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WORK DAYS OF GOD Herbert W Morris D.D.circa 1883 Page 22
LIGHT AND LIFE Lars Olof Bjorn 1976 Page 197 "By writing the 26 letters of the alphabet in a certain order one may put down almost any message (this book 'is written with the same letters' as the Encyclopaedia Britannica and Winnie the Pooh, only the order of the letters differs). In the same way Nature is able to convey with her language how a cell and a whole organism is to be constructed and how it is to function. Nature has succeeded better than we humans; for the genetic code there is only one universal language which is the same in a man, a bean plant and a bacterium." "BY WRITING THE 26 LETTERS OF THE ALPHABET IN A CERTAIN ORDER ONE MAY PUT DOWN ALMOST ANY MESSAGE"
A HISTORY OF GOD Karen Armstrong 1993 The God of the Mystics Page 250 "Perhaps the most famous of the early Jewish mystical texts is the fifth century Sefer Yezirah (The Book of Creation). There is no attempt to describe the creative process realistically; the account is unashamedly symbolic and shows God creating the world by means of language as though he were writing a book. But language has been entirely transformed and the message of creation is no longer clear. Each letter of the Hebrew alphabet is given a numerical value; by combining the letters with the sacred numbers, rearranging them in endless configurations, the mystic weaned his mind away from the normal connotations of words."
NUMBER 9 THE SEARCH FOR THE SIGMA CODE Cecil Balmond 1998 Cycles and Patterns Page 165 Patterns "The essence of mathematics is to look for patterns. Our minds seem to be organised to search for relationships and sequences. We look for hidden orders. These intuitions seem to be more important than the facts themselves, for there is always the thrill at finding something, a pattern, it is a discovery - what was unknown is now revealed. Imagine looking up at the stars and finding the zodiac! Searching out patterns is a pure delight. Suddenly the counters fall into place and a connection is found, not necessarily a geometric one, but a relationship between numbers, pictures of the mind, that were not obvious before. There is that excitement of finding order in something that was otherwise hidden. And there is the knowledge that a huge unseen world lurks behind the facades we see of the numbers themselves."
FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS A QUEST FOR THE BEGINNING AND THE END Graham Hancock 1995 Chapter 32 Speaking to the Unborn Page 285 "It is understandable that a huge range of myths from all over the ancient world should describe geological catastrophes in graphic detail. Mankind survived the horror of the last Ice Age, and the most plausible source for our enduring traditions of flooding and freezing, massive volcanism and devastating earthquakes is in the tumultuous upheavals unleashed during the great meltdown of 15,000 to 8000 BC. The final retreat of the ice sheets, and the consequent 300-400 foot rise in global sea levels, took place only a few thousand years before the beginning of the historical period. It is therefore not surprising that all our early civilizations should have retained vivid memories of the vast cataclysms that had terrified their forefathers. A message in the bottle of time" 'Of all the other stupendous inventions,' Galileo once remarked, what sublimity of mind must have been his who conceived how to communicate his most secret thoughts to any other person, though very distant either in time or place, speaking with those who are in the Indies, speaking to those who are not yet born, nor shall be this thousand or ten thousand years? And with no greater difficulty than the various arrangements of two dozen little signs on paper? Let this be the seal of all the admirable inventions of men.3 If the 'precessional message' identified by scholars like Santillana, von Dechend and Jane Sellers is indeed a deliberate attempt at communication by some lost civilization of antiquity, how come it wasn't just written down and left for us to find? Wouldn't that have been easier than encoding it in myths? Perhaps. "What one would look for, therefore, would be a universal language, the kind of language that would be comprehensible to any technologically advanced society in any epoch, even a thousand or ten thousand years into the future. Such languages are few and far between, but mathematics is one of them" "WRITTEN IN THE ETERNAL LANGUAGE OF MATHEMATICS"
THE DEATH OF GODS IN ANCIENT EGYPT Jane B. Sellars 1992 Page 204 "The overwhelming awe that accompanies the realization, of the measurable orderliness of the universe strikes modern man as well. Admiral Weiland E. Byrd, alone In the Antarctic for five months of polar darkness, wrote these phrases of intense feeling: Here were the imponderable processes and forces of the cosmos, harmonious and soundless. Harmony, that was it! I could feel no doubt of oneness with the universe. The conviction came that the rhythm was too orderly. too harmonious, too perfect to be a product of blind chance - that, therefore there must be purpose in the whole and that man was part of that whole and not an accidental offshoot. It was a feeling that transcended reason; that went to the heart of man's despair and found it groundless. The universe was a cosmos, not a chaos; man was as rightfully a part of that cosmos as were the day and night.10 Returning to the account of the story of Osiris, son of Cronos god of' Measurable Time, Plutarch takes, pains to remind the reader of the original Egyptian year consisting of 360 days. Phrases are used that prompt simple mental. calculations and an attention to numbers, for example, the 360-day year is described as being '12 months of 30 days each'. Then we are told that, Osiris leaves on a long journey, during which Seth, his evil brother, plots with 72 companions to slay Osiris: He also secretly obtained the measure of Osiris and made ready a chest in which to entrap him. The, interesting thing about this part of the-account is that nowhere in the original texts of the Egyptians are we told that Seth, has 72 companions. We have already been encouraged to equate Osiris with the concept of measured time; his father being Cronos. It is also an observable fact that Cronos-Saturn has the longest sidereal period of the known planets at that time, an orbit. of 30 years. Saturn is absent from a specific constellation for that length of time. A simple mathematical fact has been revealed to any that are even remotely sensitive to numbers: if you multiply 72 by 30, the years of Saturn's absence (and the mention of Osiris's absence prompts one to recall this other), the resulting product is 2,160: the number of years required, for one 30° shift, or a shift: through one complete sign of the zodiac. This number multplied by the /Page205 / 12 signs also gives 25,920. (And Plutarch has reminded us of 12) If you multiply the unusual number 72 by 360, a number that Plutarch mentions several times, the product will be 25,920, again the number of years symbolizing the ultimate rebirth. This 'Eternal Return' is the return of, say, Taurus to the position of marking the vernal equinox by 'riding in the solar bark with. Re' after having relinquished this honoured position to Aries, and subsequently to the to other zodiacal constellations. Such a return after 25,920 years is indeed a revisit to a Golden Age, golden not only because of a remarkable symmetry In the heavens, but golden because it existed before the Egyptians experienced heaven's changeability. But now to inform the reader of a fact he or she may already know. Hipparaus did: not really have the exact figures: he was a trifle off in his observations and calculations. In his published work, On the Displacement of the Solstitial and Equinoctial Signs, he gave figures of 45" to 46" a year, while the truer precessional lag along the ecliptic is about 50 seconds. The exact measurement for the lag, based on the correct annual lag of 50'274" is 1° in 71.6 years, or 360° in 25,776 years, only 144 years less than the figure of 25,920. With Hipparchus's incorrect figures a 'Great Year' takes from 28,173.9 to 28,800 years, Incorrect by a difference of from 2,397.9 years to 3,024. Since Nicholas Copernicus (AD 1473-1543) has always been credited with giving the correct numbers (although Arabic astronomer Nasir al-Din Tusi,11 born AD 1201, is known to have fixed the Precession at 50°), we may correctly ask, and with justifiable astonishment 'Just whose information was Plutarch transmitting' AN IMPORTANT POSTSCRIPT Of course, using our own notational system, all the important numbers have digits that reduce to that amazing number 9 a number that has always delighted budding mathematician. Page 206 Somewhere along the way, according to Robert Graves, 9 became the number of lunar wisdom.12 This number is found often in the mythologies of the world. the Viking god Odin hung for nine days and nights on the World Tree in order to acquire the secret of the runes, those magic symbols out of which writing and numbers grew. Only a terrible sacrifice would give away this secret, which conveyed upon its owner power and dominion over all, so Odin hung from his neck those long 9 days and nights over the 'bottomless abyss'. In the tree were 9 worlds, and another god was said to have been born of 9 mothers. Robert Graves, in his White Goddess, Is intrigued by the seemingly recurring quality of the number 72 in early myth and ritual. Graves tells his reader that 72 is always connected with the number 5, which reflects, among other things, the five Celtic dialects that he was investigating. Of course, 5 x 72= 360, 360 x 72= 25,920. Five is also the number of the planets known to the ancient world, that is, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus Mercury. Graves suggests a religious mystery bound up with two ancient Celtic 'Tree Alphabets' or cipher alphabets, which as genuine articles of Druidism were orally preserved and transmitted for centuries. He argues convincingly that the ancient poetry of Europe was ultimately based on what its composers believed to be magical principles, the rudiments of which formed a close religious secret for centuries. In time these were-garbled, discredited and forgotten. Among the many signs of the transmission of special numbers he points out that the aggregate number of letter strokes for the complete 22-letter Ogham alphabet that he is studying is 72 and that this number is the multiple of 9, 'the number of lunar wisdom'. . . . he then mentions something about 'the seventy day season during which Venus moves successively from. maximum eastern elongation 'to inferior conjunction and maximum western elongation'.13 Page 207 "...Feniusa Farsa, Graves equates this hero with Dionysus Farsa has 72 assistants who helped him master the 72 languages created at the confusion of Babel, the tower of which is said to be built of 9 different materials We are also reminded of the miraculous translation into Greek of the Five Books of Moses that was done by 72 scholars working for 72 days, Although the symbol for the Septuagint is LXX, legend, according to the fictional letter of Aristeas, records 72. The translation was done for Ptolemy Philadelphus (c.250 BC), by Hellenistic Jews, possibly from Alexandra.14 Graves did not know why this number was necessary, but he points out that he understands Frazer's Golden Bough to be a a book hinting that 'the secret involves the truth that the Christian dogma, and rituals, are the refinement of a great body of primitive beliefs, and that the only original element in Christianity- is the personality of Christ.15 Frances A. Yates, historian of Renaissance hermetisma tells, us the cabala had 72 angels through which the sephiroth (the powers of God) are believed to be approached, and further, she supplies the information that although the Cabala supplied a set of 48 conclusions purporting to confirm the Christian religion from the foundation of ancient wisdom, Pico Della Mirandola, a Renaissance magus, introduced instead 72, which were his 'own opinion' of the correct number. Yates writes, 'It is no accident there are seventy-two of Pico's Cabalist conclusions, for the conclusion shows that he knew something of the mystery of the Name of God with seventy-two letters.'16 In Hamlet's Mill de Santillarta adds the facts that 432,000 is the number of syllables in the Rig-Veda, which when multiplied by the soss (60) gives 25,920" (The reader is forgiven for a bit of laughter at this point) Thee Bible has not escaped his pursuit. A prominent Assyriologist of the last century insisted that the total of the years recounted Joseph Campbell discerns the secret in the date set for the coming of Patrick to Ireland. Myth-gives this date-as.- the interest- Whatever one may think-of some of these number coincidences, it becomes. difficult to escape the suspicion that many signs (number and otherwise) -indicate that early man observed the results.. of the movement of Precession . and that the-.transmission of this information was .considered of prime importance. 'With the awareness of the phenomenon, observers would certainly have tried for its measure, and such an endeavour would But one last word about mankind's romance with number coincidences.The antagonist in John Updike's novel, Roger's Version, is a computer hacker, who, convinced.,that scientific evidence of God's existence is accumulating, endeavours to prove it by feeding -all the available scientific information. into a comuter. In his search for God 'breaking, through', he has become fascinated by certain numbers that have continually been cropping up. He explains them excitedly as 'the terms of Creation': "...after a while I noticed that all over the sheet there seemed to hit these twenty-fours Jumping out at me. Two four; two,four.Planck time, for instance, divided by the radiation constant yields a figure near eight times ten again to the negative twenty-fourth, and the permittivity of free space, or electric constant, into the Bohr radiusekla almost exactly six times ten to the negative twenty-fourth. On positive side, the electromagnetic line-structure constant times Hubble radius - that is, the size of the universe as we now perceive it gives us something quite close to ten to the twenty-fourth, and the
strong-force constant times the charge on the proton produces two point four times ten to the negative eighteenth, for another I began to circle twenty-four wherever it appeared on the Printout here' - he held it up. his piece of striped and striped wallpaper, decorated / Page 209 /
with a number of scarlet circles - 'you can see it's more than random.'19 So much for any scorn directed to ancient man's fascination with number coincidences. That fascination is alive and well, Just a bit more incomprehensible"
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page 81 'If I forget thee, Oh Earth . . .' "He stared into the west, away from the blinding splendour of the sun - and there were the stars, as he had been told but never quite believed. He gazed at them for a long time, marvelling that anything could be so bright and yet so tiny. They were intense unscintillating, and suddenly he remembered a rhyme he had once read in one of his father's books: Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are. Well, he knew what the stars were. Whoever asked that question must have been very stupid. And what did they mean by 'twinkle'? You could see at a glance that all the stars shone with the same steady, unwavering light."
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 FOREWORD "'Into the Comet' and 'The Nine Billion Names of God' both involve computers and the troubles they may cause us. While writing this preface, I had occasion to call upon my own HP 9100A computer, Hal Junior, to answer an interesting question. Looking at my records, I find that I have now written just about one hundred short stories. This volume contains eighteen of them: therefore, how many possible 18-story collections will I be able to put together? The answer as I am sure will be instantly obvious to you - is 100 x 99. . . x 84 x 83 divided by 18 x 17 x 16 ... x .2 x 1. This is an impressive number - Hal Junior tells me that it is approximately 20,772,733,124,605,000,000. Page 15 The Nine Billion Names of God
Page16 'We have reason to believe,' continued the lama imperturbably, 'that all such names can be written with not more than nine letters in an alphabet we have devised.'
I = 9 9 = I R = 9 9 = R
OF T9ME AND STA9S A9thu9 C. Cla9ke,1972 Page 15 'Th9s 9s a sl9ghtly unusual 9equest,'sa9d D9 Wagne9, w9th what he hoped was commendable 9est9a9nt.' As fa9 as 9 know, 9t's the f99st t9me anyone's been asked to supply a T9betan monaste9y with an Automat9c Sequence Compute9. 9 don't w9sh to be 9nqu9s9t9ve, but 9 should ha9dly have thought that you9- ah - establ9shment had much use for such a mach9ne.Could you expla9n just what you 9ntend to do w9th 9t?' 'Gladly,' 9epl9ed the lama, 9eadjust9ng h9s s9lk 9obes and ca9efully putting away the sl9de 9ule he had been us9ng fo9 cu99ency conve9s9ons. 'You9 Ma9k V Compute9 can ca99y out any 9out9ne mathemat9cal ope9at9on 9nvolv9ng up to ten d9g9ts. Howeve9, for ou9 work we are 9nte9ested 9n lette9s, not numbe9s. As we w9sh you to mod9fy the output c9rcu9ts,the mach9ne w9ll be p99nt9ng wo9ds not columns of f9gu9es.' '9 dont qu9te unde9stand…' 'Th9s 9s a p9oject on wh9ch we have been work9ng fo9 the last th9ee centu99es - s9nce the lamase9y was founded, 9n fact.9t 9s somewhat al9en to you9 way of thought, so9 hope you w9ll l9sten with an open m9nd wh9le 9 expla9n 9t 'Natu9ally.' '9t 9s 9eally qu9te s9mple.We have been comp9l9ng a l9st wh9ch shall conta9n all the poss9ble names of God' '9 beg you9 pa9don?' / Page16 / 'We have 9eason to bel9eve' cont9nued the lama 9mpe9tu9bably, ' that all such names can be w99tten with not mo9e than n9ne lette9s 9n an alphabet we have dev9sed,' 'And you have been do9ng th9s for three centu99es? 'Yes: we expected9t would take us about f9fteen thousand years to complete the task.' 'Oh, Dr Wagne9 looked a l9ttle dazed. 'Now9 see why you wanted to h99e one of ou9 mach9nes. But what exactly9s the pu9pose of th9s p9oject ? 'The lama hes9tated fo9 a f9act9on of a second, and Wagne9 wonde9ed9f he had offended h9m.9f so the9e was no t9ace of annoyance9n the 9eply. 'Call9t 99tual, 9f you l9ke, but 9t's a fundamental pa9t of ou9 bel9ef. All the many names of the Sup9eme Be9ng - God , Jehova , Allah , and so on - they a9e only man made labels. The9e 9s a ph9losoph9cal p9oblem of some d9ff9culty he9e, wh9ch9 do not p9opose to d9scuss, but somewhe9e among all the poss9ble comb9nat9ons of lette9s that can occu9 a9e what one may call the 9eal names of God. By systemat9c pe9mutat9on of lette9s, we have been t9y9ng to l9st them all' 9 see. You've been sta9t9ng at AAAAAAA… and wo9k-9ng up to ZZZZZZZZ …' 'Exactly - though we use a spec9al alphabet of ou9 own. Mod9fy9ng the elect9omat9c typew99te9s to deal w9th th9s 9s of cou9se t99v9al. A 9athe9 mo9e 9nte9est9ng p9oblem 9s that of dev9s9ng su9table c99cu9ts to el9m9nate 9 9d9culous comb9nat9ons. Fo9 example, no lette9 must occu9 mo9e than th9ee t9mes 9n sucess9on.' 'Th9ee? Su9ely you mean two.' 'Th9ee 9s co99ect; 9 am af9a9d 9t would take too long to expla9n why , even 9f you unde9stood ou9 language.'/ Page 17 / '9'm su9e 9t would,' sa9d Wagne9 hast9ly. 'Go on.' 'Luck9ly, 9t w9ll be a s9mple matte9 to adapt you9 Automat9c Sequence Compute9 fo9 th9s wo9k, s9nce once 9t has been p9og9ammed p9ope9ly 9t w9ll pe9mute each lette9 9n tu9n and p99nt the 9esult. What would have taken us f9fteen thousand years 9t w9ll be able to do 9n a hund9ed days.' 'Dr Wagne9 was sca9cely consc9ous of the fa9nt sounds f9om the Manhatten st9eets fa9 below. He was 9n a d9ffe9ent wo9ld, a wo9ld of natu9al, not man-made mounta9ns. H9gh up 9n the99 9emote ae99es these monks had been pat9ently at wo9k gene9at9on afte9 gene9at9on, comp9l9ng the99 l9sts of mean9ngless wo9ds. Was the9e any l9m9ts to the foll9es of mank9nd ? St9ll, he must g9ve no h9nt of h9s 9nne9 thoughts. The custome9 was always 99ght…" Page 68 Into the Comet
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SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and the Consequences:. Futurological Reflections on the Confrontation of Mankind with an. Extraterrestrial ... [This draft of a revised article is made available courtesy of Dr. Michael Schetsche for the
Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia, is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְלוּיָהּ (Standard Hebrew Halləluya, Tiberian Hebrew Halləlûyāh) ... Hallelujah, Halleluyah, or Alleluia, is a transliteration of the Hebrew word הַלְלוּיָהּ (Standard Hebrew Halləluya, Tiberian Hebrew Halləlûyāh) meaning "[Let us] praise (הַלְּלוּ) Jah (Yah) (יָהּ)" (Sometimes rendered as "Praise (הַלְּלוּ) [the] LORD (יָהּ) or God"). It is found mainly in the book of Psalms. It has been accepted into the English language. The word is used in Judaism as part of the Hallel prayers. Alleluia is the Latin form of the word; it is used by Anglicans and Catholics in preference to Hallelujah. For most Christians, "Hallelujah" is considered the most joyful word of praise to God, rather than an injunction to praise Him. In many denominations, the Alleluia, along with the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, is not spoken or sung during the season of Lent, instead being replaced by a Lenten acclamation. Halleluyah is a composite of Hallelu and Jah (Yah). It literally translates from Hebrew as "Praise Jah, [third-person plural]!" or simply "Praise Jah!" Jah is the shortened form of the name Jehovah (Yahweh), referred to as the Tetragrammaton. The term is used 24 times in the Hebrew Bible (mainly in the book of Psalms (e.g. 111-117), where it starts and concludes a number of Psalms) and four times in Greek transliteration in Revelation.
Hallelujah Lyrics by Jeff Buckley at the Lyrics Depot ... Lyrics Depot is your source of music song lyrics. Try visiting our partners to ...
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(L. Cohen) I've seen this room and I've walked this floor
"Hallelujah" is a song written by Leonard Cohen. It was first recorded on his 1984 album Various Positions. It has been covered numerous times and featured ... "Hallelujah" is a song written by Leonard Cohen. It was first recorded on his 1984 album Various Positions. It has been covered numerous times and featured in the soundtracks of several movies and television shows.
Lyrics for the song ... ... drew the hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah Hallelujah, hallelujah Well baby I've ..ww.letssingit.com/jeff-buckley-hallelujah-9ncgpt7.html www.letssingit.com/jeff-buckley-hallelujah-9ncgpt7.html
setiathome.berkeley.edu Join the Search for Alien Life Message boards: SETI @ home Science: If someone found a signal would the public know ? Message Message 765818 Posted 10 Jun 2008 20:59:38 UTC I am just woundering if there was a signal found. how long wound it take for the public to be informed.
Message 765821 Posted 10 Jun 2008 21:06:26 UTC - in response to Message ID 765818. I am just woundering if there was a signal found. how long wound it take for the public to be informed. I hate to think that this information would be kept to a choosen few. I also think it is possable, that we have already found a signal and the general public will not be told for a very very long time. One more thing, If ET says hello... What are we going to say back? Despite the denials, we\'d not get to know for a few years I\'d guess. There\'s too many vested interests ranging from the church to governments, the military and big business. SETI has the Wow signal and at least one other signal that have ALL the hallmarks of being extra terrestial. But, there\'s always something that stops them saying so ie not confirmed by another source or, there\'s \'nothing in that particular part of the sky\' etc. Yes, Im a cynic now. Just returned to SETI but I know, as I suspect we all do, that we\'ll never get to find \'that\' signal.
Message 765857 Posted 10 Jun 2008 22:14:54 UTC To answer the main question: yes, the public will know once a signal is confirmed, and yes, they will know as soon as possible (days not years).
Message 765952 - Posted 11 Jun 2008 7:12:47 UTC - in response to Message ID 765912 btw - is your response to this based upom what you just (recently) Posted re: sys admin ;)) Actually.. no - though I see where you might have drawn a hopeful conclusion. I just always feel it\'s important to snuff out wrongful conspiracy theories concerning my day job. Things are never are as complicated/secretive/conspiratorial as people think (or hope in some cases) Matt BOINC/SETI@home network/web/science/development person "Any idiot can have a good idea. What is hard is to do it." - Jeanne-Claude
Message 766101 - Posted 11 Jun 2008 7:12:47 UTC - in response to Message ID 765857 To answer the main question: yes, the public will know once a signal is confirmed, and yes, they will know as soon as possible (days not years). Matt How many unconfirmed signals found? Other than the WOW! one
Message 766204 - Posted 11 Jun 2008 15:07:35 UTC A couple of days ago I watched as the graphics catched or stumbled upon a big gaussian (not the same one as mentioned some place else). It did not come up in the numbers thereafter and I did unfortunately not take the number of the WU, sorry to say. Possibly (but very uncertainly) it may have been WU 06mr08ah.13828.82132.6.8.73._2_0 . In any case, that WU had a spike of 1.70, a gaussian of -8.01 (which is low and not the opposite as some other like to tell) and a pulse of 100996 (Yes!). No triplet. If it was that one, it could be interesting...ID: 766204
Message 766238 Posted 11 Jun 2008 16:41:52 UTC It would be nice if somewhere in the seti program when it knows positive that it has a signal that is states across the screen... \"CANDIDATE SIGNAL FOUND!\" like it did in the movie Contact. ;)
Message 766299Posted 11 Jun 2008 18:49:23 UTC - in response to Message ID 766238. Last modified: 11 Jun 2008 18:58:49 UTC It would be nice if somewhere in the seti program when it knows positive that it has a signal that is states across the screen... \"CANDIDATE SIGNAL FOUND!\" like it did in the movie Contact. ;) The problem is, it doesn't know. Only humans can make that determination, and only after revisiting what they determine are *possible* candidates and scanning their locations again and again. How many unconfirmed signals found? Other than the WOW! one Zero No signal has ever been found which had the characteristics of the WOW! signal (ie; unconfirmed origin and not a natural source, either a glitch, interference, or the real thing) The closest that the SETI@Home team ever came was this one- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_source_SHGb02%2B14a Unlike WOW!, this is not something that appeared for an instant and could never be found again; this was found again, and presumably can still be detected by any radio telescope with sufficient capability. This is not an "unconfirmed signal" because it was determined not to be a signal at all. I'll admit, I'm not satisfied with the explanations as to why it was eventually determined not to be a candidate signal, and to my knowledge, no thorough public explanation has ever been given. It's not that I personally think it's a signal (I don't), I'd just like to know exactly why scientists are so sure it's not.
Message 767007- Posted 12 Jun 2008 19:44:03 UTC - in response to Message ID 766299. This is not an "unconfirmed signal" because it was determined not to be a signal at all. Thats my point! People argue over the very basic question whether a signal is a candidate. It doesnt fit the bill so lets dismiss it therefore we havent got an 'unconfirmed \ potential signal' to talk about. I'll admit, I'm not satisfied with the explanations as to why it was eventually determined not to be a candidate signal, and to my knowledge, no thorough public explanation has ever been given. It's not that I personally think it's a signal (I don't), I'd just like to know exactly why scientists are so sure it's not. Im not satisfied either but I think its highly unlikely you'll get scientists to agree. The signal appears to meet all the criteria for a 'candidate' but is dismissed because 'there's nothing in that part of the sky' and something to do with rotational period or something I mean were either of those two conditions in SETI's original conditions for a candidate? I dont think so.Im not satisfied either but I think its highly unlikely you'll get scientists to agree. The signal appears to meet all the criteria for a 'candidate' but is dismissed because 'there's nothing in that part of the sky' and something to do with rotational period or something. I mean were either of those two conditions in SETI's original conditions for a candidate? I dont think so.
Message 767082- Posted 12 Jun 2008 22:12:21 UTC - in response to Message ID 76007. Last modified: 12 Jun 2008 22:18:08 UTC The signal appears to meet all the criteria for a 'candidate' but is dismissed because 'there's nothing in that part of the sky' and something to do with rotational period or something. The WOW! signal did apparently fit the criteria for artificial origin, but an Earthbound source or glitch in the system couldn't be ruled out since it could never be detected again or independently verified by any other telescope. As for the SETI@Home signal, while I think they know the criteria better than we do, I admit that I don't fully understand the explanation. Just because I don't understand it doesn't mean I don't agree with it. If the signal were as compelling as you seem to think it is, it wouldn't have been dismissed, certainly not by the SETI@Home team which has put years' worth of effort and investment into this project, and certainly not by other SETI teams, like the SETI Institute. I may not be happy that it turned out not be a signal from ET, and I may not be personally satisfied with the explanations, but I have to concede that they know more about the signal than I do and they know more about why it's not a good candidate than I do.
Message 767267- Posted 13 Jun 2008 4:53:21 UTC - in response to Message ID 765952. btw - is your response to this based upom what you just (recently) Posted re: sys admin ;)) Actually.. no - though I see where you might have drawn a hopeful conclusion. I just always feel it\'s important to snuff out wrongful conspiracy theories concerning my day job. Things are never are as complicated/secretive/conspiratorial as people think (or hope in some cases). - Matt Yeah, but everyone likes a god conspiracy theory :)
Message 767919- Posted 14 Jun 2008 9:43:52 UTC - in response to Message ID 767082. The signal appears to meet all the criteria for a 'candidate' but is dismissed because 'there's nothing in that part of the sky' and something to do with rotational period or something. The WOW! signal did apparently fit the criteria for artificial origin, but an Earthbound source or glitch in the system couldn't be ruled out since it could never be detected again or independently verified by any other telescope. As for the SETI@Home signal, while I think they know the criteria better than we do, I admit that I don't fully understand the explanation. Just because I don't understand it doesn't mean I don't agree with it. If the signal were as compelling as you seem to think it is, it wouldn't have been dismissed, certainly not by the SETI@Home team which has put years' worth of effort and investment into this project, and certainly not by other SETI teams, like the SETI Institute. I may not be happy that it turned out not be a signal from ET, and I may not be personally satisfied with the explanations, but I have to concede that they know more about the signal than I do and they know more about why it's not a good candidate than I do. The "fear" is --I think--that the SETI results (all of them) are being stockpiled and may not be looked at until some very long time in the future and can only be verified by a steerable antenna some months or years later where the beamed signal (if there were an actual one) may well be beaming some other part of the universe--fanciful thoughts but probably needs some elucidation.
Message 768345- Posted 14 Jun 2008 23:30:03 UTC The government is flattered by those that think that they can pull off elaborate conspiracy theories, but the fact is that the government can hardly pull off delivering the mail and issuing passports. The only way for a conspiracy to survive is for there to be only two people that know about it -- and one of them is dead. ID: 768345
Message 770925- Posted 20 Jun 2008 20:37:40 UTC can anyone say where the Wow signal came from? IE where in the sky? ID: 770925
Message 772609 - Posted 23 Jun 2008 22:14:32 UTC - in response to Message ID770925. can anyone say where the Wow signal came from? IE where in the sky? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal "Gentlemen, there are only two types of naval vessels..........Submarines, and Targets" -- U.S. Navy Submarine SONAR Instructor.
Message 774487 - Posted 27 Jun 2008 22:56:00 UTC I've read a lot of that material regarding the WOW! signal. As far as I recall, all potential terrestial 'interference' can be discounted. There were no satellites in the way, there were no probes on their way to Mars of any of the other planets crossing the path, there were no planes in the way etc. The reason WOW! is discounted by the scientific community is mainly because it hasnt been detected since. I mean come on! If we can claim we may be the only intelligence in a galaxy of some 400 billion stars, meaning we're the result of a 400 billion to 1 shot, then, I dont see how the probabilty that Big Ear 'just got lucky' and picked up WOW! the one time. WOW! ticks more boxes than it doesnt. The only box it doesnt really tick is repeated attempts to find it again. The fact it was a 'one off' is just the same thing. ID: 774487
Message 774490 - Posted 27 Jun 2008 23:10:46 UTC - in response to Message ID 774487 Last modified: 27 Jun 2008 23:36:48 UTC I dont see how the probabilty that Big Ear 'just got lucky' and picked up WOW! the one time. That's exactly the point. The problem with WOW is that it only ticks one box, it fails every other. If WOW! is a real signal from ET, then it means ET knew the exact moment that beam 1 of the Big Ear would be pointing at that exact spot in the sky and would ONLY be signaling Earth for the exact 72 seconds it took for Beam 1 to account for Earth's rotation and then immediately turn the signal off as soon as Beam 1 stopped listening and switched to Beam 2. You have to realize; WOW wasn't picked up for an arbitrary length of time... It's not like the Big Ear *just so happened* to pick up the tail end of an ET transmission. It was picked up *only* for the exact the amount of time it takes for the first beam to pass through and scan one area of space as the Earth rotates. When the second beam passed through the same area 3 minutes later, it detected nothing. That's not a coincidence. The chances of it being a genuine detection are more than "400 billion to 1" because the first beam could've been scanning any other single location in the sky or the Big Ear's side of the Earth could've been facing the opposite direction. ET must have been clairvoyant and known exactly when the first beam was going to be scanning the patch of sky where their signal was, and turned it on and then shut it off again *just* so the first beam alone could detect it. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence." - Carl Sagan The first test in science is verifiability; results have to be independently reproduced. You apparently don't put much stock in Occam's Razor... ;) ID: 774490
Message 774499- Posted 27 Jun 2008 23:31:50 UTC - in response to Message ID 774490. [quote]I dont see how the probabilty that Big Ear 'just got lucky' and picked up WOW! the one time. That's exactly the point. The probability that the Big Ear "just got lucky" and just so happened to hear ET for 72 seconds in only one of two synchronous beams and couldn't even detect it 3 minutes later with the second beam, and no other scan has ever picked it up again in 30 years is.....frankly, ridiculous. The problem with WOW is that it only ticks one box, it fails every other. No it ticks more than one box. If you read the reports, Big Ear wasnt pointed in the direction it received WOW! for most of the time before it was received. If WOW! is a real signal from ET, then it means ET knew the exact moment that beam 1 of the Big Ear would be pointing at that exact spot in the sky and would ONLY be signaling Earth for the exact 72 seconds it took for Beam 1 to account for Earth's rotation and then immediately turn the signal off as soon as Beam 1 stopped listening and switched to Beam 2. You state ET just switched the signal off at the right moment. This is a massive asumption. For all we know, they could just have pointed their transmitter in a general direction moved position, transmitted again, moved direction etc. The point overlooked is the transmission was very close to the 1420mhz frequency. All informed scientists tell us this is a great frequency to listen to for the 'marker transmission,' the indication that someone is saying 'hello, we're here!' and not in itself a 'message.'
Message 774504 - Posted 27 Jun 2008 23:44:57 UTC - in response to Message ID 774499. Last modified: 27 Jun 2008 23:47:20 UTC No it ticks more than one box. If you read the reports, Big Ear wasnt pointed in the direction it received WOW! for most of the time before it was received. It only detected WOW when beam 1 scanned the area of the sky it passed through for 72 seconds; the second beam was pointed in the same direction 3 minutes later and detected nothing. You state ET just switched the signal off at the right moment. This is a massive asumption. For all we know, they could just have pointed their transmitter in a general direction moved position, transmitted again, moved direction etc. The point overlooked is the transmission was very close to the 1420mhz frequency. All informed scientists tell us this is a great frequency to listen to for the 'marker transmission,' the indication that someone is saying 'hello, we're here!' and not in itself a 'message.' Hehehe...that's a massive assumption on your part. - I said ET must have switched the signal off after Beam 1 passed through the patch of sky where WOW was detected. - You say ET might have pointed their transmitter in a different direction after Beam 1 passed through. Ummmmm....if WOW is really a signal from ET, then aren't both of those assumptions just as equally likely to be true, and aren't they both equally "massive"? :P
Message 774892 - Posted 28 Jun 2008 20:29:35 UTC - in response to Message ID 774515 i believe that iT was said - a long time ago - that the ANSWER to that particular question is NO - in other words - 'THEY would NOT be told'. Well, whoever said that was WRONG Matt Lebofsky just GAVE THE ANSWER in this thread. There's no reason not to take him or anyone else working on SETI at their word.
Message 776020 - Posted 30 Jun 2008 20:52:30 UTC - in response to Message ID 775008. Last modified: 30 Jun 2008 20:53:48 UTC . . . ever heard of Majestic 12 ? Oh lordy.... Yeah, I heard of Majestic 12....in the video game Deus Ex... LOL http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deus_ex How in the heck would the government even KNOW about it before the entire SETI and astronomy community do ?? Or before the press, for that matter ??? And how could they silence all of these people, threaten with death?? Kidnap them??
Message 776095 - Posted 1 Jul 2008 0:03:10 UTC There is no conspiracy--but them paranoids is after us !! DADDIO ID: 776095
Message 776457 - Posted 1 Jul 2008 14:04:39 UTC - in response to Message 776095. There is no conspiracy--but them paranoids is after us !! DADDIO ID
Message 776627 - Posted 1 Jul 2008 21:44:31 UTC - in response to Message ID 774504. No it ticks more than one box. If you read the reports, Big Ear wasnt pointed in the direction it received WOW! for most of the time before it was received. It only detected WOW when beam 1 scanned the area of the sky it passed through for 72 seconds; the second beam was pointed in the same direction 3 minutes later and detected nothing. You state ET just switched the signal off at the right moment. This is a massive asumption. For all we know, they could just have pointed their transmitter in a general direction moved position, transmitted again, moved direction etc. The point overlooked is the transmission was very close to the 1420mhz frequency. All informed scientists tell us this is a great frequency to listen to for the 'marker transmission,' the indication that someone is saying 'hello, we're here!' and not in itself a 'message.' Hehehe...that's a massive assumption on your part. If WOW is genuine, then one of those possibilities has to be the case, and both of them seem to require a clairvoyant knowledge of how long it would take for the first beam to pass through a patch of sky and account for the Earth's rotation.
Message 777228 - Posted 2 Jul 2008 17:05:34 UTC - in response to Message ID 776627. You originally said, WOW! only ticked one box. Let's review how many boxes WOW! actually does tick Nearly all of the scientific community states that the ideal frequency to look for a signal would be 1420mhz. This is where WOW! was found. First tick in the box. You're right, this *IS* a tick in the box; a parameter invented by the humans who assigned it as a box to tick in the first place (though not without good reason). That in itself doesn't necessarily make it more likely to be an ETI signal than not, however. ...and "nearly all in the scientific community" is an extreme exaggeration. Even among SETI scientists, there is wide disagreement over whether radio is "ideal" to listen to for ETI in the first place. 1420mhz is universally banned for terrestrial transmission ergo, WOW! could not have been terrestial in origin. Second tick in the box. Not unless the "transmission" was in fact a glitch in the Big Ear in the first place; in that case it would have very much been terrestrial in origin. The direction of WOW! was not that of one of the planets in the solar system. Third tick in the box. None of those are really "ticks in the box" if the WOW! Signal since none of those objects were in the direction of the second beam three minutes later either, and a glitch could also be described as an unnatural source for the narrow band detection. WOW! signal intensity and duration matched that expected due to the Earth's rotation. Six ticks in the box. ...but failed the expected confirmation by the second beam, suggesting that there was really nothing extraterrestrial being detected in the first place. I could go on but I think my point is proven. Only to those who persist in the blind faith notion that WOW! was a significant extraterrestrial detection or disavow alternative explanations. It is correct Big Ear only picked up ONE instance of the signal however, its wrong to assume the sender 'switched off' the signal at just the right time. It could be purely co incidental if the signal beam was transmitted for a specific duration then transmitted in a totally different direction. Again, why is it "wrong" to assume that the sender switched off the signal after it was detected by the first beam but right for you to assume that the sender switched the signal's direction after it was detected by the first beam???
The possibility that a genuine ETI signal signal being beamed from light years away would be picked up by the first beam for 72 seconds and not by the second 3 minutes later is so vastly remote, that statistically speaking, Occam's Razor would dictate that the sender knew when the first beam was no longer detecting it. ...then again, Occam's Razor also suggests it wasn't an ETI signal. I cannot seriously take your statement that searching at 1420mhz is a massive assumption on our part.
Message 777474 - Posted 2 Jul 2008 21:30:52 UTC - in response to Message ID 777228. You originally said, WOW! only ticked one box. Let's review how many boxes WOW! actually does tick You're right, this *IS* a tick in the box; a parameter invented by the humans who assigned it as a box to tick in the first place (though not without good reason). That in itself doesn't necessarily make it more likely to be an ETI signal than not, however. ...and "nearly all in the scientific community" is an extreme exaggeration. Even among SETI scientists, there is wide disagreement over whether radio is "ideal" to listen to for ETI in the first place. 1420mhz is universally banned for terrestrial transmission ergo, WOW! could not have been terrestial in origin. Second tick in the box.Not unless the "transmission" was in fact a glitch in the Big Ear in the first place; in that case it would have very much been terrestrial in origin. The direction of WOW! was not that of one of the planets in the solar system. Third tick in the box. None of those are really "ticks in the box" if the WOW! Signal since none of those objects were in the direction of the second beam three minutes later either, and a glitch could also be described as an unnatural source for the narrow band detection. WOW! signal intensity and duration matched that expected due to the Earth's rotation. Six ticks in the box. ...but failed the expected confirmation by the second beam, suggesting that there was really nothing extraterrestrial being detected in the first place. I could go on but I think my point is proven. Only to those who persist in the blind faith notion that WOW! was a significant extraterrestrial detection or disavow alternative explanations. It is correct Big Ear only picked up ONE instance of the signal however, its wrong to assume the sender 'switched off' the signal at just the right time. It could be purely co incidental if the signal beam was transmitted for a specific duration then transmitted in a totally different direction. Again, why is it "wrong" to assume that the sender switched off the signal after it was detected by the first beam but right for you to assume that the sender switched the signal's direction after it was detected by the first beam??? I'm not understanding that. Either Maybe I'm stupid, but if you believe that it was a genuine ETI signal, then aren't both possibilities equally likely and equally as much of a coincidence? The sender doesnt even need to know (or indeed care) about the rotational speed of Earth. The possibility that a genuine ETI signal signal being beamed from light years away would be picked up by the first beam for 72 seconds and not by the second 3 minutes later is so vastly remote, that statistically speaking, Occam's Razor would dictate that the sender knew when the first beam was no longer detecting it. ...then again, Occam's Razor also suggests it wasn't an ETI signal. I cannot seriously take your statement that searching at 1420mhz is a massive assumption on our part. My premise is not that WOW! was indisputably a signal from another civilisation beyond our solar system but, one that a probably signal has been debunked when it satisfies many of the criteria SETI and the scientific community have set out for determining a signal IS from an extra terrestial civilisation. From all the papers I've read, even Erhman now seems to suggest WOW! was not a glitch and ticked more boxes than it didnt. What Im saying is, definitely discounting WOW! is wrong. It should be classed as unproven but potentially a viable signal.
Message 777961 - Posted 3 Jul 2008 14:31:49 UTC - in response Message ID 77474 Last modified: 3 Jul 2008 14:32:31 UTC You quoted Sagan previously regarding extraordinary claims needing extraordinary evidence yet, you mention the spectre of life so alien we possibly could not comprehend it as such. We may as well argue that rock on the beach nearby is life but 'not as we know it.' Not sure I follow you there... What Im saying is, definitely discounting WOW! is wrong. It should be classed as unproven but potentially a viable signal. Here's the thing:
Message 780281- Posted 7 Jul 2008 15:54:28 UTC Hello all This post is a very very good read. I see now how people have different ideas on the known universe. Is the WOW signal truely a WOW or not? We may never know...ID: 780281
Message 780340 - Posted 7 Jul 2008 19:23:37 UTC - in response to Message ID 780281. Last modified: 7 Jul 2008 19:24:34 UTC the earth has been here for millions of years. (this is very short time) The Earth has been here for about ~ 4.6 billion years. When the WOW signal was found, how long was it before the public was informed? I don't think the public was ever officially "informed" since the scientists at the Big Ear felt there was nothing to "inform" them about; there was no confirmation, hence, nothing to announce. So there were never any public press conferences on "WOW!" Next question is that, every signal that comes from earth has some kind of data in it. It is very hard for me to take in that the WOW signal cant be traced back to some kind of transmition. If the signal came from earth, it would be very easy to know what it was and where it came from. Nope. http://www.bigear.org/6equj5.htm The wow signal must have came from deep space. Many SETI scientists disagree with you. Also, "must" is a strong word. Like I said, it's possible. Also there would be some kind of data in the WOW signal. Since Big Ear only recorded the intensity of the radio waves, it did not record any data that might have been encoded on the signal. Of course, *IF* any data was encoded on the signal in the first place; there's no evidence of that. I know there is alot of back ground noise that could make a signal Just to be clear and fair, to my knowledge there is no known natural background noise in interstellar space capable of producing an emission similar to WOW! But most signals that have came from humans has some kind of data. It is safe to say that any ET that can produce a signal that would be dected from earth would be far more advance than us, and would put some kind of data in the signal also. I agree that ET would likely encode data in any emission we detected. Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing if any data was encoded in WOW!
Message 780360- Posted 7 Jul 2008 20:48:46 UTC I disagree with a number of Taurus' points.
Message 780376 - Posted 7 Jul 2008 21:34:25 UTC Last modified: 7 Jul 2008 21:35:33 UTC Centenary writes: "Good against remotes is one thing. Good against the living, that's something else." (Han Solo) ID: 780376
Message 780384 - Posted 7 Jul 2008 21:55:39 UTC Thank you for your views centenary , Taurus. I did not know that there was not a recording of the actual signal. It seems to me that there would be some kind of recording of this signal somewhere. ( i know if i was working there that would be the first thing I would do is record it )
Message 780431 - Posted 7 Jul 2008 23:04:33 UTC - in response to Message ID 780360. I disagree with a number of Taurus' points. The WOW! signal was not immediately 'detected' by the Big Ear team. Such was the state of SETI signal searching at the time, Ehman didnt even get around to reading the data output from Big Ear until sometime afterwards. In fact, he states it was a couple of days later that he found the signal data. First of all, for your information, the Big Ear's detection of the WOW! Signal was discovered by Jerry Ehman the same night it was detected. He circled the detected emission and wrote "WOW!" that very night. The Big Ear's project director saw the detection report the next morning. Second of all, I absolutely never said it was "immediately detected" by the Big Ear team anyway: My posts are above for all to see. ...and I'm VERY well aware of how SETI signal searching currently works. You say "at the time" which implies that it works differently today; it doesn't. Ironically, unlike the radio detection work being done at the Big Ear, whether it's the work of the SETI@Home team or the SETI Institute, any potential signal that is detected won't be "seen" by the team until well after the detection has actually occurred. Even the work units being processed on the distributed computing network here represent "old" data, not detections in real-time. Its true other scientists attempted to re find WOW! but the EXACT position that the signal came from is not certain. Therefore, trying to find the signal again is like searching for the proverbial needle. That's a gross exaggeration and a misunderstanding on your part. Its also interesting to note that WOW! is mainly talked about to debunk it coming from a non terrestial source. If the signal had of been re detected, it would be interesting to know IF as much effort would have been put into letting the public know it WAS a signal rather than it not being. We've already been over this. If you think radio astronomers and SETI scientists would conspire to keep a confirmed signal like WOW! from the public, then you might as well be wearing a tin-foil hat. Next point is Taurus states many SETI scientist disagree WOW! came from deep space. Really! Let's hear their arguments then because I havent seen any. ALL the indications are the signal came from outside our solar system (assuming it wasnt a glitch, of course and if it was a glitch, statistically, that 'glitch should have been repeated but it never did!) You're stating patent falsehoods without even doing some basic online searching yourself. With all due respect, that's lazy and sloppy on your part. "Something suggests it was an Earth-bound signal that simply got reflected off a piece of space debris." - Jerry Ehman, 1994 "I can speculate, too, but there's nothing to back it up," "Yeah, the wow signal. Well, it's pretty wow-y. But it doesn't seem to have been ET. Lots of people have gone back and they even, they immediately had a following beam on the sky that swept through that same patch of the heavens, just shortly after they got that signal, and didn't see it. And people have gone back there looking, you know, with more sensitivity, more frequencies, and nobody's ever found it again. So it's not good enough. It's like seeing a ghost in your basement once. It's not enough to believe in ghosts. If you see them every time you look, now that's okay, you might believe then. So it was undoubtedly some sort of interference." http://www.bigear.org/Wow30th/wow30th.htm#speculations He now personally places low probability in every alternative explanation for WOW! other than ETI. As I said, the reasons for his change of heart are difficult to ascertain. Whilst I conceed there is no definite proof that WOW! was from an ET civilisation, there is sufficient evidence to suggest it possibly was. The problem is, scientific proof doesn't work that way. For example, the SETI Institute's multi-million dollar Allen Telescope Array is the most expensive and powerful devoted SETI tool in the world. SETI astronomers have devised targeted lists of locations which the ATA will scan....
Message 780506 - Posted 8 Jul 2008 1:25:55 UTC Cyrax wrote: "Also, I feel the earth is like a becon. We are sending out lots more data into deep space then there are people looking for ET's signal." Actually, in terms of radio emissions, earth is more like a kerosene lamp in thick fog than a beacon. Many of the radio signals we generate never make it out of our atmosphere. They're reflected back by the ionosphere. Most of those that do are very weak, and fade very quickly into the cosmic noise. Nothing we transmit could probably be detected by anyone, no matter how advanced, at a distance of more than a few lightyears. To make things more difficult, there are at least two other more powerful radio sources here, the sun and Jupiter. If a civilization with radio habits just like ours existed in the Tau Ceti system, 12 light years away, or the Epsilon Erandi system at 10 lightyears, we probably wouldn't ever be able to hear them unless they decided to send a very powerful signal directly at us, and kept sending for a long time. We'd never be able to watch their TV programs or listen to their Top 40 radio. Those signals would simply be lost in the cosmic noise. "Good against remotes is one thing. Good against the living, that's something else." (Han Solo) ID: 780506
Message 780755 - Posted 8 Jul 2008 15:25:29 UTC Hello Sparrow, I agree with everything you stated. The only problem is that, your statment may have been true in the 1950s , 1960s , 1970s. Our level of technology has increased 1000 times sence then. The power of most transmitters are powerful enough to go very very far into space. Even alot of earth's satellites are powerful enough to transmit very very deep into space and they are already beyond our atmosphere. You are very correct that TV and Raido may not go far into space. This is true if the broadcast is from ground level. But we do have other broadcast that are very strong that go into space every day that are not ground base. Also it is true that our brodcast would get weaker the further it went into deep space and the background noise may over come any brodcast we send, but there is data in all our brodcast. If ET is smart, they would be looking for very very weak signals that may have data or structure. And we should be doing the same. thankyou for the wounderful information, I love to here all view points and consider all. ID: 780755
Message781005 - Posted 9 Jul 2008 2:16:55 UTC - in response to Message ID 780755. You are very correct that TV and Raido may not go far into space. This is true if the broadcast is from ground level. But we do have other broadcast that are very strong that go into space every day that are not ground base. The problem with those satellites is that they're not broadcasting into deep space, their signals are aimed directly down below towards Earth; this is different than what the transmitting towers of the 20th century did when they broadcast omnidirectional radio signals around the globe.
Message boards: SETI @ home Science: If someone found a signal would the public know ?
27 Aug 2007 ... Frank Drake sat down with Astrobiology Magazine’s Leslie Mullen to .... The price of SETI is not a lot, only a few million dollars a year. . 27 Aug 2007 ... at Cornell University and the University of California, Santa Cruz. ... Frank Drake sat down with Astrobiology Magazine’s Leslie Mullen ...
The Man to Contact
"In the field of astrobiology, few people have had a bigger influence than Frank Drake. In 1960, he conducted the first radio Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). He formulated the “Drake Equation,” which set the standard for the search for alien life in our galaxy, providing scientific rigor to a field of inquiry that previously had been derided as pure science fiction.
Drake, along with Carl Sagan, designed plaques that were carried on the Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 spacecraft. The Pioneer plaques depicted symbolic messages for any aliens the spacecraft might encounter as they travel outside our solar system. Drake also worked with Sagan on theVoyager Golden Record. Containing sounds and images of life on Earth, the record was sent on both the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft." "AM: Listening at the right time, at the right star that has a planet with life at the same point of evolution as us – the chance of that seems so small. Extracts posted 27/8/08
DAILY MAIL Thursday, September 11, 2008 Pages 12/13 "BANG! Day the/world didn't end" Page 12 'Secrets of the universe' machine is turned on. . . but we're till here Michael Hanlon Science Editor Page 12/13 "Suffering superlatives/or how Marr got his particles all shook up" Page 13 "A few of them said 'wow! from time to time but there was nothing much to see or hear" Quentin Letts
THE CITIZEN WAKEFIELD City of Wakefield Metropolitan District Council Issue 26 July/August 2006 THE PAPER FOR THE DISTRICT'S RESIDENTS Page 11 "WOW What's On in Wakefield District" "DIARY OF FORTHCOMING EVENTS"
FIRST CONTACT THE SEARCH FOR EXTRA TERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE Edited by Ben Nova and Byron Preiss 1990 Page 256 "Two types of unexplained signals were detected during this search. The first kind is quite rare, with the best example being the 'Wow' signal found in 1977. This /Page 257/ name was unintenionally applied from Jerry Ehman's comments in the margin of the computer printout when he noticed the signal. The signal was unmistakably strong and had all the characteristics of an extra-terrestrial signal." "We searched in the direction of the 'Wow!' signal hundreds of times after its discovery and over a wide frequency range. We never found the signal again. "...the 'Wow signal was received only once..." "What was the wow signal? Probably we will never know."
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 The Sentinel "I can never look now at the Milky Way without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire alarm and have nothing to do but wait. I do not think we will have to wait for long."
"The Sentinel" by Arthur C. Clarke (1948) The next time you see the full moon high in the south, look carefully at its right-hand edge and let your eye travel upward along the curve of the disk. Round about two o’clock you will notice a small, dark oval: anyone with normal eyesight can find it quite easily. It is the great walled plain, one of the finest on the Moon, known as the Mare Crisium -- the Sea of Crises. Three hundred miles in diameter, and almost completely surrounded by a ring of magnificent mountains, it had never been explored until we entered it in the late summer of 1996. I was geologist-or selenologist, if you want to be pedantic in charge of. the group exploring the southern region of the Mare. We had crossed a hundred miles of it in a week, skirting the foothills of the mountains along the shore of what was once the ancient sea, some thousand million years before. When life was beginning on Earth, it was already dying here. The waters were retreating down the flanks of those stupendous cliff s, retreating into the empty heart of the Moon. Over the land which we were crossing, the tideless ocean had once been half a mile deep, and now the only trace of moisture was the hoarfrost one could sometimes find in caves which the searing sunlight never penetrated. We had begun our journey early in the slow lunar dawn, and still had almost a week of Earth-time before nightfall. Half a dozen times a day we would leave our vehicle and go outside in the spacesuits to hunt for interesting minerals, or to place markers for the guidance of future travelers. It was an uneventful routine. There is nothing hazardous or even particularly exciting about lunar exploration. We could live comfortably for a month in our pressurized tractors, and if we ran into trouble we could always radio for help and sit tight until one of the spaceships came to our rescue. I said just now that there was nothing exciting about lunar exploration, but of course that isn’t true. One could never grow tired of those incredible mountains, so much more rugged than the gentle hills of Earth. We never knew, as we rounded the capes and promontories of that vanished sea, what new splendors would be revealed to us. The whole southern curve of the Mare Crisium is a vast delta where a score of rivers once found their way into the ocean, fed perhaps by the torrential rains that must have lashed the mountains in the brief volcanic age when the Moon was young. Each of these ancient valleys was an invitation, challenging us to climb into the unknown uplands beyond. But we had a hundred miles still to cover, and could only look longingly at the heights which others must scale. We kept Earth-time aboard the tractor, and precisely at 22.00 hours the final radio message would be sent out to Base and we would close down for the day. Outside, the rocks would still be burning beneath the almost vertical sun, but to us it was night until we awoke again eight hours later. Then one of us would prepare breakfast, there would be a great buzzing of electric razors, and someone would switch on the short-wave radio from Earth. Indeed, when the smell of frying sausages began to fill the cabin, it was sometimes hard to believe that we were not back on our own world - everything was so normal and homely, apart from the feeling of decreased weight and the unnatural slowness with which objects fell. It was my turn to prepare breakfast in the corner of the main cabin that served as a galley. I can remember that moment quite vividly after all these years, for the radio had just played one of my favorite melodies, the old Welsh air, “David of the White Rock.” Our driver was already outside in his space-suit, inspecting our caterpillar treads. My assistant, Louis Garnett, was up forward in the control position, making some belated entries in yesterday’s log. As I stood by the frying pan waiting, like any terrestrial housewife, for the sausages to brown, I let my gaze wander idly over the mountain walls which covered the whole of the southern horizon, marching out of sight to east and west below the curve of the Moon. They seemed only a mile or two from the tractor, but I knew that the nearest was twenty miles away. On the Moon, of course, there is no loss of detail with distance-none of that almost imperceptible haziness which softens and sometimes transfigures all far-off things on Earth. Those mountains were ten thousand feet high, and they climbed steeply out of the plain as if ages ago some subterranean eruption had smashed them skyward through the molten crust. The base of even the nearest was hidden from sight by the steeply curving surface of the plain, for the Moon is a very little world, and from where I was standing the horizon was only two miles away. I lifted my eyes toward the peaks which no man had ever climbed, the peaks which, before the coming of terrestrial life, had watched the retreating oceans sink sullenly into their graves, taking with them the hope and the morning promise of a world. The sunlight was beating against those ramparts with a glare that hurt the eyes, yet only a little way above them the stars were shining steadily in a sky blacker than a winter midnight on Earth. I was turning away when my eye caught a metallic glitter high on the ridge of a great promontory thrusting out into the sea thirty miles to the west. It was a dimensionless point of light, as if a star had been clawed from the sky by one of those cruel peaks, and I imagined that some smooth rock surface was catching the sunlight and heliographing it straight into my eyes. Such things were not uncommon. When the Moon is in her second quarter, observers on Earth can sometimes see the great ranges in the Oceanus Procellarum burning with a blue-white iridescence as the sunlight flashes from their slopes and leaps again from world to world. But I was curious to know what kind of rock could be shining so brightly up there, and I climbed into the observation turret and swung our four inch telescope round to the west. I could see just enough to tantalize me. Clear and sharp in the field of vision, the mountain peaks seemed only half a mile away, but whatever was catching the sunlight was still too small to be resolved. Yet it seemed to have an elusive symmetry, and the summit upon which it rested was curiously flat. I stared for a long time at that glittering enigma, straining my eyes into space, until presently a smell of burning from the galley told me that our breakfast sausages had made their quarter-million mile journey in vain. All that morning we argued our way across the Mare Crisium while the western mountains reared higher in the sky. Even when we were out prospecting in the space-suits, the discussion would continue over the radio. It was absolutely certain, my companions argued, that there had never been any form of intelligent life on the Moon. The only living things that had ever existed there were a few primitive plants and their slightly less degenerate ancestors. I knew that as well as anyone, but there are times when a scientist must not be afraid to make a fool of himself. “Listen,” I said at last, “I’m going up there, if only for my own peace of mind. That mountain’s less than twelve thousand feet high -- that’s only two thousand under Earth gravity-and I can make the trip in twenty hours at the outside. I’ve always wanted to go up into those hills, anyway, and this gives me an excellent excuse.” “If you don’t break your neck,” said Garnett, “you’ll be the laughing-stock of the expedition when we get back to Base. That mountain will probably be called Wilson’s Folly from now on.” “I won’t break my neck,” I said firmly. “Who was the first man to climb Pico and Helicon?” “But weren’t you rather younger in those days?” asked Louis gently. “That,” I said with great dignity, “is as good a reason as any for going.” We went to bed early that night, after driving the tractor to within half a mile of the promontory. Garnett was coming with me in the morning; he was a good climber, and had often been with me on such exploits before. Our driver was only too glad to be left in charge of the machine. At first sight, those cliffs seemed completely unscalable, but to anyone with a good head for heights, climbing is easy on a world where all weights are only a sixth of their normal value. The real danger in lunar mountaineering lies in overconfidence; a six-hundred-foot drop on the Moon can kill you just as thoroughly as a. hundred-foot fall on Earth. We made our first halt on a wide ledge about four thousand feet above the plain. Climbing had not been very difficult, but my limbs were stiff with the unaccustomed effort, and I was glad of the rest. We could still see the tractor as a tiny metal insect far down at the foot of the cliff, and we reported our progress to the driver before starting on the next ascent. Inside our suits it was comfortably cool, for the refrigeration units were fighting the fierce sun and carrying away the body-heat of our exertions. We seldom spoke to each other, except to pass climbing instructions and to discuss our best plan of ascent. I do not know what Garnett was thinking, probably that this was the craziest goose-chase he had ever embarked upon. I more than half agreed with him, but the joy of climbing, the knowledge that no man had ever gone this way before and the exhilaration of the steadily widening landscape gave me all the reward I needed. I don’t think I was particularly excited when I saw in front of us the wall of rock I had first inspected through the telescope from thirty miles away. It would level off about fifty feet above our heads, and there on the plateau would be the thing that had lured me over these barren wastes. It was, almost certainly, nothing more than a boulder splintered ages ago by a falling meteor, and with its cleavage planes still fresh and bright in this incorruptible, unchanging silence. There were no hand-holds on the rock face, and we had to use a grapnel. My tired arms seemed to gain new strength as I swung the three-pronged metal anchor round my head and sent it sailing Lip toward the stars. The first time it broke loose and came falling slowly back when we pulled the rope. On the third attempt, the prongs gripped firmly and our combined weights could not shift it. Garnett looked at me anxiously. I could tell that he wanted to go first, but I smiled back at him through the glass of my helmet and shook my head. Slowly, taking my time, I began the final ascent. Even with my space-suit, I weighed only forty pounds here, so I pulled myself up hand over hand without bothering to use my feet. At the rim I paused and waved to my companion, then I scrambled over the edge and stood upright, staring ahead of me. You must understand that until this very moment I had been almost completely convinced that there could be nothing strange or unusual for me to find here. Almost, but not quite; it was that haunting doubt that had driven me forward. Well, it was a doubt no longer, but the haunting had scarcely begun. I was standing on a plateau perhaps a hundred feet across. It had once been smooth-too smooth to be natural-but falling meteors had pitted and scored its surface through immeasurable eons. It had been leveled to support a glittering, roughly pyramidal structure, twice as high as a man, that was set in the rock like a gigantic, many-faceted jewel. Probably no emotion at all filled my mind in those first few seconds. Then I felt a great lifting of my heart, and a strange, inexpressible joy. For I loved the Moon, and now I knew that the creeping moss of Aristarchus and Eratosthenes was not the only life she had brought forth in her youth. The old, discredited dream of the first explorers was true. There had, after all, been a lunar civilization and I was the first to find it. That I had come perhaps a hundred million years too late did not distress me; it was enough to have come at all. My mind was beginning to function normally, to analyze and to ask questions. Was this a building, a shrine-or something for which my language had no name? If a building, then why was it erected in so uniquely inaccessible a spot? I wondered if it might be a temple, and I could picture the adepts of some strange priesthood calling on their gods to preserve them as the life of the Moon ebbed with the dying oceans, and calling on their gods in vain. I took a dozen steps forward to examine the thing more closely, but some sense of caution kept me from going too near. I knew a little of archaeology, and tried to guess the cultural level of the civilization that must have smoothed this mountain and raised the glittering mirror surfaces that still dazzled my eyes. The Egyptians could have done it, I thought, if their workmen had possessed whatever strange materials these far more ancient architects had used. Because of the thing’s smallness, it did not occur to me that I might be looking at the handiwork of a race more advanced than my own. The idea that the Moon had possessed intelligence at all was still almost too tremendous to grasp, and my pride would not let me take the final, humiliating plunge. And then I noticed something that set the scalp crawling at the back of my neck-something so trivial and so innocent that many would never have noticed it at all. I have said that the plateau was scarred by meteors; it was also coated inches-deep with the cosmic dust that is always filtering down upon the surface of any world where there are no winds to disturb it. Yet the dust and the meteor scratches ended quite abruptly in a wide circle enclosing the little pyramid, as though an invisible wall was protecting it from the ravages of time and the slow but ceaseless bombardment from space. There was someone shouting in my earphones, and I realized that Garnett had been calling me for some time. I walked unsteadily to the edge of the cliff and signaled him to join me, not trusting myself to speak. Then I went back toward that circle in the dust. I picked up a fragment of splintered rock and tossed it gently toward the shining enigma. If the pebble had vanished at that invisible barrier I should not have been surprised, but it seemed to hit a smooth, hemispherical surface and slide gently to the ground. I knew then that I was looking at nothing that could be matched in the antiquity of my own race. This was not a building, but a machine, protecting itself with forces that had challenged Eternity. Those forces, whatever they might be, were still operating, and perhaps I had already come too close. I thought of all the radiations man had trapped and tamed in the past century. For all I knew, I might be as irrevocably doomed as if I had stepped into the deadly, silent aura of an unshielded atomic pile. I remember turning then toward Garnett, who bad joined me and was now standing motionless at my side. He seemed quite oblivious to me, so I did not disturb him but walked to the edge of the cliff in an effort to marshal my thoughts. There below me lay the Mare Crisium-Sea of Crises, indeed-strange and weird to most men, but reassuringly familiar to me. I lifted my eyes toward the crescent Earth, lying in her cradle of stars, and I wondered what her clouds had covered when these unknown builders had finished their work. Was it the steaming jungle of the Carboniferous, the bleak shoreline over which the first amphibians must crawl to conquer the land-or, earlier still, the long loneliness before the coming of life? Do not ask me why I did not guess the truth sooner-the truth, that seems so obvious now. In the first excitement of my discovery, I had assumed without question that this crystalline apparition had been built by some race belonging to the Moon’s remote past, but suddenly, and with overwhelming force, the belief came to me that it was as alien to the Moon as I myself. In twenty years we had found no trace of life but a few degenerate plants. No lunar civilization, whatever its doom, could have left but a single token of its existence. I looked at the shining pyramid again, and the more remote it seemed from anything that had to do with the Moon. And suddenly I felt myself shaking with a foolish, hysterical laughter, brought on by excitement and overexertion: for I had imagined that the little pyramid was speaking to me and was saying: “Sorry, I’m a stranger here myself.” It has taken us twenty years to crack that invisible shield and to reach the machine inside those crystal walls. What we could not understand, we broke at last with the savage might of atomic power and now I have seen the fragments of the lovely, glittering thing I found up there on the mountain. They are meaningless. The mechanisms-if indeed they are mechanisms-of the pyramid belong to a technology that lies far beyond our horizon, perhaps to the technology of para-physical forces. The mystery haunts us all the more now that the other planets have been reached and we know that only Earth has ever been the home of intelligent life in our Universe. Nor could any lost civilization of our own world have built that machine, for the thickness of the meteoric dust on the plateau has enabled us to measure its age. It was set there upon its mountain before life had emerged from the seas of Earth. When our world was half its present age, something from the stars swept through the Solar System, left this token of its passage, and went again upon its way. Until we destroyed it, that machine was still fulfilling the purpose of its builders; and as to that purpose, here is my guess. Nearly a hundred thousand million stars are turning in the circle of the Milky Way, and long ago other races on the worlds of other suns must have scaled and passed the heights that we have reached. Think of such civilizations, far back in time against the fading afterglow of Creation, masters of a universe so young that life as yet had come only to a handful of worlds. Theirs would have been a loneliness we cannot imagine, the loneliness of gods looking out across infinity and finding none to share their thoughts. They must have searched the star-clusters as we have searched the planets. Everywhere there would be worlds, but they would be empty or peopled with crawling, mindless things. Such was our own Earth, the smoke of the great volcanoes still staining the skies, when that first ship of the peoples of the dawn came sliding in from the abyss beyond Pluto. It passed the frozen outer worlds, knowing that life could play no part in their destinies. It came to rest among the inner planets, warming themselves around the fire of the Sun and waiting for their stories to begin. Those wanderers must have looked on Earth, circling safely in the narrow zone between fire and ice, and must have guessed that it was the favorite of the Sun’s children. Here, in the distant future, would be intelligence; but there were countless stars before -them still, and they might never come this way again. So they left a sentinel, one of millions they have scattered throughout the Universe, watching over all worlds with the promise of life. It was a beacon that down the ages has been patiently signaling the fact that no one had discovered it. Perhaps you understand now why that crystal pyramid was set upon the Moon instead of on the Earth. Its builders were not concerned with races still struggling up from savagery. They would be interested in our civilization only if we proved our fitness to survive -by crossing space and so escaping from the Earth, our cradle. That is the challenge that all intelligent races must meet, sooner or later. It is a double challenge, for it depends in turn upon the conquest of atomic energy and the last choice between life and death. Once we had passed that crisis, it was only a matter of time before we found the pyramid and forced it open. Now its signals have ceased, and those whose duty it is will be turning their minds upon Earth. Perhaps they wish to help our infant civilization. But they must be very, very old, and the old are often insanely jealous of the young. I can never look now at the Milky Way without wondering from which of those banked clouds of stars the emissaries are coming. If you will pardon so commonplace a simile, we have set off the fire-alarm and have nothing to do but to wait. I do not think we will have to wait for long.
E-mail 09 September 2008 21:00 THE LIGHT IS RISING RISING IS THE LIGHT
LIFE OUT THERE Michael White1998 SIGNALS FROM BEYOND 5 Page 99/100 Page 102 "So far the most important find was a signal detected at the Ohio University 'Big Ear' radio telescope in August 1977. Known by SETI researchers and enthusiasts as the 'Wow' signal, after the monoyllabic exclamation written on the computer print-out by an astonished astronomer at the station, it lasted exactly thirty-seven seconds and appears to have come from the direction of Sagittarius. Although, most strikingly, the signal was a narrow-band signal precisely at the hydrogen frequency of 1420 MHz, it has not been detected even a second time, in Sagittarius or anywhere else. So, what of the future? Is the continuing search for intelligent life in the Universe a total waste of money, as its opponents insist, or are we perhaps on the threshold of a great discovery?
LIFE OUT THERE Michael White1998 SIGNALS FROM BEYOND 5 Page 99/100 Page 102 "So far the most important find was a signal detected at the Ohio University 'Big Ear' radio telescope in August 1977. Known by SETI researchers and enthusiasts as the 'Wow' signal, after the monoyllabic exclamation written on the computer print-out by an astonished astronomer at the station, it lasted exactly thirty-seven seconds and appears to have come from the direction of Sagittarius. Although, most strikingly, the signal was a narrow-band signal precisely at the hydrogen frequency of 1420 MHz, it has not been detected even a second time, in Sagittarius or anywhere else."
"Arthur Clarke said we must learn to live with our/ Page 836 / selves, to meet others properly.14 Chris Boyce said here, in Chapter 8, that we should set our own house:" in order, in our relations with one another and with other life on Earth. Robert Burns said: "Oh wad some po'er the giftie gie us, to see oorsels as ithers see us. . . ." It's time we took some action on that basis; indeed, it always has been." "Oh wad some po'er the giftie gie us, to see oorsels as ithers see us. . . ."
DAILY MAIL Friday, August 15, 2008 Ephraim Hardcastle Page 19 "Oh, wad some power the gift to gie us/ To see oursels as others see us"
QUO VADIS (WHITHER GOEST THOU?) By Henryk Sienkiewicz 1895 Page 9 "QUO VADIS ?" Page 90 "QUO VADIS ?" Page 99 "QUO VADIS ?" "GOD" "GOD" "GOD" "GOD" "GOD" Page 108 "QUO VADIS ?"
QUO VADIS Ristorante Italiano Smythe Street WAKEFIELDYORKSHIRE
EVERY BREATH YOU TAKE Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take Ill be watching you Ill be watching you Ill be watching you I look around but its you I cant replace I feel so cold and I long for your embrace I keep crying baby, baby, please... Ill be watching you Ill be watching you Ill be watching you Ill be watching you Ill be watching you Ill be watching you
Every breath you take Every move you make Every bond you break Every step you take Ill be watching you Every single day Every word you say ... www.lyricsfreak.com/p/police/every+breath+you+take
I CAN'T STOP LOVING YOU Jim Reeves 1923 - 1964 I can't stop loving you www.lyricmusic.us/index.php?search=songid&id
ONE LOVE One Love appears on the album One Love Peace Concert (Bob Marley) One Love, One Heart Let them all pass all their dirty remarks (One Love) One Love, One Heart Let's get together to fight this Holy Armageddon (One Love) Sayin' One Love, One Heart Give thanks and praise to the Lord and I will feel all right
"One Love/People Get Ready" is a song by Bob Marley & The Wailers from their 1977 album Exodus and it has also been released on many of his compilation albums. It has become one of the most influential and known reggae songs ever. The song expressed Bob's beliefs of global unity. Marley was born in the small village of Nine Mile in the Saint Ann Parish, Jamaica.
Hair Soundtrack Lyrics, Lyrics - Aquarius Lyrics. ... The age of Aquarius Aquarius!Aquarius! Harmony and understanding
When the moon is in the Seventh House
OF TIME AND STARS Arthur C. Clarke 1972 Page 81 If I forget Thee, Oh Earth "He stared into the west, away from the blinding splendour of the sun - and there were the stars, as he had been told but had never quite believed. He gazed at them for a long time marvelling that anything could be so bright and yet so tiny. They were intense unscintillating points, and suddenly he remembered a rhyme he had once read in one of his father's books: Twinkle, Twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are."
DAILY MAIL Tuesday October 7, 2008 Page 23 ".........nursery rhymes and songs such as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star."
DAILY MAIL Tuesday, December 2,008 Rocking the cradle Fay Schlesinger "...It seems the sound of the bedtime lullaby is changing fast. Traditional songs such as Rock A Bye Baby and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star are no longer soothing babies to sleep."
Good Morning Starshine Singing a song Sing the song song the sing Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in Let the sunshine
Let the sunshine in
The sunshine in
Hair: The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical 1967 is a rock musical with a book and lyrics by James Rado and Gerome Ragni and music by Galt MacDermot
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