Articles on Porn Addiction & Porn-Induced Problems


Most of these articles were written for other websites, and follow a format of neuroscience combined with anecdotes—generally from porn users (a few were written by other authors). Many of the articles were written between 2009-2013, before most of the recent brain studies on porn users were published. While accurate, they read as though there is little brain research on the effects of porn. To date every neurological study offers support for the porn addiction model. All support the premise that internet porn use can cause addiction-related brain changes, as do recent neuroscience-based reviews of the literature. For a short overview of key concepts, with lots of citations, read this article. For lists of hundreds of studies lending support to porn addiction and porn use leading to multiple negative outcomes, see this page.

The core concepts of how Internet porn is unique and how use can cause addiction, sexual problems, and many other negative outcomes


Section One: You Evolved to be Hooked on Porn

Section Two: What’s Driving Your Addiction?

Section Three: The Effects of Porn on the User

Section Four: The Porn Debate (also see: Questionable & Misleading Studies)

Section Five: Relationships and Porn

Section Six: Masturbation & Ejaculation Articles

Section Seven: Sexuality and the Brain

Section Eight: Intimate Relationships and the Brain

Section Nine: Articles of Special Interest to Women

Chapter Six: The Road to Excess is a chapter from our book Cupid’s Poisoned Arrow. It’s an easy read, and explains what we knew about porn’s effects circa 2008.

Interesting Articles

Below are articles from various sources: