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To draw out and
The Pulse Of The Universe Bruce Cathie Page 47 The
next interesting figure to have a look at is the
When we really think about it there is no such thing as true
circular motion at any point of the universe. This is due to
the relative motion of all physical bodies in space.
Although we may describe a perfect circle relative to our
position on earth, the instrument used to describe such a
circle in actual fact would carry out a
path in relation to the universe as a whole. When we think
of all the different movements we are subject to we realise
that it is virtually impossible to calculate the path taken
by a physical body when it moves from one spacial position
to another. For instance, we would have to take into account
the actual movement in relation to the earth, the spin of
the earth, the movement of the earth around the sun, the
sun's movement within our galaxy, galactic movement and so
on. / Page 49 continues from page 47 / pi
in relationship to the radius of the
motion is difficult to calculate due to the
multi-dimensional movement. But I believe the value to be
3.24 ; the value of two pi, which would
allow for the double cycle of matter and
antimatter. The square root of this figure is 2.545584412,
which is harmonically equivalent to the value built into the
polar square section of the world grid system.
/ Page 50 / formed by explosions from below the surface. This would have been caused by the instability of spiral geometrics within the grid system. This could have been brought about by interference with the system in the ancient past, based on advanced scientific knowledge. All the evidence being compiled in modern times indicates that at some time round eleven to twelve thousand years ago a major catastrophe occurred which caused world wide devastation " Page 58 "As
each atom moves through space it traces out a
EARTH Page 121 "Another
curious fact is the prevalance in Malta of the
design which, in many parts of the globe signifies the
Universe. It is a matter for speculation how the peoples of
the ancient world came to adopt this sign, corresponding as
it does to the actual configuration of most of the 'islands
of cosmic space." "
Modern explorers have found in the Cauca valley exquisite
artefacts made from an alloy of gold and copper: helmets,
vases jars and statuettes of princes, one of which , about 8
inches tall, is in the Museo de America at Madrid. The
modelling of the features is such that we can easily imagine
the figure wearing a transparent space-helmet
withear-phones.Other ancient masterpieces have been found in
the garden of a villa at Esmeraldas on the coast of Equador:
the most valuable collection of its kind in the world, it
numbers 12,000
pieces including axes, sceptres, weapons and imple-ments of
all sorts. The majority are of unique design, but there are
seals made of precious stones and resembling those executed
in China down to recent times, as well as figurines of
persons with Oriental-type features, dressed in a manner
reminiscent of ancient Egypt. Another noteworthy object is a
mirror made from a green jewel two inches wide,which
reflects everything down to the smallest detail. The
Esmeraldas collection, which must be about
years old, is remarkable not only for its artistic
perfection but for its resemblances to ancient Mediterranean
and Asiatic work, though these do not fall into any specific
pattern. / Page 176 / Egyptian
dynasty ( in the middle of the third millenium B.C.) and
only subsequently came to Crete(after 2000 B.C. ).
Neverthless we meet with this form on the shores of the
Danube as early as 3000 B.C. and at the end of the
palaeo-logical age in Moravia. Forms of
engraved or painted on stones, are constantly to be met with
in America,where they represent the life of the universe and
also the principle of fertility. It was always with the
purpose of affecting the faithful that the priests of
vanished civilizations put the earthly facts into simple
motifs as they were instructed by 'heaven' We must not
overlook the fact that not only the Sumerians, Akkadians and
Chaldeans but also, and much earlier, the wise men of
Tiahuanaco, thanks to procedures of which we know nothing,
had grasped that the heavenly path of the stars is an open
eclipse; in other words it is a screw-like
and this knowledge they transferred to their stone drawings
and engravings. / Page 177 / protogalaxy.
The spiral,
in fact, is a stylized galaxy, but how could our ancestors,
who were often wholly ignorant of astronomy, have hit upon
this idea or known what a galaxy was? We can only suppose,
improbable as it may seem,either that they had actually
reached an advanced degree of scientific knowledge by their
own efforts or that it was im-parted to them by extra
terrestrial beings. As Simaniov speculates, 'perhaps the
the space-suits of astronauts who landed on our globe in the
dawn of human history, and symbolized the mission of these
galactic explorers
.' Leonard Cottrell 1964 Page
113 ![]()
Earth Page 176 So,
in searching for a more adequate means of presentation, one
must recall the mystery of life the mystery of creation:
serpent and the cosmological egg that issues from its
This is a myth widespread in Europe, in the Mediterranean
countries, among the Mayas and also the ancient inhabitants
of Brazil. The divinity of the serpent is variously
depicted. For the Chaldeans there was the god who held a
staff in his hand, which was a double screw-shaped sceptre,
the symbol of fertility and health. In the graves of the
Kurgans in southern Russia, one found also screw-shaped
tubes and Thomas Mann Page 915 "
These conferences,which at the moment greatly occupied
Amenhotep's mind, had been taken up with the subject of the
bird Bennu, also called Offspring of Fire, because it was
said that he was motherless, and morever actually his own
father, since dying and beginning were the same for him. For
he burned himself up in his nest made of myrrh and came
forth from the ashes again as young Bennu.This happened,
some authorities said,every five hundred years; happened in
fact in the temple of the sun at On, whither the bird, a
heron-like eagle, purple and gold,came for the purpose from
Arabia or even India. Other authorities asserted that it
brought with it an egg made of myrrh, as big as it could
carry,wherein it had put its deceased father, that is to say
actually actually itself,and laid it down on the
sun-altar.These two assertions might subsist side by side -
after all, there sub-sists so much side by side,differing
things may both be true and only different expressions of
the same truth. But what Pharaoh first wanted to know, what
he wanted to discuss, was how much time had passed out of
the five hundred years which lay between the bird and the
egg; how far they were on the one hand from the last
appearance and on the other from the next one; in short at
what point of the phoenix-year they stood. The majority
opinion of the priests was that it must be somewhere about
the middle of the period. They reasoned that if it was still
near its beginning, then some memory of the last appear-ance
of Bennu must still exist and that was not the case. But
suppose they were near the end of one period and the
beginning of the next; then they must reckon on the
impending or immediate return of the time-bird. But none of
them counted on having the experience in his lifetime so the
only remaining possibility was that they were about the
middle of the period. Some of the shiny pates went so far as
to suspect that they would always remain in the middle, the
mystery of the Bennu bird being precisely this: that the
distance between the last appearance of the Phoenix and his
next one was always the same, always a middle point.But the
mystery was not in itself the important thing to Pharaoh.
The burning question to be discussed, which was the object
of his visit, and which then he did discuss for a whole
half-day with the shiny-pates, was the doctrine that the
fire-bird's myrrh egg in which he had shut up the body of
his father did not therefore become heavier. For he had made
it anyhow as large and heavy as he could possibly carry, and
if he was still able to carry it after he had put his
fathers body in it, then it must follow that the egg had not
thereby increased in
/ Page 916 / whom
the myrrh egg received while altering its character thereby
in the most exciting and significant way. For the egg was
altogether a definitely female kind of thing; only the
female among birds laid eggs,and nothing could be more
mother-female than the great egg out of which the world came
forth. But Bennu the sun-bird, motherless and his own
father, made his own egg himself,an egg against the natural
order, a masculine egg, a father- egg and laid it as a
manifestation of fatherhood, spirit, and light upon the
alabaster table of the
sun-divinity." Peter Kolosimo Chapter Eighteen "The Lords of fire" Page 179 "
On the banks of a tiny stream, the Mozna, which rises in the
Cordillera Blanca in western Peru and flows into the
Maranon, there is a sleepy village named Chavin de Huantar
which has given its name to a great civilization
" / Page 180 / in
Egypt, reborn from the ashes of a special nest which was
also its funeral
pyre. Page181 "
Homet goes on to say, 'Why should it not be that thousands,
even tens of thousands of years before us a civilization
existed over thousands of years and reached the height of
aviational possibilities? Just because such a train of
thought is suspiciously easy one must be especially cautious
- not only, however, with assertions, but also with a
priori rejection,' " Dictionary 1974 Page 485 "