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Thomas Mann 1875-1955 Page 496 " There is both rhyme and reason in
what I say, I have made a dream poem of humanity. Page 496 / 497 "Love stands opposed to death. It is love, not reason, that is stronger than death . Only love, not reason, gives sweet thoughts. And from love and sweetness alone can form come: form and civilisation, friendly and enlightened , beautiful human intercourse-always in silent recognition of the blood-sacrifice. Ah, yes, it is it is well and truly dreamed. I have taken stock I will keep faith with death in my heart, yet well remember that faith with death and the dead is evil, is hostile to mankind, so soon as we give it power over thought and action. For the sake of goodness and love, man shall let death have no sovereignty over his thoughts. - And with this - I awake. For I have dreamed it out to the end, I have come to my goal."
After a short meeting with their good and trusted friend Thomas. Alizzed and the scribe thanked him most genuinely for the benefit of his wisdom, in the matter of their quest, and in saying their good byes, wished the other well, a not unusual seven times, and of course, promised, not to leave it quite so long in the future. Greek words omitted John Michell 1969, 972,1983 THE ALCHEMICAL WEDDING Page156 1080 = the Holy Spirit, = the spirit of the earth, ro = fountain of wisdom, == Tartaros, the abyss, = Cocytos, a god of the abyss, By the conventions of gematria, one digit, known as colel, may be added to or subtracted from a phrase without altering its meaning, and so to the above can be added: 1081 = the abyss, Among other correspondences of the number 1080, which contribute' to revealing its characteristic meaning, are: 1080 = radius of the moon in miles 108 = atomic weight of silver 1080 = number of breaths drawn in one hour (traditional) 10800 = number of stanzas in the Rigveda 10800 = number of bricks in the Indian fire altar 108 = number of beads on the Hindu or Buddhist rosary And so on. Throughout the world, in every traditional code of architectural proportion, computation of time and wherever else number is involved, 1080 is always prominent; and its reference universally is to the 'yin' side of nature, in contrast to the solar or 'yang' significance of the number 666. The relation this bears to our present subject is that it reveals the esoteric meaning of the phrase, a grain of mustard seed; for the sum of the letter comprising that term is 1746, and 1746 is the sum of the numbers 666 and 1080. It is in fact the 'number of fusion', representing the fruitful union between the two opposite principles in nature. This same number, 1746, is given by many other sacred phrases, all referring to the product of that union, such as (1746), the Spirit of the World. According to the alchemists, life is created out of the fusion of two, elements, mercury and sulphur, the first representing the receptive, 'female' principle in nature which is animated by the second, the positive 'male' force. The two numbers corresponding to these in the old numerical philosophy were 1080 and 666, and the sum of these, 1746, is represented by the 'grain of mustard seed' at the Pyramid's tip. In this formula are expressed the nature and purpose of the forgotten science of which the Pyramid, like all temples and monuments in the ancient world, was designed as an instrument. The operations of the medieval alchemists were the last flickerings of a scientific tradition / Page 157 / which flourished in prehistoric times, when the elements of sulphur and mercury were brought to fusion, not merely in an alchemist's retort, but on a far grander scale within the great retort or womb of the earth itself. The element of mercury in this operation was represented by the spirit of the earth, which was ceremonially 'wedded' at certain seasons with the sulphurous element, radiating from the sun. The marriage of heaven and earth took place at the Pyramid as a union between the terrestrial current, accumulated in its rocky mass, and the divine spark of celestial fire distilled from the ether at the point of its gold and crystal apex. From this union was born the life essence, the vitalists' elan vital, formerly known by such phrases as the Spirit of the World whose number in the Greek cabala is 1746. It is recognized by the Hebrew cabalists that a similar operation was performed within the Holy of Holies in the Temple at Jerusalem, where lay the Ark, the Israelites' source of power from the days when they were a nomadic people. The effect produced by that operation is described in the Old Testament phrase: 'The Glory of the Lord filled the House' - an effect of light and power, capable of striking dead any of the priestly operators unprepared for it, from a fusion of energies in the generation of the life spirit by which the whole country was made fertile. In the Greek scriptures this phenomenon is referred to as 'the Glory of the God of Israel' the -value by gematria of which phrase is 1746. Temple legends, as recounted by Raphael Patai in Man and Temple, tell of the underground streams and fissures leading from beneath it to all parts of the land, by which the vital spirit was universally dispersed. The chthonic mysteries of the earth goddess were celebrated in vaults below the Temple, into which ran metal rods, connected to golden spires on the temple's roof. By these the positive charge of atmospheric electricity was introduced into the veins of water and metal within the earth's crust. Thus in many various ways the temple formed an instrument offusion between the elements from above and those of the earth beneath. One of the ways in which the number of fusion, 1746, relates to the Great Pyramid is illustrated in the diagram overleaf, (diagram omitted) in which the profile of the Pyramid is placed in association with that basic figure of sacred geometry and architecture known as the vesica pis cis or 'vessel of the fish'. The figure of the vesica is formed by the intersection of two equal circles, the circumference of each of which passes through the centre of the other. It is not merely a figure of abstract geometry, for it occurs in many of the patterns of nature. It represents a state of perfect equilibrium between two equal forces, and in the symbolic (Diagram omitted) / Page 159 / vocabulary of the old geometers it was an image of the inter- penetrating worlds of heaven and earth, spirit and matter, and other such complementary elements. In this case, the height of the vesica being that of the Pyramid, some 481 ft., the diameter of each of the two circles forming it is equal to that number divided by half the square root of 3, or 555.5 ft., and the circumference of each circle is therefore 1746 ft. These two circles of 1746 ft., intersecting at the Pyramid's tip and the centre of its base, take the form of a magnetic field, illustrating a feature of the Pyramid which belongs to it by tradition, supported by modern experience: its magnetic quality. Of the many mystics and occultists who have been drawn to study the Great Pyramid, one of the earliest and most imaginative was Captain G.B. Caviglia, a Genoese mariner, who saw the Pyramid during a trip to Egypt early in the nineteenth century, and abandoned his ship and seafaring life in order to live within it and probe its mysteries. He took up residence in a small apartment above the King's Chamber, and began intensive searches for hidden rooms and other undiscovered features of the Pyramid's interior. At. the same time this sensitive man pursued studies of magnetism and the esoteric sciences 'to the very verge of what is permitted man to know', as he told a visitor, Lord Lindsay (who described the encounter in a book, Letters from Egypt). Lindsay described him as having become so integrated with his environment that he was 'tout a fait pyramidal'. Caviglia has gone down in Pyramid history for his energetic clearing of rubble there and around the Sphinx, and for his discovery of some of its inner features. Of the weird experiences he underwent while dwelling in his Pyramid chamber he left no written record, but he"'" described some of them to his contemporaries, saying that at times he had been driven close to death, and added his impressions of the Pyramid's magnetic and occult qualities. The possible nature of these experiences is indicated by the account of an adventure described in Paul Brunton's book, A Search in Secret Egypt. In the 1920S Mr Brunton received permission, harder to obtain than in Caviglia's time, to spend a night inside the Great Pyramid. Locked in at dusk by the Pyramid guard, he spent some time with an electric torch roaming the interior and finally entered the King's Chamber. Here began the adventures described in his book. An almost unbearable impression of evil reduced him to a state of terror that almost became panic until his senses, utterly distraught by grotesque and sinister visions, were relieved by the appearance of a white robed figure, banishing the horror to which he had been subjected. Page 160 / The figure laid him inside the stone coffer that stands within the chamber, and Mr Brunton found himself in the process of leaving his body, enjoying the experience traditionally associated with the process of initiation. In this state he was led along the internal passages of the ,Pyramid, including several that ha venotyet been rediscovered. Although warned not to look about him, he was unable to resist the temptation to do so, and with this the experience ended. Throughout its history the Pyramid has been the scene of strange events and apparitions. Like the, Sphinx, whose weird morning cry, similar to the twang of the bow string at the end of Chekhov's Cherry Orchard, has been heard on numerous occasions over the centuries, the Pyramid is said at times to vibrate with deep sound, a note which old fashioned guides used to reproduce for yisitors by rubbing with a stick the coffer in the King's Chamber. There is also a strange light which local Bedouins see at certain seasons hovering over its peak. Some years ago an American, William Groff, together with members of the Institut Egyptien, saw this light which appeared as a flame issuing from the Pyramid, and was unable to find any natural ex- planation for it. There are other reports of strange lights seen to stand in the air above the Pyramid. Whatever may be the nature of the energies that the Pyramid builders set outto control- and its construction undoubedly played an important part in the vast engineering program whose aim was the fertilization of the entire Nile valley - they are evidently still present, still capable of being reinvoked when their function is again recognized. Mercury, known to the Greeks as Hermes and to the Egyptians as Thoth, was the deity of speech and communication, in which aspect he was the patron of travellers, of roads and paths and of the stone pillars marking their course. These were called by the Greeks 'Herms' or Hermes stones, and they pointed the way to the statue of Hermes in market places, later replaced by the market cross. The number of Hermes by gematria is 353, corresponding within the latitude allowed by convention to the Greek New Testament word for 'the way' These stones also bore phallic symbolism, not merely because of their morphological resemblance to the male organ erect, but because of their function as instruments of the union between cosmic and terrestrial force by which the earth is made fertile. The same symbolism is apparent in the word (pyramid), of which the number in gematria is 831, this number being also obtained by the addition of the values of the letters in the word (phallus). Mercury was also god of revelation and of the 'hermetic' mysteries which were held within a dark, buried chamber, similar to the King's / Page 161 / chamber buried deep within the masonry of the Great Pyramid. The use of the Pyramid's inner chambers for rituals of initiation and rebirth is implied in Pyramid legend, in the impressions of modern mystics, and in the traditional dedication of the Pyramid to the principle .of Mercury. On page 124 are displayed the magic squares relating to the various planets. These figures were highly regarded by the mathematicians of antiquity, who took them as paradigms of universal laws. Every ritual centre or temple was laid out according to one of the geometrical designs which are inherent in the structure of magic .squares. Thus the ancient world was laid out to a cosmological pattern within which smaller patterns were formed, all radiating from certain points on the earth's surface, the natural centres of terrestrial current. Each of these centres, and each individual group and cluster of groups, was known by an astrological symbol and related to a magic square, expressing the influence to which it was found most susceptible. The Seven Wonders of the ancient world formed an astrological system, each of the sites representing a centre of the influence for which they were famous. The buildings themselves, instruments for the control of a particular a~pect of cosmic energy, were constructed according to the pattern of the magic squares to which that. energy responds. Below is the list of the Wonders, according to Eliphas Levi, and the squares that rule them: The Colossus at Rhodes Square of the Sun The Temple of Diana at Ephesus Moon The Tomb of Mausolus Venus The Pyramids of Egypt Mercury The Towers and Gardens of Babylon Mars The Statue of Jupiter at Olympus Jupiter The Temple of Solomon Saturn The association of the Pyramid with the magic square of Mercury links it also to the number 2080, which is the sum of all numbers from 1 to 64 and thus the sum of all the numbers within Mercury's magic square. 2080 is also the number of the first-born, an epithet of Christ (Revelation, i, 5), and the same number is produced by the Greek phrase which describes the 'fire' which Prometheus, a type of Mercury, stole from the gods - the 'artificers' fire'2080. The combination of light also gives 2080. This number and 1080 appear to have similar meanings, 1080 representing Mercury in the character of the earth spirit = 1080. Symbolism in the ancient world was always related to function, and the symbolic numbers associated with or expressed in the dimensions / Page 162 / of the Great Pyramid give clear indications of its general purpose: to bring about the fertile union of the two elements in nature referred to as sulphur, 666, and mercury, 1080. Their offspring was that spirit which the alchemists in their technical language referred to as the animated Mercurius, fertility-bearer, revealer of knowledge and guide between -life and death, representing in one aspect the spirit of the living earth, and in another the 'Mercury of the Philosophers' enshrined within the initiatory chambers of the Pyramid. The Order of Art and Science Seen in a Flash Questions which inevitably follow upon our recognition of the great universal civilization in deep prehistory, and the highly developed code of magic and science on which it was based, are those which ask its origin, how it spread across the earth and why it declined and vanished. Such questions have been asked in vain since at least the time of Plato, who attributed the origins of culture to the appearance of gods or god- like individuals, in other words, to the mysterious principle of revelation. The existence of similar or identical features in the cosmologies, myths, names, ceremonies, artefacts and even units of measure of such widely separated countries as China, Egypt, Britain and America implies that their cultures were derived from a common source, from some greater tradition of which they each preserved certain relics. An academic fad of the last century was to try to locate that source in India, Babylon or some other matrix, Egypt being a popular favourite. It has, however, often been observed that the Great Pyramid is not apparently of native Egyptian construction. Like the earliest and most perfect temples of Mexico, it relates to world geography in a way which indicates that it belonged to some universal system in the forgotten past. Ever and again, studies of ancient civilizations trace them back from their declines to their high origins - beyond which the trail ends, with no trace of any previous period of cultural development. The great riddle in the quest for the origin of human culture is that civilizations appear suddenly, at their peak, as if ready-made. The version of history that constantly suggests itself is Plato's, given in his account of that long-vanished world which he called Atlantis. "
HOLY BIBLE Page704 (The best hing- possible to the natural man.) REMEMBER now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, bwhen thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them; 2. While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not dark- ened, nor the clouds return after the rain: 3. In the day when the keepers of the house shall tremble, and the strong men shall bow themselves, and the grinders cease because they are few, and those that look out of the windows be darkened, 4. And the doors shall be shut in the streets, when the sound of the grinding is low, and he shall rise up at the voice of the bird, and all the daughters of musick shall be brought low; 5. Also when they shall be afraid, of that which is high, and fears shall be in the way, and the almond tree shall flourish, and the grass- hopper shall be a burden, and desire shall fail: because man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets: 6. Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7. Then shall the dust return. to the earth as it was: and the spirt shall return unto God who gave it. 8. Vanity of vanities, saith the :preacher; all is vanity. 9. And moreover, because the preacher was wise, he, still taught the people knowledge; yea, he gave good heed, and sought out, and set in order many proverbs. 10. The preacher sought to find out acceptable words: and that which was written was upright, even words of truth. 11. The words of the wise are as goads, and as nails fastened by the masters of assemblies, which are given from one shepherd. 2. And further,by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
and then was gone quickly through the passage and into the I of THAT from whom there had never been a parting
THE ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ORACLE THE CARDS OF RA MAAT Norman Plaskett "It is important to re.alize that as the cards fall in a spread, they are trymg to Impart mformation with a very limited vocabulary. As we know, there are 72 cards, which means that our vocabulary will be restricted to 72 key words. But if we combine cards, we can extend their effect and gain more detail, espe- cially between the Pylons and the Cubits. At this point it is necessary to point out that not all cards can be combined. The ones we have listed have proved their worth over a period of time and are therefore to be trusted. If it were possible to cross-reference every card, we would have more than 2000 interpretations!"
Fragments of an Unknown Teaching P.D.Oupensky Page 304 "You must understand ", he said, " that every real religion, that is, one that has been created by learned people for a definite aim, consists of two parts. One part teaches what is to be done. This part becomes common knowledge and in the course of time is distorted and departs from the original. The other part teaches how to do what the first part teaches. This part is preserved in secret in special schools and with its help it is always possible to rectify what has been distorted in the first part or restore what has been forgotten." "Realizing the weakness and imperfection of ordinary language the people who have possessed objective knowledge have tried to express the idea of unity in "myths" "symbols" and in particular verbal formulas" which, having been transmitted without alteration, have carried on the idea from one school to another, often from one epoch to another." Page 279 "The aim of "myths" and "symbols" was to reach mans' higher centres, to transmit to him ideas inaccessible to the intellect and to transmit them in such forms as would exclude the possibility of false interpretation."
NUMEROLOGY Page 7 12 is reduced to 3 by adding 1 and 2; 49 is reduced to 4 by adding 4 and 9 which equals 13 and subsequently adding 1 and 3 to make 4." |
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