Rebooting/Porn Use FAQs


 Welcome to our rebooting/porn use FAQ page. The answers are based on years of hard-won wisdom shared by recovering users, whose comments are sometimes included along with relevant research. Most questions have multiple links.

If you want to understand the underlying mechanisms and brain changes behind porn addiction and related symptoms watch Your Brain On Porn: How Internet Porn Affects the Brain and Adolescent Brain Meets Highspeed Internet Porn.  

For more details on the science, read Start here for an overview of key concepts and follow the links, or visit the Articles section. This 18 minute video addresses common myths and propaganda – PORN MYTHS – The Truth Behind Addiction And Sexual Dysfunctions, by Gabe Deem

FAQs on Sexual Problems

Rebooting Basics (see rebooting basics page)

FAQs on Rebooting Challenges

Rebooting With a Partner:

Tools for Change and Recovery

FAQs on Internet Porn Addiction:

FAQs on Masturbation, Ejaculation, Prostate:

Odds & Ends: