Videos of Interest


YBOP has produced 5 videos:

  1. Your Brain On Porn: The Effects of Internet Porn on the Brain (2015). For a general overview of Internet porn’s effects & rebooting.
  2. Porn-induced Erectile Dysfunction (2014). Overview of porn-induced sexual problems & rebooting.
  3. Adolescent Brain Meets Highspeed Internet Porn (2013). Delves into the science of sexual conditioning.
  4. The Great Porn Experiment (2012). A more complete version of Gary’s TEDx talk.
  5. Things You Didn’t Know About Porn (2010). For kids, ages 8-11.

The videos below will help you understand the brain science of addiction, porn addiction, sexual conditioning, and porn-induced problems.

Science – Directly Related to Porn Viewing

Addiction Related Science

Science – Indirectly Related

Documentaries & News Reports

Men: Their Stories, Advice and Observations

Addressing Questions About Rebooting


Funny Stuff

YouTube Channels & Playlists Devoted to Rebooting, NoPorn, NoFap