Zed Aliz Zeds arithmetic, continues not to confuse the issue.
"Elsewhere the myth informs us that the 360-day year consists of  '12 months of 30 days each'.  
Thus far we have been provided with three of Seller's precessional:
360, 12 and 30.  The fourth number,which occurs later in the text, is by far the most important.  As we saw in Chapter Nine, the evil deity known as Set led a group of conspirators in a plot to kill Osiris.  The number of these conspirators was 72."                  
                                 Set                           x                           Osiris
Set                    +                  Osiris        
Yonder scribe simply writ
Osiris is, is he.

Fingerprints of the Gods

Page 71
                                  "Osiris,  The ancient Egyptian high god of death and resurrection."

"He was plotted against by seventy-two members of    his court, led by his brother- in -law Set."
" Set, out hunting in the marshes,discovered the coffer,opened it and in a mad fury cut the royal corpse into fourteen pieces,"

Aliz Zed said to the Scribe ,Scribe set out the following .
Thus did the Scribe set out the following
   Seventy Two conspirators x fourteen Osirian members.
And then following the further instructions of , Zed Aliz Zed writ
72  times 14
1008  Azin Ra, and the Eight Gods.
"At this point the goddess Isis"
Alizzed, and the far yonder scribe, merry as you like all fell about not laughing .
After drying their I's .ZedAlizZed said,  now then wah scribe, a question .
How long did the good god
Thoth  reign in the time they call the first time.
The scribe  looked in a good book and read out the following.      

Page 382

"-for 3226 years by the Ibis- headed wisdom god  Thoth."
That's ibis, with a  b  scribe, said Zed aliz. At,that instance, instantly insistent AlizZed said
Three times two is six, six times two is twelve and twelve times six is seventy two
The scribe then writ
3 x 2 x 2 x 6
7+2=  9  
                                                  And then writ 3226     ÷              360               =         8. 9611111
3226     ÷            72           =        44. 805555
3226     ÷      18       =       179. 22222
3226      ÷   9    =      358. 44444
nines have it
                                                                                                   Said ZedAliz

                                                                                              Thus writ the Scribe




Fingerprints of the Gods

Page 274

"12  = the number of constellations is the zodiac;"
1+2 =3


"30  = the number of degrees allocated along the ecliptic to each zodiacal constellation;"
3+0 =3


"72  = the number of years required for the equinoctial sun to complete a precessional shift of one degree along with the ecliptic;"
7 + 2 = 9    
and    7 x 2 = 14
360 = the total number of degrees in the ecliptic"
"72 x 30 = 2160 (the number of years required for the sun to complete a passage of 30 degrees along
the ecliptic, i.e., to pass entirely through any one of the
12 zodiacal constellations);"
Add to reduce
sez ZedAliz  
    72 becomes 9     and    30 becomes 3     and    2160 becomes 9      
2160 x 12 (or 360 x 72)  = 25,920 (the number of years in one complete precessional cycle  or 'Great Year', and thus the total number of years required to bring about the 'Great Return)."
Getting down to the arithmetric AlizZed  said

25 ,920
plus  a zero, hero, said Zed Aliz  makes 18 azin 9.
25 ,920 years
2 x 5 x 9 x 2  
times that that isnt, said AlizZed
    2 x 5 is 10      10 x 9 is 90
90 x 2 is 180
90 x20 is 1800 said the scribe.                              

Reight  said  Zed  Aliz  Zed.
Az in Ra and the  eight
Thus writ the scribe  


Fingerprints of the Gods

Page 274

"Other figures and combinations of figures also emerge for example:"

"36, the number of years required for the equinoctial sun to complete a precessional shift of half a degree along the ecliptic;"
"4320, the number of years required for the equinoctial sun to complete a precessional shift of 60 degrees (i.e., two zodiacal constellations)."

Storm On The Sun
Joseph Goodavage

Page 63 6+3 =  9  
               6 x3 =18
"Energy is carried up into the chromosphere and then to the photosphere- the visible surface.
Ac- cording to the mathematical theory it takes from one million to ten million years for photons
  (light particles) to fight their  way through the sun's 432,000-mile radius to the surface."

Fingerprints of the Gods Graham Hancock

Page 275

" and sometimes by 2 to give 4320, or 43,200, or 432,000, or 4,320,000,ad infinitum."

Page 274 / 275

"The pre-eminent number in the code is 72.   To this is frequently added 36,
108, and it is permissible to multiply 108 by 100 to get 10,800 or to  
divide it by 2  to get  
54, which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed
as 540  (or as 54,000, or as 540,000, or as 5,400,000, and so on).
Also  highly significant  is
2160 ( the number of years required for the equinoctial
point to transit one zodiacal constellation), which is sometimes multiplied
by 10 and by factors of ten (to give 216,000, 2,160,000, and so on)
" and sometimes by 2 to give 4320, or 43,200, or 432,000, or 4,320,000,ad infinitum."

Once more with feeling said Zed Aliz.The scribe scribbled
3 + 6  =  9 and 4 + 3 + 2 +
the number that never waz ,iz
ZedAlizZed gets down to some serious  revision.

Page 274

"The pre-eminent number in the code is 72.   To this is frequently added 36,
The pre-eminent number in the code is 9 To this is frequently added 3+6 is 9 or 3x6 is 18 and 1+8 is 9  

making 108, and it is permissible to multiply 108 by 100 to get 10,800 or to  
making1 + 8 =  9 , and it is permissible to multiply 1+8  by1 to get 9  or to

divide it by 2  to get  
54, which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed  
divide it by 2 to get 5 + 4 = 9 which may then be multiplied by 10 and expressed  

540  (or as 54,000, or as 540,000, or as 5,400,000, and so on).
as 90    (or as 9,000,  or as 90,000,   or as 900,000, and so on).
Alizzed continues on the path  of numerical transposition

Also  highly significant  is 2160 ( the number of years required for the equinoctial
Also highly significant is2+1+6 = 9 (the number of years required for the equinoctial

point to transit one zodiacal constellation), which is sometimes multiplied
point to transit one zodiacal constellation), which is sometimes multiplied

by 10 and by factors of ten (to give
216,000, 2,160,000, and so on) and  
by 10 and by factors of 10 (to give  9,000,     90,000, and so on) and  

sometimes by 2 to give
4320, or 43,200, or 432,000, or 4,320,000,ad infinitum."
sometimes by 2 to give 4 + 3 = 7 + 2 = 9,  or 4 + 3 = 7 +,2 = 9, or
4 + 3  = 7 + 2 = 9, or 4, + 3 = 7 + 2,+ 9  ad  infinitum

Page 275

"Let us not forget that they occur in a myth which is present at the very dawn of writing in Egypt (indeed elements of the Osiris story are to be found in the Pyramid Texts dating back to around 2450 BC, in a context which suggests that they were exceedingly old then).  Hipparchus, the so-called discoverer of precession lived in the second century BC.  He proposed a value of 45 or 46 seconds of arc for one year of precessional motion.  These figures yield a one-degree shift along the ecliptic in 80 years (at 45 arc seconds per annum).  The true figure, as calculated by twentieth century science, is 71.6 years.  If Sellers's theory is correct, therefore, the 'Osiris numbers', which give a value of 72 years, are significantly more accurate than those of Hipparchus .  Indeed, within the obvious confines imposed by narrative structure, it is difficult to see how the number 72 could have been improved upon, even if the more precise figure had been known to the ancient myth-makers.  One can hardly insert 71.6 conspirators into a story, but 72 will fit comfortably."

The scribe, expressing reservations, about all the changes  that AlizZed was making, gained a measure
of reassurance, after ZedAlizZed administered a quick  cuff round back a't  fore- head, saying tis all in a good cause  scribe,  gerronwiit.



Thus writ the far yonder Scribe

Fingerprints of the Gods

Page 275

"Working from this rounded-up figure, the Osiris myth is capable of yielding a value of 2160 years for a precessional shift through one complete house of the zodiac.  The correct figure, according to today's calculations, is 2148 years.The Hipparchus figures are 2400 years and 2347.8 years respectively.  Finally, Osiris enables us to calculate 25,920 as the number of years required for the
fulfilment of a complete precessional cycle through
12 houses of the zodiac."

Page 276

"Hipparchus gives us either 28,800 or 28,173.6 years.  The correct figure, by today's estimates, is 25,776 years.  The Hipparchus calculations for the Great Return are therefore around 3000 years out of kilter.  The Osiris calculations miss the true figure by only 144 years, and may well do so because the narrative context forced a rounding-up of the base number from the correct value of 71.6 to a more
workable figure of
The scribe writ 2 + 8 + 8 is 18 and then writ 2 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 6 is 27 and then writ 1 + 8 is 9 and 2 + 7 is 9.
Andfffffffinally writ  
1+ 4 + 4 is 9  followed by 144  x 360 = 51840 and left it that that.

"All this however, assumes that
Sellers is right to suppose that the numbers 360, 72, 30 and 12 did not find their way into the Osiris myth by chance but were placed there deliberately by people
who understood - and had accurately measured - precession."

enables us to calculate 25,920 as the number of years required for the
fulfilment of a complete precessional cycle through
12 houses of the zodiac."
25920 ÷  432  iz     60

25920 ÷  360  iz     72
25920 ÷    54  iz     48
25920 ÷    45  iz   576
25920 ÷    30  iz   864
25920 ÷    18  iz 1440
25920 ÷    12  iz 2160
25920 ÷      9  iz 2880
25920 ÷      8  iz 3240
25920 ÷      6  iz   432
25920 ÷      5  iz 5184
25920 ÷      4  iz 6480


"An example was given in Chapter Thirty-three - the Norse myth of the 432,000 fighters who sallied forth from Valhalla to do battle with "the Wolf'.  A glance back at the myth shows that it contains  
several permutations of 'precessional numbers ".        
Alizzed said to the scribe do it scribe, do it once and for all, just do it. And so the far yonder scribe did it.
4 + 3 + 2 is 9 and 4 x 3 x 2 is 24              and  2 + 4 = 6  x nine is 54
24 x 9  is 2160                 and                 2+1+6 is 9

" Likewise, as we saw in Chapter Twenty-four, ancient Chinese traditions referring to a universal
cataclysm were said to have been written down in a great text consisting of precisely
4320 volumes."
"Thousands of miles away, is it a coincidence that the Babylonian historian Berossus (third centuryBC) ascribed a total reign of
432,000 years to the mythical kings who ruled the land of Sumer before the flood?  And is it likewise a coincidence that this same Berossus ascribed 2,160,000 years to the period 'between creation and universal catastrophe?"  2,160,000. divide by nine, and rule said ZedalizZed

216 ÷ 9  =   24  and  2 + 4  = 6
216 ÷ 3   =  72  and  7 + 2  = 9
Sumer x 432 = 2160
Thus writ the far yonder scribe