statism: Better off stateless: Somalia before and after government collapse

More Somalia:

China and Private Courts | Mises Wire

More real world examples: The Possibility of Private Law

Anarchism in Theory

Chaos Theory: Chaos Theory (

A Spontaneous Order: spontaneous_order.pdf (

The Libertarian Manifesto: For A New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto (

In an anarcho-capitalist state, how would courts and the justice system work without government?

Doc of above info: On Privatizing the Courts, Military, etc.

The Machinery of Freedom: The Machinery of Freedom

On General Political Theory

-----Introduction to Our Ideology-----

What is Anarcho-Capitalism:

Original Anarchist Thinkers:

-----Our Ideology in the Realm of Modern Politics-----

Libertarian Takes:

Libertarian Issues:

Anarcho-Capitalism in Relation to Other Ideologies:

Libertarian Strategy:

-----Debating Political Theory-----

Ancaps are Anarchists:

Against Democracy:

Fascism and Socialism:


Different categories based on type of defense

General Philosophy

Good general philosophy reading (provolone):

Reading list at bottom

If you wanna know just the specific ancients you should read I think the Epicureans, the stoics, Platonists, Aristotelians and skeptics really.

So plato and Plotinus, Aristotle and aquinas, Epicurus, Epictetus Seneca Marcus Aurelius, Sextus Empiricus and maybe throw in some Heraclitus and Parmenides.

Hayekian Dialectics, Marx, and Utopia

In Defence of the Kantian Tradition: A Response To Steven Yates

Hobbes, Hegel, Kant… NOT Reading Political Philosophy. - YouTube

A way out of the Euthyphro dilemma | ZANGWILL, NICK | download (

Overview of Self-Ownership

A Natural Rights Foundation Of Ethics – Voluntaryist Haven

How We Come to Own Ourselves | Mises Institute

Libertarianism - a Legal theory, or a Moral one?

Argumentation Ethics

The Theory:

A Primer on Hoppe's Argumentation Ethics | Mises Wire

Argumentation and Self-Ownership | Mises Institute

The Ultimate Justification of the Private Property Ethic

The Economics and Ethics of Private Property

A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism

Note from provolone: It’s mostly a back and forth, kinsella is your guy to defend against it tbh.

Nico ethics has stuff on it too, and other writers have written stuff on rights in particular.

Argumentation Ethics Doc


Austro-Athenian Empire - May 2004 

Argumentation Ethics and Liberty: A Concise Guide 

Notes on Long versus Hoppe

Defending from Critiques:

Defending Argumentation Ethics (

Hoppe's Argumentation Ethics and Its Critics 

Defending the Hoppriori Argument | The Zeroth Position 

Hans Hermann Hoppe, “On The Ethics of Argumentation” (PFS 2016)

A Reply to the Current Critiques Formulated Against Hoppe’s Argumentation Ethics | Mises Institute

PDF of above: Debunking Critiques of Argumentation Ethics

Kantian Defense of Self-Ownership

A Kantian Defense of Self-Ownership*

Estoppel Defense of Self-Ownership

051-074 Kinsella


The Genesis of Estoppel: My Libertarian Rights Theory

Other/All Defenses of Self-Ownership

Different Defenses of Self-Ownership | September 15, 2005

Separate Approaches Covered:

Separate Approaches not Covered:

Libertarianism and Property Rights from First Principles - YouTube

A Defense of Natural Procedural Rights | Mises Institute

Bridging the Self-Ownership/Private Property Gap

More resources on this coming soon

Private Property

Separate approaches:

Animal Rights


Do Libertarians Care About Animals?

The Libertarian Case for Rejecting Meat Consumption

The heresy of animal rights - America's Future

Libertarian Animal Rights Caucus - Home


The "Rights" of Animals

Is Ought Gap

Following links:

Beyond Is and Ought

Removing the Blades from Hume's Guillotine

Why we shouldn’t get too excited about the is–ought gap

Debunking Noncognitivism

An empirical argument against moral non-cognitivism

IEP Non-Cognitivism in Ethics (especially Frege-Geach Problem)

Moral Cognitivism vs. Non-Cognitivism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Debunking Utilitarianism

Xx: Utilitarianism presupposes ownership over your emotions, as for your utility to be positive you must rightfully possess (own) your emotions. Owning your emotions should naturally imply self-ownership, which would take precedence over utilitarianism.

Utilitarianism relies on the assumption that all pleasure is good. Given this, anyone feeling any amount of pleasure is viewed as inherently good. However, emotions are what represent pleasure and for one to consider pleasure to be good they must assert that it is rightful for the person to feel said pleasure, meaning you must assert that one owns their body as that is the only way they can possibly own their emotions. Thus utilitarianism presupposes self ownership and thus falls apart. 

If we do not presuppose self ownership we run into the issue of you making the illogical jump that one feeling their own pleasure is good, as they do not rightfully own said pleasure and thus we cannot assign an ought to it, necessary to proceed with the utilitarian framework.

Robert Nozick's Political Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) (2.2) 

Utilitarianism, Act and Rule 

A Refutation of Utilitarianism 

Rule Consequentialism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy) (8 & 9)

Kantianism > Utilitarianism | PH115: Introduction to Ethics (

Arguments against Utilitarianism

What's Wrong With Utilitarianism?

Why Not Utilitarianism?

New Inconsistencies in Infinite Utilitarianism: is Every World Good, Bad or Neutral?

Without Foundations: Justification in Political Theory: Chapter 3: Against Utilitarianism

Compiled Resources: Refuting Utilitarianism (EZ)

Debunking Subjective/Relative/Nonexistent Morality (Moral Error Theory)

Metaethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Moral Anti-Realism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Constructivism in Metaethics (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Moral Realism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Moral Naturalism (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Some more important articles on it too

See below proof of moral truths

Some books to read: Euthyphro, Ethics: Inventing right and wrong, Essays in Quasi-Realism, Whatever happened to Good and Evil?, Kant's Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals, The normative web and nicomachean ethics by Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas

Watch frank mute me cause I mentioned Kant lel

Moral Error Theory Without Epistemic Error Theory: Scepticism About Second-Personal Reasons | The Philosophical Quarterly | Oxford Academic (

The Normative Web: An Argument For Moral Realism

Moral Error Theory: History, Critique, Defence | Reviews | Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews | University of Notre Dame

Moral Error Theory and the Belief Problem

Moorean Arguments Against Moral Error Theory : philosophy

Why Epistemic Reductionism Won’t Save the Moral Error Theorist

Moore vs Moral Error Theory


-----Debunking Determinism-----

(P1) If determinism is true, then it is possible for there to be a perfect predictor which calculates, using the deterministic laws of physics, the future with perfect accuracy. 

(P2) But, if perfect predictors possible, it’s also possible for there to be another perfect predictor which predicts what the first perfect predictor predicts, and to act in a way so as to ensure that its prediction does not come true. 

(P3) If there is a predictor which ensures that the perfect predictor’s prediction does not come true, then perfect predictors are not possible.  

(SC1) So, perfect predictors are impossible. [From P2 and P3] 

(C) Thus, determinism is false. [From P1 and SC1]

Note: Predictors cannot predict themselves leads to some issues with this

inference.devices.7.bib.included.dvi (

No extension of quantum theory can have improved predictive power

-----Proving Moral Truths-----

P1) A moral truth is an objective statement about morality and only morality (in the metaphysical sense).

P2) Moral truths do not exist.

P3) P2 is a statement about morality in purely the metaphysical sense, which is true if we grant subjective or nonexistent morality.

C) P2 does not exist according to P2.

——-The Truth Proof——-


Proving that there is truth by contradiction.

P1. Assume that there is no truth

P2. if P1 then it is true that there is no truth

C.  therefore there is truth```

-----Disproving Materialism-----

P1) if materialism is true or psychicalism is true, then everything in the universe would be purely physical or material

P2) P1 can be restated as “there is nothing which is nonmaterial/nonphysical.”

P3) An objective fact purely about the nonphysical/nonmaterial would itself be nonphysical/nonmaterial.

P4) P2 is an objective fact purely about the nonmaterial/nonphysical.

P5) P2 is nonmaterial and nonphysical.

P6) P2 doesn’t exist according to P2.

C) ergo materialism is false — QED.

Materialism alone cannot explain the riddle of consciousness

Is Scientific Materialism "Almost Certainly False"? - Scientific American Blog Network

-----Proof of Self-Ownership/Life Right-----

Assertion: Man is a living being with a right to support his own life. (I.e. The Right to Life.)

Life is a process of self-sustaining and self-generated action.

If an organism fails to engage in the action specified then it dies.

Man may engage in a process of self-sustaining and self generated action.

Therefore Man is/may be a living organism.

A right is a moral principle defining and sanctioning a man’s freedom of action.

Morality is a code of values to guide man’s choices and actions.

A value is that which one acts to gain and/or keep.

A principle is a fundamental, primary, or general truth, on which other truths depend.

Life requires self-sustaining and self generated action to be kept.

Therefore life is a value.

A dead or nonliving organism is incapable of action.

Therefore a dead or nonliving organism is incapable of keeping values.

Therefore a dead or nonliving organism is incapable of being moral or immoral.

In order for a Man to live he must engage in self-sustaining and self-generated action.

In acting to keep the value of his own life, Man chooses to keep the ability to value.

This act is a moral principle.

Man is free to chose whether or not to act upon this moral principle.

Therefore Man has a Right to Life.

Elaboration Dialogue ----------------> 

So morality is a code of values, the validity of said code is up for debate and scrutiny but for any values to be held, one must of course be alive.

This of course is an irrefutable fact.

So by choosing to live one is acting in accordance with a value code, namely acting in accordance to hold any values whatsoever - choosing in essence "the value" if you will.

As a matter of principle, of fundamental truth he is choosing to value and in this act (whatever his later just actions or errors may be), is acting upon his right to his own life

Property rights would be the corollary as one must hold property to sustain oneself

But all natural rights stem from your right to yourself

>OH, so when you choose to hold a value, which is necessary in argumentation, you concede the right to oneself?


*in answering to utilitarianism*

From that question lies the field of ethics as a whole - what I mean to say is answering the questions of how one ought to act. A code of values.

The Utilitarian end is not in accordance with one's nature.

And "human nature" in this context

Isn't the typical vague allusion

But rather the product of the initial two rights we've asserted, that of life and property

Non-aggression easily follows shortly, but the Utilitarian end essentially deems a metaphysical worldview of Men as servants rather than individuals.

But since I'm headed to bed momentarily, on Utilitarianism specifically to through the assertions discussed I'll leave this link to a couple of excerpts

Ayn Rand Lexicon Link in Utilitarianism Section

>yes, and it isn't even in man's nature necessarily to act to the principles of one's utility

---Why Care About Morality---

My stance is that given objective morality, then you cannot rationally argue against the fact that you ought to be moral, because:

Morality is discovered through the use of reason and logic.

The use of reason and logic must assume the validity of reason and logic.

The validity of reason and logic must assume both the existence of truth, and the correctness of being consistent.

Consistency is absence of contradiction.

Contradiction would be self-refuting.

Therefore, to avoid self-refutation within reason/logic, you must be consistent.

Given the correctness of consistency and the existence of truth within reason and logic, we furthermore must look at why this applies to everyone.

Anyone who attempts to engage in argumentation against following objective morality must use logic and reason.

> Morality is discovered through the use of reason in logic.


> ...


> Consistency is the absence of contradiction.


> Contradiction would be self-refuting.


> Therefore, to avoid self-refutation within reason/logic, you must be consistent.

Objective morality has been discovered through reason and logic.

Therefore, we have logically found that objective morality is correct.

Therefore, we have discovered that contradictory action to the objective morality is wrong.

Therefore, we have found that it is inconsistent.

This is because to be false, something must be inconsistent with reality.

To be false, something must not be true.

If a theory different from objective morality is not true, then it is false.

Therefore, it is wrong, and therefore inconsistent.

Therefore, to be immoral is to be inconsistent. And given that in order to argue, one must presuppose the correctness of consistency, one cannot rationally argue against following an objective morality given its truth.


Following catalogs economics in order: praxeology, pure economic theory, socialism, market interventionism, and then at the end of this doc, specific longer reading.

Basic Intro: 


Austrian Business Cycle Theory, Inflation/Deflation, Free Banking, and Opposing Schools of Thought

The Austrian Business Cycle Theory:

Defending the Theory:

ABCT Specifics:

Stimulus, Spending, Accelerator, and Multiplier: 

Continuous Faulty Monetary Policy:

Addressing “But Why No Hyperinflation”:



Deflation and Economic Growth in Britain:

Inflation in Germany 1923:

Deflation and Economic Growth in Japan:

Austrian Business Cycle Theory Empirical Evidence: 

“But muh endo money tho” (endogenous money argument):

1819 Crash:

1837 and 1839-1843 Crashes:

1920-21 Brief Crash:

The Great Depression, World War II Economics, and the New Deal:

1982 Recession:

Dot Com Bubble of 2001:

Subprime Crisis (2008 Housing Market/The Great Recession):

2010 European Debt Crisis:

2020 Crash (Covid Crisis):

Banking in Early America:

Free Banking:

Free Banking Empirical Evidence:

Full vs Fractional Reserve Banking:


Contra-Neoclassical Econ:

Contra-Monetarism and Contra-Chicago Economics: 

Gold Standard:

Economic Myths:

Austrians Predicting Economic Phenomena:

Every Economic Crash Ever (except Covid crisis and socialist states):

Austrian Econ Resources:

In Response To “Debunking Austrian Economics”:

Socialism vs Capitalism

Economic Calculation Problem Theory:

Additional ECP and Socialist Failure Resources:


Maoist China:

Khmer Rouge/Cambodia:



Chile and Cybersyn:

North Korea:

Spanish Syndicalism:

Paris Commune:


General Ancom:

“But muh 1986 study tho”:

Muh Richard Wolff paper tho:

Power Abuses:


Defending Capitalism:

Superiority of Capitalism:

Capitalism and Environment:

Threats to Capitalism:

Capitalism and World Destruction: 

The Welfare State and Market Interventionism

Morals of Taxation:

Against Intellectual Property:

Charity and Voluntary Welfare:

Insider Trading:

Green New Deal:

Modern China:



Free Market Prosperity:

“Natural Monopolies”:

Monopoly Creation:

General Bailouts:

General Eminent Domain: 

General Banks and Bailouts:

Goldman Sachs and Bailouts:

Phone Companies:

Microsoft and Patents:

Intellectual Property and Insulin:

Amazon, Subsidies, and Targeted Tax Breaks:


De Beers:

Standard Oil, Oil and Gas Pipelines, and Eminent Domain:

Standard Oil and Patents:

Vanderbilt Patents:

Great Northern Railroad Patents:

Carnegie Patents:

Electric Companies and Eminent Domain:

Railroads and Eminent Domain:

ISPs, Phone Services, and Cable Services:


Space Exploration:

Water Companies:

Airlines and Cruise Ships (specifically bailouts): 

Auto Companies:


Big Tech Companies (Social Media):


Opposing Monopolies:

Minimum Wage:

Empirical Evidence against minimum wage:

Rent Control:

Occupational Licensing Abuse:

Subsidies Negative Effect on Prices:

Statist Action Against Unions:

Liberalism vs Neoliberalism:

Texas Freeze:

Social Pressure Works:

Distorted “Capitalism”:

Government Benefits Big Business: 


Gun Control:

Foreign Policy:


Drug War:

Common Core and Education:

Against Banning Porn and Prostitution:

Against the Death Penalty:

On Border Control and Immigration:


Abortion (Somewhat Pro-Life):

Abortion (Evictionism):


Mask Mandates, Lockdowns, Covid-19, Pandemics, and Vaccinations:


Negative Effects of Pornography on People:


Wage Gap:

Sexualization and Children:

Abe Lincoln, Confederates, and Dixie:

Ron Paul:

Cancel Culture:



Anti-Communist Manifesto (be wary of calls for violence and right wing unity, also you might be able to use this site for other books): The_Anticommunist_Manifesto : Myself : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

Z-library: Z-Library. The world's largest ebook library.

Mises Institute: Mises InstituteWhat Is the Mises Institute? | Mises Institute

Voluntaryist Haven: Voluntaryist Haven – No action is moral unless freely chosen.

Dennis Pratt: Dennis Pratt - Voluntaryism

Cool Politically Incorrect Guides:

Walter Block:

Ludwig von Mises:




Real World:

General Statism:

All Austrian Authors and Their Books:


Extra thing: PhraseReader

Tips for reading: Find free copies of the books listed on the above sites. If neither works, search up “Title pdf” as a last resort, perhaps with the name of the author.

In addition, I would like to recommend Friederich von Wieser as additional Austrian reading in the Hayekian tradition. Happy reading!