Rebooting Advice & Observations: From Successful Rebooters
The following pages contain rebooting advice, suggestions and observations from those going through the rebooting process.
Rebooting advice – Planning
Rebooting advice – Trigger list
- OFFICIAL Trigger List
- How to succeed at NoFap – a definitive guide based on 6 months of experience
- You know NOFAP is working if…
- The STAR Method for PMO addiction
- Okay newbie guys, this is what it takes: listen up, man up and quit screwin’ up
- So you wanna quit porn?
- Tips to overcome porn addiction
- Articles I Love and Why You Should Start a Journal
- Some tips for NoFap that I’ve learned from AA
- 10 tips that help me
- 5 NoFap Tips I have to share.
- 100 Days + Path to becoming Bane (First and Last Post)
- I would like to tell you all about Unger’s Paradox. (Something to think about for those of you who are struggling.)
- Willpower alone is not enough.
- In order to succeed, you have to reprogram.
- Reddit “fapstronaut “lays it all out
- Nine points to ponder
- Tips on how to get a good start with NoFap
- Demons: Fapping is Not Your Enemy.
- Six Things To Keep In Mind
- Advice to the younger guys
- Day 40. Some observations & advice, especially to newer guys
- I stopped for a year and half so I thought I’d share a few of my tips
- This Needs To Be Said, Understood, & Reaffirmed
- Tip 1 from a Long Term Fapstronaut: Define your Bottom Lines
- Tip 2 from a Long Term Fapstronaut: Toplines
- The best key to overcome the PMO habit, just remember ‘A.E.E.E.S’
- Tip 3 from a Long Term Fapstronaut: Move the Battlefield
- Positive Transformation for **optimal** effects!
- The Stuff that WORKS, and the Stuff that doesn’t
- Common lies your brain will tell you when you want to PMO.
- Okay, here’s what you’re going to do
Rebooting advice to defeat porn addiction
Rebooting advice for staying porn free
- 1 year+ on; a simple tip which will guarantee success.
- 10 Principles of Recovery
- 10 Tips for a Successful Reboot or Recovery!
- 10 tips that help me
- 100 Days + Path to becoming Bane (First and Last Post)
- 101 Things to Do Instead of Fapping to Porn
- 15 observations/tips/pieces of advice from ~8 years of my pornfree journey
- 16 habits you should do EVERYDAY.
- 16 Principles of Recovery
- 20 things that helped me through these 90 days
- 200 days – Ten tips to share
- 25 Reasons to Quit
- 3 Steps to overcoming porn addiction and changing your life: Video
- 3 Steps to Success (For all of you who are struggling)
- 30-day report. Great list of what helped me & may help you!
- 45 Lies Your Mind Uses to Keep You Addicted
- 5 NoFap Tips I have to share.
- 5-part plan of action.
- 7 Tips to Beat the Worst-Case Scenario of Porn Addiction (How I Overcame)
- 70+ tips to Make Nofap or Porn Free easier & more effective from someone who has gone 300+ days
- 9 Tips to 90
- A Complete Beginner’s Guide to NoFap
- A few things I’ve learned as a recovering heroin addict
- A list of porn-related myths and excuses (from reddit/pornfree)
- A relapse does not mean a complete reset! Don’t hurt yourself further by binging.
- A short list of the key things I discovered on this journey
- Abstinence is not Recovery! Why people fail to cure their PIED
- Advice from my experience [LONG POST ALERT]
- Advice to the younger guys
- After two years of my struggle with Nofap! AMA: ED & delayed ejaculation
- Age 20 – Used to be social anxious and have PIED
- An FAQ thread:
- Articles I Love and Why You Should Start a Journal
- Best of /r/NoFap
- Common lies your brain will tell you when you want to PMO.
- Concrete tips for staying away from porn
- Day 40. Some observations & advice, especially to newer guys
- Demons: Fapping is Not Your Enemy.
- Do not take NoFap lightly, or you WILL relapse
- Five seemingly counter-intuitive attitudes towards quitting
- From a PMO Wife: You, a warrior
- From the team: 10 of our best pieces of advice
- Girlfriend of a badass fapstronaut (day 135!!!), wanting to share my (our) success story.
- Guide to staying (porn) fap-free
- How And Why To Give Up Pornography
- How I did 70 days on hardmode, without breaking a sweat, after 7 years of failure.
- How I learned to stop worrying and fight urges
- How To Overcome A Porn Addiction: Advice From 9 Influential Sex Health Writers
- How to quit anything you are addicted to (porn, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
- How to succeed at NoFap – a definitive guide based on 6 months of experience
- Humor/Confessions: You just might be a PMO addict if:
- I did it! 90 days. Here’s what I’ve learned.
- I see this as an important part of my ideal lifestyle
- I stopped for a year and half so I thought I’d share a few of my tips with you that I think will really help your journey.
- I would like to tell you all about Unger’s Paradox. (Something to think about for those of you who are struggling.)
- I’m going to reveal to you the #1 secret to overcome pornography addiction.
- Ideas that have helped me
- In order to succeed, you have to reprogram.
- My 40 reasons to not use porn
- My Guide to Succesfully Stop “Fapping”
- My horror story: Been trying for a few years, here are the things to consider
- My Ten Reasons
- My Thoughts On Rebooting [EXTREMELY LONG POST]
- New Fapstronaut, old time recovering drug addict with some tips
- Nice Guy Symdrome. Very important issue for fappers/porn users.
- Nine points to ponder
- Nofap Made Easy – Tools that you can use to change your life (by a 17 year old)
- OFFICIAL Trigger List
- Okay, here’s what you’re going to do
- Porn Recovery Guides: A series of advice & inspiration
- Porn use and it’s relationship to what media technology is currently doing to humans.
- Positive Transformation for **optimal** effects!
- Rebooting tips by 17-year old
- Reddit “fapstronaut” lays it all out
- Selection of my thoughts after having tried nofap for 3 months
- Simple cure for porn addiction – no internet
- Six classic traps in porn addiction recovery
- Six steps to success – Porn related ED and returning to a balanced form of sexual expression.
- Six Things To Keep In Mind
- So you wanna quit porn?
- So you’re new? Welcome to NoFap. We pass out free Zen here.
- Some DOs & DON’Ts for NoFap
- Some tips for NoFap that I’ve learned from AA
- Some tips I’ve learned from my therapist.
- Stop focusing on sex.
- Strange goals
- Stuff I’ve learned from YOU
- Superpowers Are Real, and Here’s How to Get Them (With Sources and Links!)
- Thank you Universe for my Porn Addiction
- The 14-step program from NoFap.
- The 4 ‘R’ Steps to Defeat Addiction
- The best key to overcome the PMO habit, just remember ‘A.E.E.E.S’
- The Chinese way of NoFap
- The girl on the phone
- The most obvious benefits of r/pornfree
- The MYLN method. A different approach.
- The NoFap Survival Kit / Mega Motivator
- The STAR Method for PMO addiction
- The Stuff that WORKS, and the Stuff that doesn’t
- The Top 3 FATAL MISTAKES Rebooters Make
- The Universal Laws of No-Fap
- Things That Help Me (and may help you)
- This is a simple and powerful tool that Yale Professor Judson Brewer recommends for skilfully handling our urges.
- This Needs To Be Said, Understood, & Reaffirmed
- Thoughts about confidence (and overcome shyness)
- Thoughts about this community and some advice especially for beginners
- Tip 1 from a Long Term Fapstronaut: Define your Bottom Lines
- Tip 2 from a Long Term Fapstronaut: Toplines
- Tip 3 from a Long Term Fapstronaut: Move the Battlefield
- Tips for guys who find themselves looking at porn
- Tips on how to get a good start with NoFap
- Tips to overcome porn addiction
- Triggers (compiled by rebooters)
- Want to achieve godmode? Read this!
- Want to go porn free? Read this.
- Went 90 days straight: A few pointers
- What is the difference between wanting to stop versus needing to stop? My thoughts after 45 days.
- What’s the SECRET? My two cents.
- Willpower alone is not enough.
- You know NOFAP is working if…
- Your Best Chance at a Successful PMO Quit
- Okay newbie guys, this is what it takes: listen up, man up and quit screwin’ up