Rebooting Accounts: Page 3


Page 3 of rebooting accounts contains the latest stories gathered by Your Brain on Porn. See our original Rebooting Accounts page and Rebooting Accounts: Page 2, which contain over 4,000 more recovery stories. Most of the rebooting accounts that address ED (erectile dysfunction) or DE (delayed ejaculation) mention them in the title.

In addition to the main rebooting account pages, many more recovery accounts are found in these six sections, and scattered throughout the website:

  1. This page contains “advice columns” written by recovering porn addicts
  2. This page contains links to off-site blogs and threads chronicling recovery from porn addiction and porn-induced sexual problems.
  3. A few 90-Day+ Reports from NoFap
  4. 8 pages of shorter stories describing recovery from porn-induced sexual dysfunctions: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
  5. The Other Porn Experiment – Below the article read over 1,000 short recovery stories and “rebooting benefits”
  6. In addition, there are many mini-accounts in What benefits do people see as they reboot?
Commonly used abbreviations: