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 Fingerprints Of The Gods
Graham Hancock
Pandora's Box

Page 332  

3 x 3 x 2 = 18   1 + 8 = 9    3 + 3 + 2 = 8   8 x 9 = 72   7 + 2 = 9

"Buried beneath the five million tons of the Second Pyramid at Giza, Santha and I now stepped into the monuments inner chamber, which might have been a tomb but might equally have served some other as yet unidentified purpose."

At this very point did the far yonder scribe write of this and that
We really should emphasize this scribe, said The ZedAlizZedAlizZedAlizZedAlizZedalizz to use such a name aziz.
But we will anyway. The scribe who writ this, also writ.

On the next page number
333 there are only two lines.
these contain
17 words of text. 18 if you count the heading, Anomalies. There are 9 letters in Anomalies said the scribe
and 1 + 7 = 8 and 8 x 9 iz 72 say na' more, said the scribe.

36         3 x 6 = 18   1 + 8 = 9            3 + 6 = 9

Page  333     3 x 3 x 3 = 27   2 + 7 = 9      3 + 3 + 3 = 9


"As I gazed into its dark interior, it seemed to gape like the doorway to another dimension."

Page 331

3 x 3 x 1 = 9    3 + 3 + 1 = 7

"We need not reiterate here the many shortcomings of the 'tombs and tombs only' theory. However, these shortcomings  were not limited to the Giza pyramids but applied to all the other Third and Fourth Dynasty Pyramids listed above. Not a single one of these monuments had ever been found to contain the body of a pharaoh, or any signs whatsoever of a royal burial. 14  Some of them were not even equipped with sarcophagi, for example the Collapsed pyramid at Meidum. The Pyramid of Sekhemkhet at Saqqara ( first entered in 1954 by the Egyptian Antiquities Organization) did contain a sarcophagus - one, which had certainly remained sealed and undisturbed since its installation in the 'tomb', Grave robbers had  

/ Page 332  

3 x 3 x 2 = 18  1 + 8 = 9    3 + 3 + 2 = 8    9 x 8 = 72  

say na more, writ the scribe. never succeeded in finding their way to it, but when it was opened, it was empty. 16     So what was going on? How come more than twenty-five million tons of stone had been piled up to form a pyramids at Giza, Dhashur, Medium and Saqquara if the only point of the exercise had been to install empty sarcophagi in empty chambers?"
"... I looked slowly around the room, which reflected a yellowish-white radiance back at me. Quarried directly out of the living bedrock, its walls were not at all smoothly finished, as one might have expected, but were noticeably rough and irregular.. The floor too was peculiar: of split level design with a step about a foot deep separating its eastern and western halves. The supposed sarcophagus of Khafre lay near the western wall, embedded in the floor. Measuring just over
six feet in length, quite shallow, and somewhat narrow to have contained the wrapped and embalmed mummy of a noble pharaoh, its smooth red granite sides reached to about knee height."
That's a step in the reight direction anyways said Alizzed.
Then did yonder scribe inscribe this 6 x 12 =
72  over or under, catch a stitch off

How art thou, asked ZedAliz,medium to fair said the scribe  
10 Letters in Sekhemkhet said Alizzed and
7 in Saqqara. Noted, writ the scribe.

Chapter 36            3 x 6 = 18   1 + 8 = 9          3 + 6 = 9
Page     333     3 x 3 x 3 = 27   2 + 7 = 9    3 + 3 + 3 = 9

"As I gazed into its dark interior, it seemed to gape like the doorway
to another dimension."

37            3 x 7 = 21     2 + 1 = 3           3 + 7 = 10
Page    334    3 x 3  x 4 = 36      3 + 6 = 9     3 + 3 + 4 = 10

Made by some God

"I had climbed the Great Pyramid the night before, but as I approached it in the full glare of midday,  I experienced no sense of triumph. On the contrary, standing at its base on the north side I felt fly-sized and puny -  an impermanent creature of flesh and blood confronted with the awe-inspiring splendour of eternity. I had the impression that it might have been here for ever, made by some god and set down bodily in the surrounding sand', as the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus commented in the first century BC. 1 But which god had made it, if not the God-King Khufu whose name generations of Egyptians had associated with it ?      For the second time in twelve hours, I began to climb the monument. Up close in this light, indifferent to human chronologies and subject only to the slow erosive forces of geological time, it reared above me like a frowning, terryfying crag. Fortunately, I had only six courses to clamber over, assisted in places by modern steps, before reaching Ma' mun's hole, which now served as the pyramid's principal entrance.     
The original entrance, still well hidden in the the ninth century when Ma' mun began tunnelling, was some ten courses higher, 55 feet above ground level and 24 feet east of the main north - south axis. Protected by giant limestone gables, it contained the mouth of the the descending corridor, which led downwards at an angle of  26* 31'  23"  Strangely, although itself measuring only some 3 feet 5 inches x 3 feet 11 inches,  /

Looking through the  mirror from the other end, the scribe said, it all seems so obvious. So it does said ZedAliz wondering about willy nilly.  

Do you know anything about alchemy said the scribe Well I know a great deal, but not very much, said Alizzed throwing the sound of a voice in mime. As a result of this, the scribe decided not to write this, down.  


3 x 3 x 5 =  45  4 + 5 = 9    

Continued  /

this corridor was sandwiched between roofing blocks 8 feet 6inches thick and 12 feet wide and a flooring slab ( known as the 'Basement Sheet') 2 feet 6 inches thick and 33 feet wide. 2     Hidden structural features like these abounded in the great Pyramid, manifesting both incredible complexity and apparent pointlessness. Nobody knew how blocks of this size had been successfully installed, neither did anybody know how they had been set so carefully in alignment with other blocks, or at such precise angles (because, as the reader may have realized,
26* slope of the descending corridor was part of a deliberate and regular pattern).
Nobody knew either why these things had been done.

Iz  6 a six, and nine an ear, said the Zed Aliz producing a  
9  that had been grown on a mouse back  years earlier.

26* slope of the descending corridor was part of a deliberate and regular pattern)."
360 - 26 =
            3 x 3 x 4
              3 + 6
"The 26* slope of the descending corridor was part of a deliberate and regular pattern)."

365 azin days in present year minus azin  king, the 26 degrees, azin number of letters in the english alphabet
339   3 x 3 x 9 = 81   8 + 1 = 9

"The 26* slope of the descending corridor was part of a deliberate and regular pattern)."
Count the number of letters in
twenty six wah scribe, said Zed Aliz The scribe did, azin did that, and writ,
Twenty Six
      6   +  3       6  x  3
9             18
And then in a rare turn a phrase. The scribe turned a fair turn of a sum of the two halves.

360 - 351 = 9
360  x  26  degrees iz   9 3 6 0
3 + 6    2 + 6
9          8
      9 x 8



The True And Invisible Rosicrucian Order
Paul Foster Case 1981~
1 x 9 x 8 x 1 =
72   7 + 2 = 9

Page 118

" This cube symbol, as we shall see in the next chapter, is of utmost importance in the Qabalah and in the Gnostic community thus it is not surprising to find it related to Brother C.R.C.'s symbolic building.  
The sides of this vault are described as being rectangles measuring five feet by eight feet. Thus, thus four lines bounding each side would have a total length of
26, and 26 is the number of the divine name IHVH, Jehovah. Hence these proportions tell us that as one stands inside the vault, he is faced on every side by the Lord. This reminds us of Swedenborg's saying that one faces God always in the celestial world, no matter which way one turns  
    "Thus, the four lines bounding each side would have a total length of 

26, and 26 is the number of the divine name IHVH, Jehovah."





Fingerprints Of TheGods  


" The 26* slope of the descending corridor was part of a deliberate and regular pattern)."

Page 335

continued  /

The Beacon
Entering the pyramid through Ma'mun's hole did not feel right. It was like entering a cave or grotto cut into the side of a mountain; it lacked the sense of deliberate and geometrical purposefulness that would have been conveyed by the original descending corridor. Worse still, the dark and inauspicious horizontal tunnel leading inwards looked like an ugly, deformed thing and still bore the marks of violence where the Arab workmen had alternately heated and chilled the stones with fierce fires and cold vinegar before attacking them with hammers and chisels battering rams and borers.
On the one hand, such violence seemed gross and irresponsible. On the other, a startling possibility had to be considered: was there not a sense in which the pyramid seemed to have been designed to invite human beings of intelligence and curiosity to penetrate its mysteries? After all if you were a pharaoh who wanted to ensure that his deceased body remained inviolate for eternity, would it make better sense (a) to advertise to your own and all subsequent generations the whereabouts of your burial place, or (b) to choose some secret and unknown location, of which you would never be found ? "  

More lost than  found writ the scribe

"The answer was obvious: you would go for secrecy and seclusion, as the vast majority of the pharaohs of Ancient Egypt had done. 3
Why then, if it was indeed a royal tomb, was the great pyramid so conspicuous ? Why did it occupy a ground area of more than thirteen  

/ Page 336  

3 x 3 x 6 = 54  5 + 4 = 9     3 + 3 = 6 + 6 = 12    1 + 2 = 3   /

acres ? Why was it almost 500 feet high? Why in other words, if its purpose was to conceal and protect the body of Khufu, had it been designed so that it could not fail to attract the attention - in all epochs and under all imaginable circumstances - of treasure crazed adven-turers and of prying and imaginative intellectuals ?
     It was simply not credible that the brilliant architects, stonemasons, surveyors and engineers who had created the Great Pyramid could have been ignorant of basic human psychology. The vast ambition and transcendent beauty,  power and artistry of their handiwork spoke of refined skills, deep insight, and a complete understanding of the symbols and primordial patterns by which the minds of men could be manipulated. Logic therefore suggested that the pyramid builders must have understood exactly what kind of beacon they were piling up (with such incredible precision) on this widswept plateau, on the west bank of the Nile, in those high and far away times.
     They must, in short, have wanted this remarkable structure to exert a perennial fascination: to be violated by intruders, to be measured with increasing degrees of exactitude, and to haunt the collective imagination of mankind like a persistent ghost summoning intimations of a profound and long forgotten secret.

Page 338

" Not for the first time, and not for the last, I was overwhelmed by a sense of contact with an ancient intelligence, not necessarily Egyptian or Mexican, which had found a way to reach out across the ages and draw people towards  it like a beacon. Some might look for treasure; others, captivated by the deceptively simple manner in which the builders had used pi to demonstrate their mastery of the secrets of transcendental numbers, might be inspired to search for further mathematical epiphanies."
All baked in a pi said Zed Aliz in a little aside.
Do transcribe yon numbers wilt thou dear scribe .The dear scribe transcribed as iz,
p being the  16 th letter of the Magixal alphabet.
I   the  18 th Then add to deduce said Zed Aliz,  f 'rt  umpteenth time        

              P = 1 + 6 = 7
              I  = 1 + 8 = 9
                             7 x 9
                             6 + 3

              P = 1 + 6 = 7
              I  = 1 + 8 = 9
                             7 + 9
                             1 + 6

          p        h        i
         16        8       9 
        1 + 6    8        9
          7 x   8   x   9
               5 + 4


3 x 3 x 9 = 81    8 + 1 = 9

Page 349  

Stone enigmas
"I moved into the centre of the Kings chamber, the long axis of which was perfectly oriented east to west while the short axis was equally perfectly oriented north to south. The room was exactly
19 feet 1 inch in height and formed a precise two-by-one rectangle measuring 34 feet 4 inches long by 17 feet 2 inches wide. With a floor consisting of 15 massive granite paving stones, and walls composed of 100 granite paving stones, and walls composed of 100 gigantic granite blocks, each weighing 70 tons or more and laid in five courses, and with a ceiling spanned by nine further granite blocks each weighing aproximately 50 tons,4 the effect was of intense and overwhelming compression    At the chamber's western end was the object which, if the /  
Reight one for thee wah scribe, said again, as if in echo by the ZedAlizZed.
19 feet 1 inch in height and formed a precise two-by-one rectangle measuring 34 feet 4 inches long by 17 feet 2 inches wide.
19 feet + 34 feet + 17 feet  = 70
1 inch  +  4 inch +   2 inch =   7

19 + 1     34 + 4      17 + 2
   20           38            19
           20 + 38 + 19
                 7 x 7
350   /  

Egyptologists were to be believed, the entire Great Pyramid, had been built to house. That object, carved out of one piece of dark chocolate-coloured granite containing peculiarl hard granules of feldspar, quartz and mica, was the lidless coffer presumed to have been the sarcophagus of Khufu. 5 Its interior measurements were 6 feet 6.6 inches in length, 2 feet 10.42 inches in depth, and 2 feet 2.81 inches in width. Its exterior measurements were 7 feet 5.62 in length, 3 feet 5.31 in depth, and 3 feet 2.5 inches in width  6"


Ceremony of the sarcophagus

Standing in the King's Chamber, facing west
- the direction of death amongst both the Ancient Egyptians and the Maya -
I rested my hands lightly on the gnarled granite edge of the sarcophagus which Egyptologists insist had been built to house the body of Khufu. I gazed into its murky depths where the dim electric lighting of the chamber seemed hardly to penetrate and saw specks of dust swirling in a golden cloud.
      It was just a trick of light and shadow, of course, but the King's Chamber was full of such illusions."  

I wandered lonely as a crowd writ the scribe  


"...Acting on impulse, I climbed into the granite coffer and lay down, face upwards, my feet pointed towards the south and my head to the north." "...I folded my hands across my chest and gave voice to a sustained low-pitched tone - something I had tried out several times before at other points in the King's Chamber. On these occasions, in the centre of the floor, I had noticed that the walls and ceiling seemed to collect the sound, to gather and to amplify it and project it back at me so that I could sense the returning vibrations through my feet and scalp and skin.

     Now in the sarcophagus I was aware of very much the same effect, although seemingly amplified and concentrated many times over. It was like being in the sound-box of some giant, resonant musical instrument designed to emit for ever just one reverberating note. The sound was intense and quite disturbing. I imagined it rising out of the coffer and bouncing off the red granite walls and ceiling of the King's Chamber, shooting up through the northern and southern 'ventilation' shafts and spreading across the Giza plateau like a sonic mushroom cloud.
    With this ambitious vision in my mind, and with the sound of my low-pitched note echoing in my ears and causing the sarcophagus to vibrate around me, I closed my eyes."  

remained quietly quiet, in moving still, still in the vault, in the vault without fault, in place, within the chamber, seeing by the light gifted by the White Rabbitz .And yes of course,the magix sparxed and again they saw, and yes of course, they remembered, remembered az if it were yesterday and yes of course az they did, did just that, the memoriess of it all, all that, came flooding back, and yes it was a totally indescribable experience, and no we wont, but a mean you can see what iz meant surely,  and look hear, a mean, well that were then and this iz now. Innit  

Oh my, what havent we hear said the Zed Aliz Zed in sudden obeisance.

AZ * AZ * AZ * AZ * AZ * AZ * AZ
ZA* ZA * ZA * ZA * ZA * ZA * ZA * ZA *ZA


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