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KEEPER OF GENESIS A QUEST FOR THE HIDDEN LEGACY OF MANKIND Robert Bauval Graham Hancock 1996 Page 254 "...Is there in any sense an interstellar Rosetta Stone? We believe there is a common language that all technical civilizations, no matter how different, must have. That common language is science and mathematics. The laws of Nature are the same everywhere:..."
FINGERPRINTS OF THE GODS G Hancock 1995 Page 287 "What one would look for, therefore, would be a universal language, the kind of language that would be comprehensible to any technologically advanced society in any epoch, even a thousand or ten thousand years into the future. Such languages are few and far between, but mathematics is one of them - and the city of Teotihuacan may be the calling-card of a lost civilization written in the eternal language of mathematics." "Of all the other stupendous inventions,' Galileo once remarked, what sublimity of mind must have been his who conceived how to communicate his most secret thoughts to any other person, though very distant either in time or place, speaking with those who are in the Indies, speaking to those who are not yet born, nor shall be this thousand or ten thousand years? And with no greater difficulty than the various arrangements of two dozen little signs on paper? Let this be the seal of all the admirable inventions of men.3"
THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN Thomas Mann 1875-1955 Page 417 "I preach mathematics." THE
The reference to self as expressed
in the letter I is a constant reiteration
of the holy symbol indicating the 9th position
occupied by this letter within The English Alphabet.
The English language transmuted
into number is one of the main conduits through which appear,
a clearer understanding of those refracted patterns, apparently
random describing the energies which intermingled within
the great here and now, are considered the living experience
of reality.
I = 9
Me = 18 and
1 + 8 = 9
Ego = 27 and
18 finally 1 + 8 = 9
Conscience = 90 and
45 finally 4 + 5 = 9
Self = 42 = 15 = 6
Soul = 67 = 13 = 4
ISIS as number
is 9-19-9-19 which reduces via 9-1-9-1
to 20 and finally 2
+ 0 = 2
OSIRIS as number
is 15-19-9-18-9-19 which reduces
via 6-1-9-9-9-1 to 89 and
finally 8 + 9 =17
Finally 1+7 the
root number for OSIRIS Lord of the underworld is
revealed as number 8
EYES = 9 9 = EYES
ISIS = 9 - 19 - 9 -
19 becomes 9 - 1 - 9 - 1 =
IRIS = 9 - 18 -
9 - 19 becomes 9 - 9 - 9 -
1 = IRIS
SIRIUS 19 - 9 - 18 - 9
- 21 - 19 becomes 1 - 9 - 9
- 9 - 3 - 1 - SIRIUS
HAFNIUM has the atomic number 72.
If this word is transcribed into number via the position each letter
occupies within the context of the English Alphabet.
A=1 to Z =26
Then the word HAFNIUM (Atomic number 72)
transposes initially to 72,
H =8
A = 1
F = 6
N =14 (1+ 4 = 5)
I = 9
U =21 (2+1=3)
M =13 (1+3=4)
First Total 72
Second Total
8+1+6+5+9+3+4 = 36
Finally 3 + 6 are added together, unlocking
the numerical root essence of the word HAFNIUM
If the same criteria is applied to the Greek word
IOTA the ninth letter of the
Greek alphabet.
The final distillation of the transposed letters arrived at
is number 9.
the word
JUPITER - the 9th and largest
of the planets relative to size, this word reduces as follows.
J =10 and 1+ 0 is
U = 21and 2 + 1 is
P =16 and 1 + 6 is
I = 9 and 9 ISISIS 9
T= 20 and 2 + 0 is 2
E = 5
R = 18 and 1 + 8 is 9
Jupiter = 99
Jupiter = 36
Jupiter = 9
9 + 9
3 x 4 x 5
The root number of the 3 lettered word SUN
is also 9
The root number of the 4 lettered word MOON
is 57 reducing initially to 21 and
then to 3
The root number of the 5 lettered word EARTH
is 52 reducing via 25 to
This is the key to revealing the magnetically drawn
numerical language links contained within a hidden reality
REALITY = 90 and 36 finally
3 + 6 = 9
OUR = 54 and 18 finally 9
LOVE = 54 and 18 finally
1+ 8 = 9
Platos number
FIFTYFOUR = 126 and 54 finally
5 + 4 = 9
The number of DIVINE is 63 (first
change) then 36 (second change) and finally 3
+ 6 is 9
The number of THOUGHT is 99
(first change) then 36 (second change) and finally
3 + 6 is 9
Think of the binary system, the numerical sequencing used
in computer communications. Note the curious juxtaposition of
certain transposed words like
and Abrahams fathers name TERAH.
Another way of looking at language
and number is the arithmetical arrangements and formulae secretly resident
within inverted capital letters. For example
the upside down of the
downside up
H = 8
I = 9
N = 14 and
1+ 4 = 5
O = 15
and 1+ 5 = 6
S = 19
and 1+ 9 = 10 then 1+0 = 1
X = 24 and
2 + 4 = 6
Z = 26 and
2 + 6 = 8
First total 8 +
9 +14 + 15 + 19 + 24 + 26 = 115 and 1 + 1 + 5 = a root value of 7
Second Total 8 +
9 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 6 + 8 = 43 finally 4 + 3
= 7
1 and 8 and
8 and 1
the downside up of the
upside down
It can be seen that these letters
and numbers inverted remain visually the same. Examples
affecting the whole word are,
Words like God, Phoenix and
Sphinx, or Magician Magic and Magi
also contain the revolving symbols, and hereuponin distinct
patterns begin to appear.
There are 9 planets
There are seven openings
in the human head and two in the body 9 in
(Ignoring design appendages)
There are seven capital
letters and two numbers which remain the same when
inverted. 9 in total
Creative patterns can be observed which tell
a different story about the nature of realities intelligent
living formations other than those which are generally available unto
our obscured inner vision.
E = 5
Y = 25
E = 5
S = 19
TOTAL = 54. 5 + 4
= 9
FIFTYFOUR. Guess what
sequence of numbers, the blessed PLATO'S FIFTYFOUR
reduces to on its journey to reveal the wholly holy number 9.
The word PHYSICS =
99 then 9+9 =18
and 1 + 8 = 9
The names of the holy family when expressed
in the order
JOSEPH - root
numerical value 1. . .6 letters in
the word JOSEPH . . . 1 + 6 = 7
JESUS - root numerical
value 2 . . . 5 letters in the word JESUS
. . . 2 + 5 = 7
MARY - root numerical
value 3 . . . 4 letters in the word
MARY . . . 3 + 4 = 7
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 21.
. . 2 +1 = 3
How many times shall I
forgive my brother
C = 3
H = 8
R = 18 and
1 + 8 = 9
I = 9
S = 19 and
1 + 9 = 10 1 + 0 = 1
T = 20 and
2 + 0 = 2
First Total 3 + 8 + 18 + 9 +
19 + 20 = 77
Second Total 3 + 8 + 9 + 9
+ 1 + 2 = 32 finally 3 + 2 = 5
The numerical transposition of the words
First Total = 151
Second Total 43
Finally 4 + 3 = 7
Reduces initially to
65 then 20 and finally
to its distilled root number of (two) 2
9 foot 9 inches
GATH = 9
Chapter Three Page 63 6+3 = 9 "There is a simple trick involving numbers that can be guaran-teed to produce astonishment at any party. You ask someone to write down his telephone number, then to write it a second time with the figures jumbled up. Next, tell him to subtract the smaller from the larger number, and keep on adding up the figures in the answer until he has reduced it to one figure. (5019 becomes 10, which in turn becomes 1 plus 0 - that is, 1.) When he has finished, you may tell him authoritatively: 'The answer is nine.' You can afford to be dogmatic; for the answer is always nine. It works with any set of figures, no matter how small or how large. Jumble up the figures, subtract one from the other, and the answer always reduces to 9. I have no idea why this is so, and have never come across a mathematician who could explain it. It is just one of those peculiar properties of numbers." "You ask someone to write
down his telephone number, then to write it a second time with the
figures jumbled up. Next, tell him to subtract the smaller from the
larger number, and keep on adding up the figures in the answer until
he has reduced it to one figure. (5019 becomes 10, which in turn becomes
1 plus 0 - that is, 1.) When he has finished, you may tell him authoritatively:
'The answer is nine.'
You can afford to be dogmatic;
for the answer is always nine. It works with any
set of figures, no matter how small or how large. Jumble up the figures,
subtract one from the other, and the answer always reduces to 9."
Page15 (number omitted) " ' This is a slightly unusual request,' said Dr Wagner, with what he hoped was commendable restraint. 'As far as I know, it's the first time anyone's been asked to supply a Tibetan monastery with an Automatic Sequence Computer. I don't wish to be inquisitive, but I should hardly have thought that your - ah - establishment had much use for such a ma-chine. Could you explain just what you intend to do with it?' 'Gladly,' replied the lama, readjusting his silk robes and carefully putting away the slide rule he had been Using for currency conversions. 'Your Mark V Computer can carry out any routine mathtiilatical operation involving up to ten digits. However, for our work we are interested in letters, not numbers. As we wish you to modify the output circuits, the machine will be printing words, not columns of figures.' 'I don't quite understand. . .' 'This is a project on which we have been working for the last three centuries - since the lamasery was founded, in fact. It is somewhat alien to your way of thought, so I hope you will listen with an open mind while I explain it.' 'Naturally.' 'It is really quite simple. We have been compiling a list which shall contain all the possible names of God.' 'I beg your pardon?' Page 16 The Nine Billion Names of God 'We have reason to believe,.' continued the lama imper-turbably, 'that all such names can be written with not more than nine letters in an alphabet we have devised.' 'And you have been doing this for three centuries?' 'Yes: we expected it would take us about fifteen thousand years to complete the task.' 'Oh,' Dr Wagner looked a little dazed. 'Now I see why you wanted to hire one of our machines. But what exactly is the purpose of this project?' The lama hesitated for a fraction of a second, and Wagner wondered if he had offended him. If so, there was no trace of annoyance in the reply. 'Call it ritual, if you like, but it's a fundamental part of our belief. All the many names of the Supreme Being - God, Jehova, Allah, and so on - they are only man-made labels. There is a philosophical problem of some difficulty here, which I do not propose to discuss, but somewhere among all the possible combinations of letters that can occur are what one may call the real names of God. By systematic per-mutation of letters, we have been trying to list them all.' "I see. You've been starting at A A A A A A A . . . and work- ing up to Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z . . .' 'Exactly - though we use a special alphabet of our own. Modifying the electromatic typewriters to deal with this is, of course, trivial. A rather more interesting problem is that of devising suitable circuits to eliminate ridiculous com- binations. For example, no letter must occur more than times in succession.' ' Three? Surely you mean two.' 'Three is correct: I am afraid it would take too long to explain why, even if you understood our language.' Page 17 'I'm sure it would,' said Wagner hastily. 'Go on.' 'Luckily, it will be a simple matter to adapt your Automatic Sequence Computer for this work, since once it has been programmed properly it will permute each letter in turn and print the result. What would have taken us fifteen thousand years it 'will be able to do in a hundred days.' Dr Wagner was scarcely conscious of the faint sounds from the Manhattan streets far below. He was in a different world, a world of natural, not man-made, mountains. High up in their remote aeries these monks had been patiently at work, generation after generation, compiling their lists of meaningless words. Was there any limit to the follies of man- kind? Still, he must give no hint of his inner thoughts. The customer was always right. . . 'There's no doubt.replied the doctor, 'that we can modify the Mark V to print lists of this nature." Page20 ' Well they believe that when they have listed all his names - and they reckon that there are about nine billion of them - Gods purpose will be achieved. " Page 15 'Th9s 9s a sl9ghtly unusual request,'said Dr Wagner, w9th what he hoped was commendable restra9nt.' As far as 9 know, 9t's the f9rst t9me anyone's been asked to supply a T9betan monastery with an Automat9c Sequence Computer.9 don't w9sh to be 9nqu9s9t9ve, but 9 should hardly have thought that your - ah - establ9shment had much use for such a ma-ch9ne.Could you expla9n just what you 9ntend to do w9th 9t?' 'Gladly,' repl9ed the lama, readjust9ng h9s s9lk robes and carefully putting away the sl9de rule he had been us9ng for currency convers9ons. 'Your Mark V Computer can carry out any rout9ne mathemat9cal operat9on 9nvolv9ng up to ten d9g9ts. However, for our work we are 9nterested 9n letters, not numbers. As we w9sh you to mod9fy the output c9rcu9ts,the mach9ne w9ll be pr9nt9ng words not columns of f9gures.' '9 dont qu9te understand…' 'Th9s 9s a project on wh9ch we have been work9ng for the last three centur9es - s9nce the lamasery was founded, 9n fact. 9t 9s somewhat al9en to your way of thought, so 9 hope you w9ll l9sten with an open m9nd wh9le 9 expla9n 9t 'Naturally.' '9t is really qu9te s9mple.We have been comp9l9ng a l9st wh9ch shall conta9n all the poss9ble names of God' '9 beg your pardon?' / Page16 / 'We have reason to bel9eve' continued the lama 9mper-turbably, ' that all such names can be wr9tten with not more than n9ne letters 9n an alphabet we have dev9sed,' 'And you have been do9ng th9s for three centur9es? 'Yes: we expected 9t would take us about f9fteen thousand years to complete the task.' 'Oh, Dr Wagner looked a l9ttle dazed. 'Now 9 see why you wanted to h9re one of our mach9nes. But what exactly 9s the purpose of th9s project ? 'The lama hes9tated for a fract9on of a second, and Wagner wondered 9f he had offended h9m. 9f so there was no trace of annoyance 9n the reply. 'Call 9t r9tual, 9f you l9ke, but 9t's a fundamental part of our bel9ef. All the many names of the Supreme Being - God , Jehova , Allah , and so on - they are only man made labels. There 9s a ph9losoph9cal problem of some difficulty here, which 9 do not propose to d9scuss, but somewhere among all the poss9ble comb9nat9ons of letters that can occur are what one may call the real names of God. By systemat9c per-mutat9on of letters, we have been trying to l9st them all' '9 see. You've been start9ng at AAAAAAA… and work-9ng up to ZZZZZZZZ …' 'Exactly - though we use a spec9al alphabet of our own. Mod9fy9ng the electromat9c typewr9ters to deal w9th th9s 9s of course tr9v9al. A rather more 9nterest9ng problem 9s that of dev9s9ng su9table c9rcu9ts to el9m9nate r9d9culous com-b9nat9ons. For example, no letter must occur more than three t9mes 9n sucess9on.' 'Three? Surely you mean two.' 'Three 9s correct; 9 am afra9d 9t would take too long to expla9n why , even 9f you understood our language.'/ Page 17 / '9'm sure 9t would,' sa9d Wagner hast9ly. 'Go on.' 'Luck9ly, 9t w9ll be a s9mple matter to adapt your Automat9c Sequence Computer for th9s work, s9nce once 9t has been programmed properly 9t w9ll permute each letter 9n turn and pr9nt the result. What would have taken us f9fteen thousand years 9t w9ll be able to do 9n a hundred days.' 'Dr Wagner was scarcely conscious of the faint sounds from the Manhatten streets far below. He was in a different world, a world of natural, not man-made mountains. High up in their remote aeries these monks had been patiently at work generation after generation, compiling their lists of meaningless words. Was there any limits to the follies of mankind ? Still, he must give no hint of his inner thoughts. The customer was always right…"
OR ARITHMETIC REVISITED Herbert McKay 1940 "Multiplication does not always increase a number. If the multiplier is less than 1 we have a decrease. When we. multiply by .5 we get a half of the original number; when we multiply by 1 we reduce the number to a tenth of itself; and so on. The square of a small number (less than 1) is a very small number; the cube is an extremely small number.Thus: .0012= .00001, .0013 = .000000001. Even when a number is a very little less than one, con-tinual multiplication of it by itself (raising it to higher and higher powers) finally reduces it to an exceedingly small quantity. .99999 is a mere one-hundred-thousandth less than 1; if we multiply any number by it we deduct a one-hundred-thousandth of the number. Thus .999992 is a very little more than .99998. .9999910 is a little more than .99990. .99999 to the power 1000 is about .99015. .99999 to the power 1,000,000 is .00005. .99999 to the power 10,000,000 is the tenth power of .00005. We should have a string of 42 noughts before the significant figures begin. For the l00,000,000th power we / Page 148 / should have over 400 noughts before the significant figures begin." Page 147 40 x 9 = 360
Page 16 Lyall Watson (1974 Edition) Page 108 "An American mathematician noticed that the earlier pages in books of logariths kept in his university library were dirtier than later ones, indicating that science students, for some rea-son, had more occasion to calculate with numbers beginning with 1 than with any other number. (261) He made a collection of tables and calculated the relative frequency of each digit from 1 to 9. Theoretically they should occur equally of-ten, but he found 30per cent of the numbers were 1, whereas 9 only occupied 5 per cent of the space. These are almost exactly the proportions given to these numbers on the scale of a slide rule, so the designers of that instrument clearly recognized that such a bias existed. This preponderance of the number 1 may have been caused by the fact that the tables were not really random, but bigger tables provide a similar bias."
Graham Hancock 1995 Page 273 "The precessional numbers highlighted by Sellers in the Osiris myth are 360, 72, 30 and 12." "These he joined to the 360 days of which the year then consisted (emphasis added)." "Elsewhere the myth informs us that the 360 - day year consists of "12 months of 30 days each". Note 6 And in general,as Sellers observes , "phrases are used which prompt simple mental calculations and an attention to numbers ". note 7 "Elsewhere the myth informs us that the 360-day year consists of '12 months of 30 days each'. Thus far we have been provided with three of Seller's precessional: 360, 12 and 30. The fourth number,which occurs later in the text, is by far the most important. As we saw in Chapter Nine, the evil deity known as Set led a group of conspirators in a plot to kill Osiris. The number of these conspirators was 72." THE SPLENDOUR THAT WAS EGYPT Margaret A. Murray Page 101 "In many countries the Divine King was allowed to reign for a term of years only , usually seven or nine or multiples of those numbers".
THE MAYAN PROPHESIES Adrian G. Gilbert and Morris M. Cotterell Appendix 7 Page 345 'Mayan numbers - summary nine = magic number of the Maya. All relevant numbers compound to nine.' ALL RELEVANT NUMBERS COMPOUND TO NINE
THE SUPER GODS Morris M. Cotterell Page 188 'The recurring 9999 is an invitation to round up this number to 269, i.e. 260 and 9." THE RECURRING 9999 THE 9ECU999NG 9999 NUMBER 9 The Search for the Sigma Code Cecil Balmond Page 45 "From ancient times number nine was seen as a full complement; it was the cup of special promise that brimmed over" FROM ANCIENT TIMES NINE WAS SEEN AS A FULL COMPLEMENT
THE SPLENDOUR THAT WAS EGYPT Margaret A. Murray Appendix 4 The New Year of God Cornhill Magazine 1934 Page 231/233 "Three o'clock and a still starlight night in mid-September in Upper Egypt. At this hour the village is usually asleep, but to-night it is a stir for this is Nauruz Allah, the New Year of God, and the narrow streets are full of the soft sound of bare feet moving towards the Nile. The village lies on a strip of ground; one one side is the river, now swollen to its height, on the other are the floods of the inundation spread in a vast sheet of water to the edge of the desert. On a windy night the lapping of wavelets is audible on every hand; but to-night the air is calm and still, there is no sound but the muffled tread of unshod feet in the dust and the murmur of voices subdued in the silence of the night. In ancient times throughout the whole of Egypt the night of High Nile was a night of prayer and thanks giving to the great god , the Ruler of the river, Osiris himself. Now it is only in this Coptic village that the ancient rite is preserved, and here the festival is still one of prayer and thanksgiving. In the great cities the New Year is a time of feasting and processions, as blatant and uninteresting as a Lord Mayor's Show, with that additional note of piercing vulgarity peculiar to the East. In this village, far from all great cities, and-as a Coptic community-isolated from and therefore uninfluenced either by its Moslem neighbours or by foreigners, the festival is one of simplicity and piety. The people pray as of old to the Ruler of the river, no longer Osiris, but Christ; and as of old they pray for a blessing upon their children and their homes. There are four appointed places on the river bank to which the village women go daily to fill their water-jars and to water their animals. To these four places the villagers are now making their way, there to keep the New Year of God. The river gleams coldly pale and grey; Sirius blazing in the eastern sky casts a narrow path of light across the mile-wide waters. A faint glow low on the horizon shows where the moon will rise, a dying moon on the last day of the last quarter. The glow gradually spreads and brightens till the thin crescent, like a fine silver wire, rises above the distant palms. Even in that attenuated form the moonlight eclipses the stars and the glory of Sirius is dimmed. The water turns to the colour of tarnished silver, smooth and glassy; the palm-trees close at hand stand black against the sky, and the distant shore is faintly visible. The river runs silently and without a ripple in the windless calm; the palm fronds, so sensitive to the least movement of the air, hang motionless and still; all Nature seems to rest upon this holy night. The women enter the river and stand knee-deep in the running stream praying; they drink nine times, wash the face and hands, and dip themselves in the water. Here is a mother carrying a tiny wailing baby; she enters the river and gently pours the water nine times over the little head. The wailing ceases as the water cools the little hot face. Two anxious women hasten down the steep bank, a young boy between them; they hurriedly enter the water and the boy squats down in the river up to his neck, while the mother pours the water nine times with her hands over his face and shaven head. There is the sound of a little gasp at the first shock of coolness, and the mother laughs, a little tender laugh, and the grandmother says something under her breath, at which they all laugh softly together. After the ninth washing the boy stands up, then squats down again and is again washed nine times, and yet a third nine times; then the grandmother takes her turn and she also washes him nine times. Evidently he is very precious to the hearts of those two women, perhaps the mother's last surviving child. Another sturdy urchin refuses to sit down in the water, frightened perhaps, for a woman's voice speaks encouragingly, and presently a faint splashing and a little gurgle of childish laughter shows that he too is receiving the blessing of the Nauruz of God. A woman stands alone, her slim young figure in its wet clinging garments silhouetted against the steel-grey water. Solitary she stands, apart from the happy groups of parents and children; then, stooping , she drinks from her once, pauses and drinks again; and so drinks nine times with a short pause between every drink and a longer pause between every three. Except for the movement of her hand as she lifts the water to her lips, she stands absolutely still, her body tense with the earnestness of her prayer, the very atmosphere round her charged with the agony of her supplication. Throughout the whole world there is only one thing which causes a woman to pray with such intensity, and that one thing is children. " This may be a childless woman praying for a child, or it may be that, in this land where Nature is as careless and wasteful of infant life as of all else, this a mother praying for the last of her little brood, feeling assured that on this festival of mothers and children her prayers must perforce be heard. At last she straightens herself, beats the water nine times with the corner of her garment, goes softly up the bank, and disappears in the darkness. Little family parties come down to the river, a small child usually riding proudly on her father's shoulder. The men often affect to despise the festival as a woman's affair, but with memories in their hearts of their own mothers and their own childhood they sit quietly by the river and drink nine times. A few of the rougher young men fling themselves into the water and swim boisterously past, but public feeling is against them, for the atmosphere is one of peace and prayer enhanced by the calm and silence of the night. Page 232 and 233 Continued. For thousands of years on the night of High Nile the mothers of Egypt have stood in the great river to implore from the God of the Nile a blessing upon their children; formerly from a God who Himself has memories of childhood and a Mother. Now, as then, the stream bears on its broad surface the echo of countless prayers, the hopes and fears of human hearts; and in my memory remains a vision of the darkly flowing river, the soft murmur of prayer, the peace and calm of the New Year of God. NINE OCCURS x 9 NINTH x 1
BHAGAVAD- GITA As it is. A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Page 287 "When the embodied living being controls his nature and mentally renounces all actions, he resides happily in the city of nine gates."
"The body consists of nine gates (two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, one mouth, the anus and the genitals.)" THE CITY OF NINE GATES
GURDJIEFF A BIOGRAPHY James Moore Page 344 The Enneagram "Gurdjieff's most cherished symbol was his enneagram, or nine sided figure; he extolled it as a universal glyph, a schematic diagram of perpetual motion." ENNEAGRAM 9 LETTERS LETTERS IN THE ENNEAD 3 + 6 9 THE ELEMENTS OF THE GODDESS Caitlin Matthews 1989 "WE ARE ENTERINGTHE TIME OF THE NINE POINTED STAR THE STAR OF MAKING REAL UPON EARTH THE GOLDEN DREAM OF PEACE THAT LIVES WITHIN US" Brooke Medicine Eagle Page 38 "THIS ENNEAD OF ASPECTS IS ENDLESSLY ADAPTABLE FOR IT IS MADE UP OF NINE, FOR EXAMPLE 54, 72, 108, THEY ALWAYS ADD UP TO NINE"
AFTER DEATH Leslie D. Weatherhead 1923 Page 99 'The Christian conception of God does not allow even one per cent.of failures - it is not enough to have ninety-nine sheep out of a flock of a hundred safe in the fold"
WORK DAYS OF GOD Herbert W Morris D.D.circa 1883 Page 278 "ninety and nine" on the bright celestial plains, He came down to seek and to save "the one stray sheep." Page number missing assumed to be 415 "…Companion volume to "Silver Songs" "Golden Songs" "…Among the numerous tunes are the following : -…" "…Are you one of the "Ninety and Nine"
ODD NUMBERS OR ARITHMETIC REVISITED Herbert McKay 1940 COMPARISONS "IF anyone thinks he has no use for arithmetic let him consider the number of comparisons he makes every day. Most comparisons involve the working of some sort of sum; even when we compare colours we are apt to make some kind of computation of the proportions of the primary colours in them. We are always making comparisons, well or ill, accurately or inaccurately; one of the virtues of arithmetic is that it enables one to make comparisons neatly and accurately. One is proud of having a sense of proportion,and proportion is essentially mathematical-it is a comparison of sizes measured in some way or other. Even where arithmetic does not enter directly and obviously into a comparison a knowledge of the possibilities of arithmetical comparison is not amiss; it does at least rule out many crudities and absurdities. I saw some time ago the statement that if all the herrings landed at Yarmouth in a season were placed head to tail in a line they would stretch nine times round the world. The writer had evidently been impressed by the vast number of herrings in the catch, and he had looked for a comparison that would show the immensity of the number of herrings. As we have already seen, if we want to make the most of a large number of objects, we place them in a line. We get the greatest possible length by placing the herrings head to tail, and that is what the writer had done. The idea of placing the herrings in a nine-deep queue / Page 62 / right round the world might be impressive if we once began to realize what such a queue means." THE NEW VIEW OVER ATLANTIS
John Michell 1969
"That this small gold pyramid ion was
an integral part of the Pyramid's design is evident from the figures.
Without it the dimensions are liot quite complete, for if it were removed,
the area of the Pyramid's side would be 99999'99 square
cubits only. With the 5 cubic inches of gold pyramidion in place, the
figure of 100,000 square cubits represents the total area.
As the dimensions of the Great Pyramid are multiplied by the ratios of the ancient number canon they expand to frame the dimensions of this earth, and it is possible that they could have been taken further to represent the dimensions of the grand orb (the circle described by the earth's path round the sun), planetary-intervals and the measurements. of time. Going the other way, into the microcosm, these same Pyramid measures contract proportionally through a series of pyramidions at the apex, shrinking from miles to inches, to mere specks and finally into the world of the atom. The symbolism is of a seed, planted at the apex of the Pyramid, programmed with all the numbers and ratios for its potential growth. It is like that, smallest of all seeds, spoken of in the New Testament, the 'grain of mustard', which grows up into the Tree of Life encQmpassing the whole universe. The numerical patterns in the Pyramid's dimensions imply that the capstone consisted of a succession of diminishing pyrami9ions, each forming the tip of the one below it, with the small gold pyramid, 5 cubic inches in volume, at the apex. Yet if the gold model is to represent the whole structure in miniature, it must itself have a separate tip. This tiny object, set in gold, could only have been some form of crystal. Esoteric traditions about the use of crystals in the ancient world for attracting and transmitting cosmic energies are echoed by modern seers, such as the well-known 'Sleeping Prophet' of America, Edgar Cayce, who described visions of the Atlantean crystal technology which empowered the last world civilization and finally, by its abuse, brought about the cataclysm. An illustration of how the small, golden, crystal-topped pyramidion could have been held in place, together with the other layers making up the capstone, is given by a strange hieroglyph which shows a truncated pyramid topped by a staff or gnomon" SECRET CHAMBER
Robert Bauval
Page xxiii
"On the 3rd October 1998,
a press conference was organised in Cairo for Minister of Culture Farouk
Hosni and the French composer Jean Michel Jarre. The latter has been
an international household name since the 1970s due to the enormous
success of his electronic high-tech music compositions 'Oxygene' and
'Equinox'. Jean Michel Jarre is also an ambassador for UNESCO and has,
since the 1980s, been organising extravaganzas of laser lights and music
for historical events. One of these was for the bicentennial of the
French Revolution in 1989, where more than two million spectators gathered
in the Champs-Elysees in Paris, from the Place de la Concorde all the
way to the new 'Paris 2000' Place de la Defense. This show, which was
televised around the world, featured a pyramid structure erected in
front of the Grande Arche de la Fraternite, literally the' Arch of the
Brotherhood'. From the high-tech pyramid, laser images were projected
on to the high-rise buildings nearby, including at one stage the so-called
'eye of vigilance', a symbol commonly used by Freemasons.14
During the press conference the Egyptian Minister of Culture stated
that an opera composed by Jarre, entitled 'The Twelve Dreams of the
Sun', would be performed to coincide with the unveiling of the golden
capstone for the Great Pyramid at the end of the millennium, and Jarre
himself declared that 'since the pyramids are linked to the sun' he
had decided to stage a 'modern, multimedia opera that will last twelve
bows and accompany the sun from the second millennium to the third millennium
in the tradition of Ra, the pharaonic sun god'.
Farouk Hosni then explained that this event was also connected to / Page xxiv / another similar event that had recently taken place in Paris in May 1998, when a gilded capstone was placed on the Egyptian obelisk of the Place de la Concorde.15 There is a strange history attached to this obelisk. It had originally stood as one of a pair outside the Temple of Luxor in Upper Egypt. In 1827 it was commissioned by Charles X to be brought to France, but it arrived in Paris in 1836 and was erected at thePlace de la Concorde by Louis-Philippe. Interestingly, both these monarchs were prominent members of the Grand Orient, the body that regulates Freemasonry in France.16 Other Egyptian obelisks were also erected in New York's Central Park and London's Victoria Embankment in the 1 870s. These events, too, were under the auspices of the Masonic Lodges. 17 All stand as symbols of Freemasonry's alleged roots in ancient Egypt. The main symbol, in fact, is not the whole obelisk; in Masonic lore the golden pyramidion or capstone that crowns its top is a symbol with many layers of meaning. At one level it represents the so-called Supreme Being under whom all religious systems can unite. I
MAM = 9 9 = DAD
Dear Reader
Herein another message.
" I Think we have
a common bond you and I it is
the number 9, the 9th letter
of the English Alphabet.
I wonder if you
have seen the book by Cecil Balmond Number 9 The
search for the Sigma Code, if not I think
you should read it. I found it most interesting.
While typing, I
am seeking to create, in this short e-mail a pattern, that I,
you, and others could identify all supposing we
chose to look for one, I have done this by
indicating a common feature. The letter I, and
the number 9 doing so as can be seen, by emphasis."
Here the garbled message ends.
Indication of the letter
I ocurrs 9 times.
The symbol 9 ocurring
4 times
This is my message to you. 9
x 9 = 81 and 8 + 1 = 9
and the symbol 9
occurs four times, so I am saying to you 36
and 3 + 6 = 9
am also saying that
81 + 36 is 117 and 1+1+7
= 9 my distilled essence of message
In a book called The
Curse of the Pharaohs by PhilippVandenburg.published in
1973, which is a study into the circumstances
whereby a number of the people involved in the opening and subsequent
scientific examination of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun
met their deaths..
On the back of page 99
page 100/101 there is a quote seemingly complete from
an ancient papyrus of a letter from an Egyptian army general
to his wife.This was apparently found in another persons grave.
It is 32 lines long.
Page 100 contains 9
lines and on page 101, there is 23 altogether 32
Within those lines, the letter I
occurs 34 times. And within the I
of the refracted light of a certain eye, could in
certain interpretation be seen as 34 x
9 which is 306 and 3 +
6 is 9
YOU occurs
in the passage x 26
YOUR occurs
x 5
ME occurs x 5
My occurs x 6
Was the General labouring the point of
the I, and perhaps more importantly was there a labouring
of the 9s
The numerical root number of I
= 9
The numerical root number of ME
= 9
The numerical root number of EGO
= 9
The numerical root number of CONSCIENCE
= 9
The numerical root number of EYE
is 8
The numerical root number of EYES
is 9
The numerical root number of HORUS
is 9
The numerical root number of HOURS
is 9
The numerical root number of VENUS
is 9
The numerical root number of ORIONIS
is 9
REACH FOR TOMORROW Arthur C. Clarke 1956 Introduction to 1989 Edition "However I have made some interesting discoveries; for instance, on the very first page of the first story, I see the number 9000. Ive no idea why I selected it again for HALs serial number 20 years later. . . " I see the number 9000 Ive no idea why I selected it again for HALs serial number 20 years later. . . " Page 189 "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
GODS OF THE DAWN Peter Lemesurier 1997 "As Arthur C. Clarke's perceptive Third Law puts it: "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
THE SECRET HISTORY OF ANCIENT EGYPT Herbie Brennan 2000 "The British science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke is said to have commented that "any sufficiently high technology is indistinguishable from magic"
THE BIBLE CODE Michael Drosnin 1997 Chapter Four THE SEALED BOOK Page 70 "The astronomer Carl Sagan once noted that if there was other intelligent life in the universe some of it would have certainly evolved far earlier than we did, and had thousands, or hundreds of thousands, or millions, or hundreds of millions of years to develop the advanced technology that we are only now beginning to develop. 'After billions of years of biological evolution - on their planet and ours - an alien civilization cannot be in technological lockstep with us,' wrote Sagan. 'There 'have been humans for more than twenty thousand centuries, but we've had radio only for about one century,' wrote Sagan. 'If alien civilizations are behind us, they're likely to be too far behind us to have radio. And if they're ahead of us, they're likely to be far ahead of us. Think of the technical advances on our world over just the last few centuries. What is for us technologically difficult or impossible, what might seem to us like magic, might for them be trivially easy.' 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.' Page 163 pages 69-75 Chapter notes,
"The astronomer Carl Sagan
suggested that an advanced alien technology 'might seem to us like
magic' in Pale Blue Dot (Random House, 1994), p. 352.
The author of 2001, Arthur C. Clarke, made a similar observation: 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' (Profiles of the Future, Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1984). Paul Davies' imagined 'alien artifact' is described in his book Are We Alone? (Basic Books, 1995), p. 42. Stanley Kubrick, in his famous movie version of Clarke's 2001, showed a mysterious black monolith that seemed to reappear at successive stages of human evolution, each time we were ready to be taken to a higher level. When I told him about the Bible code, Kubrick's immediate reaction was, 'It's like the monolith in 2001.' " Page311
"The most profound message
from the aliens may never be spoken: We are not alone or unique. Contact
would tell us that life and intelligence have evolved elsewhere in
the Universe, and that they may be common by-products of cosmic evolution.
Contact would tend to confirm the theory that life evolves chemically
from inanimate mat- ter, through universal processes,implying that
there are other alien civilizations in addition to the one we had
detected. We might see ourselves as just one example of biocosmic
processes, one facet of the Universe becoming aware of itself. We
would undergo a revolution in the way that we conceive our own position
in the Universe; any remaining pretense of centrality or a special
role, any belief that we are a chosen species would be dashed for-
ever, completing the process begun by Copernicus four centuries ago.
The revelation that we are not the most technologi-cally advanced intelligent species could lead to a humbling deflation of our sense of self-importance. We might reclassify ourselves to a lower level of ability and worth. This leveling of our pretensions, this anti-hubris, could be intensified if we were confronted with alien technology beyond our understanding. "In all there were two-and-seventy conspirators privy to the plot. It was a proper and a pregnant number, for there had been just sev-enty-two when red Set lured Usir into the chest. And these seventy-two in their turn had had good cosmic ground to be no more and no less than that number. For it is just that number of groups of five weeks which make up the three hundred and sixty days of the year, not counting the odd days; and there are just seventy-two days in the dry fifth of the year, when the gauge shows that the Nourisher has reached his lowest ebb, and the god sinks into his grave. So where there is conspiracy anywhere in the world it is requisite and custom-ary for the number of conspirators to be seventy-two. And if the plot fail, the failure shows that if this number had not been adhered to it would have failed even worse."
KEEPER OF GENESIS A QUEST FOR THE HIDDEN LEGACY OF MANKIND Robert Bauval Graham Hancock 1996 Page 254 "...Is there in any sense an interstellar Rosetta Stone? We believe there is a common language that all technical civilizations, no matter how different, must have.That common language is science and mathematics. The laws of Nature are the same everywhere:..." Page 255 " In addition, though the monuments are enabled to 'speak' from the moment that their astronomical context is understood, we have also to consider the amazing profusion of funerary texts that have come down to us from all periods of Egyptian history - all apparently emanating from the same very few common sources5 As we have seen, these texts operate like 'software' to the monuments' 'hardware', charting the route that the Horus-King (and all other future seekers) must follow. We recall a remark made by Giorgio de Santillana and Hertha von Dechend in Hamlet's Mill to the effect that the great strength of myths as vehicles for specific technical information is that they are capable of transmitting that information independently of the knowledge of individual story-tellers.6 In other words as long as a myth continues to be told true, it will also continue to transmit any higher message that may be concealed within its structure - even if neither the teller nor the hearer understands that message." MAGNETIC = 72 and 7 + 2 = 9 FIELD = 36 and 3 + 6 = 9 MAGNETIC FIELD = 108 and 1 + 0 + 8 = 9 PHYSICS = 99
HARMONIC 288 Page 95
"The value that I calculated for length was extremely close to that of the one published in Davidson and Aldersmith's book, their value being 1836 inches," Page 95/97
"A search of my physics books revealed that 1836 was the closest approximation the scientists have calculated to the mass / ratio of the positive hydrogen ion, i.e. the proton, to the electron." JUST SIX NUMBERS
Martin Rees 1 999 OUR COSMIC HABITAT I
Page 24
"A proton is 1,836
times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the
same connotations to any 'intelligence' "
Page 24 / 25
"A manifestly artificial
signal- even if it were as boring as lists of prime numbers, or the
digits of 'pi' - would imply that 'intelli- gence' wasn't unique
to the Earth and had evolved elsewhere. The nearest potential sites
are so far away that signals would take many years in transit. For
this reason alone, transmission would be primarily one-way. There
would be time to send a measured response, but no scope for quick
Any remote beings who could communicate with us would have some concepts of mathematics and logic that paralleled our own. And they would also share a knowledge of the basic particles and forces that govern our universe. Their habitat may be very different (and the biosphere even more different) from ours here on Earth; but they, and their planet, would be made of atoms just like those on Earth. For them, as for us, the most important particles would be protons and electrons: one electron orbiting a proton makes a hydrogen atom, and electric currents and radio transmitters involve streams of electrons. A proton is 1,836 times heavier than an electron, and the number 1,836 would have the same connotations to any 'intelligence' able and motivated to transmit radio signals. All the basic forces and natural laws would be the same. Indeed, this uniformity - without which our universe would be a far more baffling place - seems to extend to the remotest galaxies that astronomers can study. (Later chapters in this book will, however, speculate about other 'universes', forever beyond range of our telescopes, where different laws may prevail.) Clearly, alien beings wouldn't use metres, kilograms or seconds. But we could exchange information about the ratios of two masses (such as thc ratio of proton and electron masses) or of two lengths, which are 'pure numbers' that don't depend on what units are used: the statement that one rod is ten times as long as another is true (or false) whether we measure lengths / in feet or metres or some alien units" THE TUTANKHAMUN PROPHECIES
Maurice Cotterell Page 195
"Anderson's Constitutions
of the Freemasons (1723) comments:
. . . the finest structures of Tyre and Sidon could not be compared with the Eternal God's Temple at Jerusalem. . . there were employed 3,600 Princes, or 'Master Masons', to conduct the w,ork according to Solomon's directions, with 80,000 hewers of stone in the mountains ('Fellow Craftsmen'), and 70,000 labourers, in all 153,600, besides the levy under Adoniram to work in the mountains of Lebanon by turns with the Sidonians, viz 30,000 being in all 183,600." "being in all 183,600."
John Gribbin and Stephen Plagemann 1977 Page 122 "Seventeen 'major historical earthquakes' are referred to in the report all of which occurred since 1836" THE TUTANKHAMUN
Maurice Cotterell 1
"The holy number of sun-worshippers is 9, the highest number that can be reached before becoming one (10) with the creator. This is why Tutankhamun was entombed in nine layers of coffin. This is why the pyramid skirts of the two statues, guarding the entrance to the Burial Chamber, were triangular (base 3), when the all-seeing eye-skirt of Mereruka contained a pyramid skirt with a base of four sides. The message concealed here is that the 3 should be squared, which equals 9" "The message concealed
here is that the 3 should be squared, which equals 9"
Quest for a theory
of everything
Kitty Ferguson 1991
Page 103
"The square root
of 9 is three. So we know that the third side.' (line ends)
There are 13
words and the number 9 in the 33rd line down
of page 103
DEATH Page 49
CHEIRO'S Page106 "The question has been asked again and again, Is there some means of knowing when the moment has come to take the tide at the flood?
Although Imperfect this work
is perfect as it should be within this juxtoposition of instants that
constitute reality
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