Fingerprints Of The Gods

Page 273
“These he joined to the 360 days of which the year then consisted (emphasis added).”
“Elsewhere the myth informs us that the 360   day year  consists of  “12 months of 30 days each”.
Note 6
And in general,as Sellers observes , “phrases are used which prompt simple mental calculations and an attention to numbers ”. note 7
“Elsewhere the myth informs us that the 360-day year consists of  ‘12 months of 30 days each’.  
Thus far we have been provided with three of Seller’s precessional: 360, 12 and 30.  The fourth number,which occurs later in the text, is by far the most important.  As we saw in Chapter Nine, the evil deity known as Set led a group of conspirators in a plot to kill Osiris.  The number of these conspirators was 72.”                  
                                 Set                           x                           Osiris
                                       Set                     +                  Osiris        
At this point Alizzed taking out from in, one of the gifts of the blessed White Rabbitz, put on the proverbial cap.

The big Idea
Paul Strathern 1997

Page 83

c  565 BC        Birth of Pythagoras.
    545 BC        Death of Pythagoras’tutor, the philosopher Anaximander.
c  545 35 BC Travels in Egypt and Babylonia (and possibly beyond to Persia and India).
c  530 BC         Exiled from Sampos by the tyrant Polycrates.
    529 BC         Settled at Croton in Magna Graecia (now Crotone in southern Italy).
c  500 BC         Pythagoras and his disciples forced to flee Croton.
c  490 BC         Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum.
Fl c540BC        Hippasus the Pythagorean
    450 BC         Wave of revolutions sweeps Magna Graecia, resulting in dispersal of Pythagoreans.
c  420 BC         Philolaus the Pythagorean resident in Thebes on Greek mainland: source of much
                         Pythagorean theory.
Flc 400 BC       Archytas of Tarentum, the Pythagorean philosopher and Mathematician, who was a friend of Plato.
fl c   25 BC       Vitruvius Pollio, Roman architect: earliest extent source crediting Pythagorus’ Theorem to Pythagorus
The Zed Aliz Zed calculates the odds
Birth of Pythagoras.
c  565
    565 x 360         iz                         203400         2 + 3 + 4         =   9
   5 x 6 x 5                          
=   1 x 5 x 0          =      5
Death of Pythagoras’tutor
    545 x 360        iz                           196200         1+ 9 + 6 + 2      = 18        
  5 x 4 x 5        
= 1 x 0 x 0            =       1
Travels in Egypt and Babylonia
c 545 35 BC                          
          35 x 360     iz                           12600            1+ 2 + 6           =    9  
            3 x   5            
         = 1 x  5         =       5
  5 x 4 x 5 x 3 x 5  
= 1 x 5 x 0 x 0      =       5
Exiled from Sampos by the tyrant Polycrates.
c  530 BC          
  530 x 360             iz                          190800            1+ 9 + 8           =     18  
5 x 3 x 0                  =     15                                         1x 9 x 8           =                   72
Settled at Croton in Magna Graecia
    529 BC
  529 x 360              iz                          190440           1+ 9 + 4 + 4      =     18
5 x 2 x 9                  =      90                                        1x 9 x 4 x 4       =                 144
Pythagoras and his disciples forced to flee Croton.
c  500 BC
    500 x 360            iz                           180000           1+ 8                   =     9    
5 x 0 x 0                 =        5                                         1x 8                   =                     8
Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum
c  490 BC.
    490 x 360             iz                          176400            1+ 7 + 6 + 4      =     18
  4 x 9                       =      36                                         1x 7 x  6 x 4      =                  168
Hippasus the Pythagorean
Fl c 540BC
    540 x 360              iz                          194400            1+ 9 + 4 + 4      =     18
5 x 4                          =      20                                         1x 9 x 4 x 4       iz                   144  
Wave of revolutions sweeps Magna Graecia
    450 BC
    450 x 360              iz                           16200              1+ 6 + 2            =       9      
    4 x 5 x 0                 =       20                                        1x 6 x 2            iz                     12
Philolaus the Pythagorean resident in Thebes
c  420 BC
    420 x 360              iz                            151200            1+ 5 + 1 + 2      =       9  
     4 x 2                      =         8                                         1x 5 x 1 x 2      iz                     10
Archytas of Tarentum
fl c 400 BC,
      400 x 360             iz                            144000            1 + 4 + 4           =       9      
      4 x 0 x 0                =          4                                        1 x 4 x 4      
Vitruvius Pollio,
fl c   25 BC
        25 x 360              iz                             9000                     +                  =      9
      2 x 5                       =         10                9                           x                  iz                     9
Everything adds up to nowt nor summat thought the scribe

c  565 BC                                                    Birth of Pythagoras’.
5 + 6 + 5    
= 1 + 6         =    7
  545 BC                                                      Death of Pythagoras’tutor.
5 + 4 + 5        
= 1 + 4          =    5
c 545 35 BC                                              Travels in Egypt and Babylonia.
           3 + 5  =    8
c 530 BC                                                       Exiled from Sampos.
5 + 3 + 0       =    8
   529 BC                                                        Settled at Croton in Magna Graecia.
5 + 2 + 9      
= 1+ 6          =   7
c 500 BC                                                         Pythagoras and his disciples forced to flee Croton.
5 + 0 + 0       =   5
c  490 BC                                                        Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum.
4 + 9 + 0
= 1 + 3         =    4
Fl c 540BC                                                      Hippasus the Pythagorean
      5 + 4
    =   9
    450 BC                                                        Wave of revolutions sweeps Magna Graecia,.
4 + 5 + 0       =    9
c  420 BC                                                         Philolaus the Pythagorean resident in Thebes.
4 + 2 + 0       =    6
fl c 400 BC                                                       Archytas of Tarentum, the Pythagorean philosopher and Mathematician.
  4 + 0 + 0     =    4
fl c   25 BC                                                       Vitruvius Pollio,Roman architect: earliest extent sourceing Pythagorus’.
      2 + 5       =     7
To multiply adds up said Zed Aliz
565 BC                                                              Birth of Pythagoras.
545 BC                                                              Death of Pythagoras’tutor.
5 x 6 x 5 x 5 x 4 x 5
5 x 6  
   30 x 5
    150 x 5
       750 x 4
       3000  x 5
           1x 5 iz  5                                   1 + 5 = 6
565 BC                                                              Birth of Pythagoras.
        x  545 x 35 BC                                          Travels in Egypt and Babylonia.
5 x 6 x 5 x 5 x 4 x 5 x 3 x 5
30 x 5
   150 x 4
      600 x 5
        3000 x 5
         15000 x 3  
            45000 x 5      
            2 x 2 x 5   iz   20            2 + 2 + 5  iz   9                                  
565                                                                    Birth of Pythagoras.
x  c 530BC                                                        Exiled from Samos
5 x 6 x 5 x 5 x 3 x 0
30 x 5
   150 x 5
      750 x 3
        2 x 2 x 5      iz     20             2 + 2 + 5 iz   9
565                                                                     Birth of Pythagoras.
x 529 BC                                                            Settled at Croton in Magna Graecia.
5 x 6 x 5
30 x 5
  150 x 5
      750 x 2
       1500 x 9        
          1 x 3 x 5     iz     15                  1 + 5 iz 6
565 BC                                                            Birth of Pythagoras.
x c 500 BC                                                       Pythagoras and his disciples forced to flee Croton.
5 x 6 x 5 x 5 x 0 x 0
  30 x 5
     150 x 5
          7 x 5          iz        35                  3 + 5 iz 8
565 BC                                                               Birth of Pythagoras.
c  490 BC                                                           Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum.
5 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 9x 0
     30 x 5
       150 x 4
           600 x 9
                    5 x 4
                        2 x 0  iz  2                  2 + 0 iz   2
   565 BC                                                            Birth of Pythagoras.
Fl c 450BC                                                         Hippasus the Pythagorean
5 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 5 x 0
30 x 5
150 x 4
   600 x 5
3 x 0 x 0 x 0              iz  3                    3 + 0  iz  3
    565 BC                                                            Birth of Pythagoras.
450 BC                                                                Wave of revolutions sweeps Magna Graecia,.
5 x 6 x 5
30 x 5
150 x 4
   600 x 5
3 x 0 x 0 x 0              iz  3                3 + 0  iz  3
565 BC                                                                 Birth of Pythagoras.
c  420 BC                                                             Philolaus the Pythagorean resident in Thebes.
5 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 2 x 0
   30 x 5
     150 x 4
        600 x 2
  1 x 2 x 0 x 0 x 0      iz  2                   1+ 2  iz    3  
565 BC                                                                 Birth of Pythagoras.
fl c 400 BC                                                           Archytas of Tarentum
5 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 0 x 0  
   5 x 6
    30 x 4
     1 x 2                      iz  2                   1 + 2  iz   3  
565 BC                                                                 Birth of Pythagoras.
fl c   25 BC                                                           Vitruvius Pollio,Roman architect: earliest extent sourceing Pythagorus’.
5 x 6 x 5 x 2 x 5
30 x 5
   50 x 2
   300 x 5
    1 x  5                       iz   5                  1 +  5 iz   6
565 +                                                                     Birth of Pythagoras.
490                                                                        Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum.
            iz      1055
565 +                                                                    Birth of Pythagoras.
545                                                                        Death of Pythagoras’tutor.
            iz      1110
565 +                                                                     Birth of Pythagoras.
545 + 35                                                                Travels in Egypt and Babylonia.
1145 545
             iz       600
565 +                                                                     Birth of Pythagoras.
490                                                                         Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum.
              iz     1055
565                                                                         Birth of Pythagoras.
530 +                                                                      Exiled from Samos
              iz     1095
565 +                                                                       Birth of Pythagoras.
529                                                                          Settled at Croton in Magna Graecia.
               iz     1094
565 +                                                                       Birth of Pythagoras.
500                                                                           Pythagoras and his disciples forced to flee Croton.
                iz    1065
565 +                                                                       Birth of Pythagoras.
490                                                                           Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum.
                iz    1055
565 +                                                                         Birth of Pythagoras.
450                                                                            Hippasus the Pythagorean
                 iz   1015

      565                                                                     Birth of Pythagoras.
Minos  490                                                               Death of Pythagoras at Metapontum.
       70                                                                       Seven and a nothing writ the scribe not for nothing
Pythagorus  10   x  11  Anaximander           iz      110                                       1 + 1   =   2
Pythagorus  10   x    5  Egypt                       =       50                                       5 + 0   =   5
Pythagorus  10   x    9  Babylonia                iz        90                                        9 + 0   =   9  
Pythagorus  10   x    5  Samos                      =       50                                        5 + 0   =   5
Pythagorus  10   x  10  Polycrates                iz     100                                  1 + 0 + 0   =   1  
Pythagorus  10   x    6  Croton                     =        60                                        6 + 0   =   6
Pythagorus  10   x  12  Magna Graecia         iz      120                                  1 + 2 + 0   =   3  
Pythagorus  10   x  10  Metapontum             =      100                                  1 + 0 + 0   =   1
Pythagorus  10   x    8  Hippasus                  iz        80                                         8 + 0   =  8
Pythagorus  10   x    9  Philolaus                   =        90                                         9 + 0   =  9
Pythagorus  10   x    8  Archytas                   iz        80                                         8 + 0   =  8  
Pythagorus  10   x  15  Vitruvius Pollio         =       150                                   1 + 5 + 0   = 6
        Azin   120     108                                          1080                                                  iz   63
                           Iz 9 said ZedAlizZed                                                                               6 + 3 = 9
Are you sure your not nuts said the squirrel not trying to try a knot in its shoelace
Pythagorus  10   +   11 Anaximander           iz          21                                          2 + 1 =   3    
Pythagorus  10   +     5 Egypt                      =          15                                          1 + 5 =   6
Pythagorus  10   +     9 Babylonia                iz          19                                          1 + 9 = 10
Pythagorus  10   +     5 Samos                     =          15                                          1 + 5 =   6  
Pythagorus  10   +   10 Polycrates               iz          20                                           2 + 0 =  2
Pythagorus  10   +     6 Croton                    =          16                                           1 + 6 =  7
Pythagorus  10   +   12 Magna Graecia        iz          22                                           2 + 2 =  4
Pythagorus  10   +   10 Metapontum            =          20                                           2 + 0 =  2  
Pythagorus  10   +     8 Hippasus                 iz          18                                           1 + 8 =  9
Pythagorus  10   +     9 Philolaus                  =          19                                           1 + 9 = 10
Pythagorus  10   +     8 Archytas                  iz          18                                           1 + 8 =  9
Pythagorus  10   +    15  Vitruvius Pollio      =          25                                            2 + 5 =  7
                                                                                 228                                                        75
                                                                              2 + 2 + 8                                                 7 + 5
                                                                                    12                                                        12
                                                                                  1 + 2                                                    1 + 2
                                                                                      3                                                           3  
Pythagorus x 12 = 120
Pythagorus x Ouraborus = 90
Pythagoras x Anaximander x Polycrates x Hippasus x Philolaus x  Archytas
10 x 11 x 10 x 8 x 9 x 8
   10 x 11
    110 x 10
     1100 x 8
        8800 x 9
         79200 x 8
fl c   25 BC        Vitruvius Pollio, Roman architect:
                                   9    x     6
                                     5 +4
Time to move on scribe said ZedAlizZed
Oh I quiet liked it here not having to think thought the scribe